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Short Definition : justification; written order that serves as authorization (esp. a judicial writ); Ex. search/death warrant; V: justify; guarantee

(noun) a writ from a court commanding police to perform specified acts Definition
(noun) a type of security issued by a corporation (usually together with a bond or preferred stock) that gives the holder the right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated price
Example Sentence
  • as a sweetener they offered warrants along with the fixed-income securities
(noun) formal and explicit approval
Example Sentence
  • a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement
(noun) a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications Definition
(verb) show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
Synonyms : justify
Example Sentence
  • The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns
  • The end justifies the means
(verb) stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of
Synonyms : guarantee
Example Sentence
  • The dealer warrants all the cars he sells
  • I warrant this information
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for warrant

we say a WARRANT is issued against him, so a warrant is to JUSTIFY that he is liable to be taken into custody

Warrant your reasons before declaring WAR against ANT

Warrant and errant sound the same. A warrant stands for a document giving legal authorisation for an action. Errant refers to a wayward person. So, you can say...the warrant is for the errant boys.


Short Definition : guarantee; assurance by seller

(noun) a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for warranty

Warranty and guarantee sound and mean the same, as they both stand for a promise of replacement or repair.


Short Definition : tunnels in which rabbits live; overcrowded living area; crowded conditions in which people live

(noun) United States writer and poet (1905-1989)
Synonyms : robert penn warren
(noun) United States jurist who served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1891-1974)
Synonyms : earl warren
(noun) a series of connected underground tunnels occupied by rabbits
Synonyms : rabbit warren
(noun) an overcrowded residential area
Synonyms : rabbit warren
(noun) a colony of rabbits
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for warren

barren-- nobody lives in barren lands.. warren(habitat for rabbits), is the opposite of barren, and can be described as a populous region because rabbits live in multitudes.

During WAR people RUN to refugee camps that are overcrowded living areas.

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WARREN BUFFET...the world's richest person.....when he goes anywhere,the place becomes densely populated

WAR+ren(rain)--during AR and heavy RAIN time ..people choose to move to safer places and thus overcrowed the living area.

Warren buffet deals with stock market where its always crowded

barren lands--no body stays der. warren lan --people fight to stay der (war) and so its crowded

[Warren], split as: either WAR or RAIN, 'throng of people' is moved to a secured place.

you should know Estella Warren, (if you dont, google it) she resembles much to Rabbits! especially in playboy outfits


Short Definition : very cautious; watchful

(adj) marked by keen caution and watchful prudence
Example Sentence
  • they were wary in their movements
  • a wary glance at the black clouds
  • taught to be wary of strangers
(adj) openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wary

Wary and worry sound the same... you become wary (cautious) if you have too many worries in life.

WAtch out caRyfullY = WARY

WARY = WAR+ARmY - in case of WAR ARmY has to be on alert.

wary = chary

be WARY = BEWARE = cautious (think of WARY as BEWARE, meaning CAUTIOUS)

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Don't worry too much, just be a little wary when you go into the street.


Short Definition : waster; profligate

(noun) someone who dissipates resources self-indulgently
Synonyms : waster
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wastrel

A wastrel is a person who wastes money on self-indulgence, is a profligate.


wast(waste)+rel(rail)...so a person who is throwing waste materials in a rail.

wastrel: divide it into 2 parts,WASTE+REL ,so that it will imply that,the employs of RELiance has WASTEd all the capitals of the firm.It means that the employs of the RELiance are PROFLIGATE.

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waste reliance...wastrel....he was wasting money as he had got job in reliance

Wastrel = waste + rel (relatives); waste relative means relatives are going to scattered or dissipated.

wastrel is one who is going to waste in rail.

waste relations,A wasteful or good-for-nothing person. -wastrel


Short Definition : move or swing back and forth; be uncertain or unsteady in decision or movement; Ex. wavering between accepting and refusing

(noun) someone who communicates by waving Definition
(noun) the act of pausing uncertainly
Example Sentence
  • there was a hesitation in his speech
(noun) the act of moving back and forth
Synonyms : flicker flutter
(verb) pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
Synonyms : hesitate waffle
Example Sentence
  • Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures
(verb) be unsure or weak
Synonyms : falter
Example Sentence
  • Their enthusiasm is faltering
(verb) move hesitatingly, as if about to give way
Synonyms : falter
(verb) move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern
Synonyms : fluctuate vacillate
Example Sentence
  • the line on the monitor vacillated
(verb) move back and forth very rapidly
Example Sentence
  • the candle flickered
(verb) sway to and fro
Synonyms : weave
(verb) give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency
Synonyms : quaver
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waver

Like a sea WAVE going UP and DOWN in taking decision.

Wave… Waver person waves to take a tough decision.

Waver and quiver... waver is to become unsteady and quiver is to shake or vibrate. They both refer to a state of unsteadiness.

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waver---wave r...fluctuate


Short Definition : increase gradually (as the moon); grow

(noun) any of various substances of either mineral origin or plant or animal origin; they are solid at normal temperatures and insoluble in water Definition
(verb) cover with wax
Example Sentence
  • wax the car
(verb) go up or advance
Synonyms : climb mount rise
Example Sentence
  • Sales were climbing after prices were lowered
(verb) increase in phase
Synonyms : full
Example Sentence
  • the moon is waxing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wax

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If you go for WAXing( A technique to remove hair from your skin..usually ladies go for it) once..next time the hair growth on your skin INCREASES GRADUALLY...

if you dont clean your ear canal on regular basis ,then the wax in your ear shall go on INCREASING/GROWING/ACCUMULATING..........;)

Lapse is the opposite of wax, while wax refers to an increase in something, lapse refers to a decrease.

Government always wax the tax


Short Definition : ambush; lie in wait for and attack

(verb) wait in hiding to attack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waylay

on the WAY robbers LAY wooden logs to stop you

waylay(phaltu person in hindi)have no work so they attack peaple to loot them.

one the WAY you LAY in and hide in the bushes to attack your enemy.

animals dont LAY their eggs on the WAY coz someone can ATTCK them and hence they lay their eggs SECRETLY[behind bushes]

way+lay... imagine a situation where an army LAYs its plan of attacking the militants on their WAY to their destination..

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you lay on d way in dark to stop him and attack


Short Definition : accustom a baby not to nurse; accustom (the young of a mammal) to take nourishment other than by suckling; give up a cherished activity; cause to gradually leave (an interest or habit); Ex. wean onese

(verb) gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk
Synonyms : ablactate
Example Sentence
  • she weaned her baby when he was 3 months old and started him on powdered milk
  • The kitten was weaned and fed by its owner with a bottle
(verb) detach the affections of
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wean

wean == mean--asking to give away what we like, milk from baby, etc.

Wean sounds like Bean ( say SoyBEAN)-- milk is considered a good alternative to cow's milk, so you can wean away the baby from its mother's milk and feed it soya milk instead.

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VI-HEEN KAR DENA, that is to cause to leave

snds like 'weep'-so baby started weeping wen they weaned her

wean sounds like mean>>> woh itani mean hai ki woh dudh pite bacche ka bhi dudh chinn le... kulata..

she is so mean ..usne bacche ko maa ka dudh nahi pine diya(wean)

wean and ween sound same. ween means to think and wean means to deprive baby of mother's milk.wean has a->b. so wean is the baby one


Short Definition : tired after long work; V.

(verb) exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress
Example Sentence
  • We wore ourselves out on this hike
(verb) lose interest or become bored with something or somebody
Synonyms : fatigue jade pall tire
Example Sentence
  • I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food
(adj) physically and mentally fatigued
Synonyms : aweary
Example Sentence
  • `aweary' is archaic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for weary

After long work surely u will look for leaving formal DRESS(WEAR)

Weary and Dreary...when you are weary (tired), everything seems dreary(gloomy).

if you are told to wear same dress everyday then 1 day you wil get tired wearing it and ask "WEAR dis?? Y????"

Wearing all safety dress made him tired after long work

he is weary due to lot of worries.i.e. worries made him weary

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Sounds like SURGERY. After a surgery, you often feel very tired.

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