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Short Definition : steadfast; firm; not changing

(adj) marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
Example Sentence
  • firm convictions
  • a firm mouth
  • steadfast resolve
  • a man of unbendable perseverence
  • unwavering loyalty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unfaltering

Remove 'f' from the word it becomes UNALTERING... Alter is to change so UNFALTERING is not changing or being firm.

UN(not)+FALL+ING = Unfaltering => not be able to fall down.

Unfaltering and unflinching...both mean... someone that cannot be detered (unwavering).


Short Definition : genuine; real

(adj) not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed
Synonyms : genuine true
Example Sentence
  • genuine emotion
  • her interest in people was unfeigned
  • true grief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unfeigned

un(not)-feigned(fined): you are left unfined if you are HONEST, and this is a GENUINE fact.

a true love or honest can never be felt or known by anyone.that is unfeeled by anyone

pronounced as - UNFENED--> UN(not)-fenkna--> no useless talks(fenkna) only GENUINE things..

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Unfeigned and undisguised... the truth and not a deception.

un foreign - genuine real Indian product

looks like "Un-fake" which makes you real and genuine


Short Definition : immature; not having the feathers necessary to fly; CF. fledgling

(adj) (of birds) not yet having developed feathers
Synonyms : immature
Example Sentence
  • a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill
(adj) (of an arrow) not equipped with feathers
Synonyms : fledgeless unvaned
Example Sentence
  • shot an unfledged arrow
(adj) young and inexperienced
Synonyms : callow fledgling
Example Sentence
  • a fledgling enterprise
  • a fledgling skier
  • an unfledged lawyer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unfledged

Fullfledged (in full bloom, mature, complete) is the opposite of unfledged (immature, young, inexperienced).

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if u remember fledgeling is a bird ready to fly for the first time, hence unfledged is bird imatture to fly or having no feathers

un(not)...fledg relates to (flesh)..ged..(aged)..if ue flesh is not aged.dat means yu r not aged or yu can say..yu r still immature...


Short Definition : defrock; strip a priest or minister of church authority

(verb) divest of the frock; of church officials
Synonyms : defrock
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unfrock

Priest put on frock. UN(gives negative connotation)+FROCK- so to put off frock. Here if priest put off his frock then the designation that he is holding, gets deprived from him.

Unfrock and strike off (the role) mean to be dismissed from the services.

un frock of the priest -> remove the priest from his authority and his frock.


Short Definition : (of someone) awkward in movement; clumsy; (of something) unwieldy; Ex. ungainly dancer/instrument

(adj) lacking grace in movement or posture
Example Sentence
  • a gawky lad with long ungainly legs
  • clumsy fingers
  • what an ungainly creature a giraffe is
  • heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair
(adj) difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape
Example Sentence
  • an awkward bundle to carry
  • a load of bunglesome paraphernalia
  • clumsy wooden shoes
  • the cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ungainly

un(means NOT) + GAINly...a model who LACKS GRACE IN HER MOVEMENT OR IF SHE WALKS IN AN AWKWARD manner on the ramp, will NOT GAIN popularity.

un+ gain=> if u gain (increase) in weight then you cant(un) walk gracefully...

un - not, won't it be AWKWARD if you do NOT GAIN from something?

Gait is a manner of walk....UNGAINLY is to walk clumsily

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un gain energy to walk so walking clumsy or awkward

Ungainly and rickety... someone who is unstable on their feet, clumsy.


Short Definition : ointment

(noun) semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation
Synonyms : balm ointment salve unction
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unguent

Ungent if rephrased as urgent can be used as, say, 'There is an urgent need for the ointment (ungent).

ung(body in hindi)+bent(injury) = unguent--> so u need ointment

its easy. ointment is a cermony that marks a kid becoming a man. a kid or an UN-GENT. get it?

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synonyms:.... analgesic, application, balsam, cerate, compound, cream, demulcent, dressing, embrocation, emollient, formula, lotion, medicine, ointment, potion, poultice, preparation, prescription, salve, soother, soothing agent, unction, unguent

p+Ungent..ointments have pungent smell

Unguent can be broken as Un+gue...Now in hindi joo is a leech in the hair which causes irritation and itching...So joo can be removed by using an ointment..

unguent can be spelt as urgent which means fast.now when a surface is slick or oily any object slides on it with speed.therefore, unguent = urgent = speedy = oily = ointment

in hindi "anjan" means a medicine. so u can remember unguent means anjan/ointment

anju(unju) ent doctor told to apply ointment in broken tooth.


Short Definition : sameness; monotony; ADJ. uniform: the same all over

(noun) a condition in which everything is regular and unvarying Definition
(noun) the quality of lacking diversity or variation (even to the point of boredom)
Synonyms : uniformness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for uniformity

Uniformity and superficiality have the same sounds and they mean, something that does not change, is monotonous.


Short Definition : one-sided; involving or affecting only one side; Ex. unilateral declaration

(adj) involving only one part or side
Synonyms : one-sided
Example Sentence
  • unilateral paralysis
  • a unilateral decision
(adj) tracing descent from either the paternal or the maternal line only
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unilateral

Unilateral and Bilateral have the same sounds but they are opposite in meaning. Unilateral means to involve one part while bilateral is the involvement of two parties.

lateral means side.


Short Definition : that cannot be impeached; beyond doubt or question; blameless and exemplary

(adj) beyond doubt or reproach
Example Sentence
  • an unimpeachable source
(adj) free of guilt; not subject to blame
Example Sentence
  • has lived a blameless life
  • of irreproachable character
  • an unimpeachable reputation
(adj) completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach
Synonyms : unexceptionable
Example Sentence
  • two unexceptionable witnesses
  • a judge's ethics should be unexceptionable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unimpeachable

un+im+peach+able. peach sounds like "bleach" which means to whiten or to increase glow. so impeach means to decrease glow or accuse. so unimpeach means peach which is whiten or increasing glow or not accusing. having no doubts.

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: impeach means to doubt or question, unimpeachable means that cannot be doubted

to PREACH is to BLAME some one or lecture them. so "unimPEACHable" is the antonym.

UNIM(not)+SPEAKABLE....when you cannot speak about a thing, its beyond question

IF u eat peach there will be stain on ur shirt so question raised.Thus unimpeachable means no question raised i.e blameless

Un+I+M+PEEachable, I haven't pee over there ao I am blameless

Unimpeachable and infallible sound the same and they both mean, incapable of being wrong, blameless.

UMPIREs are unimpechable


Short Definition : unrepressed; free in behavior and feelings

(adj) not inhibited or restrained
Example Sentence
  • uninhibited exuberance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for uninhibited

UN(not)INHIBIT(to put down by force or authority).....thus uninhibited means free in behaviour and feelings or unrestrained

Uninhibited and liberated have similar sounds and they both mean, unrestrained.

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