• word of the day


    scintilla - Dictionary definition and meaning for word scintilla

    (noun) a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
    Synonyms : iota , shred , smidge , smidgen , smidgeon , smidgin , tittle , whit
    (noun) a sparkling glittering particle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scintilla

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Scintilla has 'tilla', remember is as tila [small hill], very tiny as compared to Mountain. So scintilla means 'tiny'.

scintilla = skiny + tinka tinka in hindi means a small drop.. so both the words mean small bits..

SCINTILLA or SCANT - meagre, small.

scintilla-sc(supremecourt)in tilla(in hindi-measurement for land)so why u involving sc in this small tilla of land

seen til .. "til gul gya god god bola".. til is small and tilgul are sparkling

SCINTILLA sounds like CHANTIPILLA in telugu means born baby which looks very small TINY

schin sounds like shan(small time in hindi).

scintilla >> take tilla>> TIL(Mole in english) so chehare pe til is very minute ! lolz

SCINTILLA i.e. sc ( scheduled caste) people in tilla ( means high position) i.e. if a sc man becomes rich it is become SCINTILLA a small figure in the world of buisness.

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