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Short Definition : awkward (to carry or move); cumbersome; unmanageable

(adj) difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape
Synonyms : unmanageable
Example Sentence
  • we set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter
  • almost dropped the unwieldy parcel
(adj) difficult to work or manipulate
Example Sentence
  • unwieldy rules and regulations
(adj) lacking grace in movement or posture
Example Sentence
  • a gawky lad with long ungainly legs
  • clumsy fingers
  • what an ungainly creature a giraffe is
  • heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unwieldy

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un+wieldy...WIELD(y) rhymes with WELD...that which can be WELDED is easily changeable or MANAGEABLE. so WIELDY is EASILY MANAGEABLE. and unwieldy is the opposite

un-yeildy = not yeilding = unmanagable

u might want to UNload those unmanageable groceries w/ a WIEL-(wheel)-barrel

un+wieldy(yeild,field) ->Difficult to carry or manage because of size, shape, weight, or complexity.

Unwieldy and Lumpy, mean something heavy, cumbersome.

Unwieldy---un+wield(near to wild)+y--anything wild or awkward looking thing is unwieldy.

if iron (suppose a gun) is not welded properly it will look awkward

Anything with a Wheel can be easily moved and managed. Unwieldy ~~ Unwheely - difficult to manage


Short Definition : not knowing; unaware; unintentional; Ex. She was their unwitting accomplice; Ex. unwitting insult; CF. wit: know

(adj) not done with purpose or intent
Example Sentence
  • an unintended slight
  • an unintentional pun
  • the offense was unintentional
  • an unwitting mistake may be overlooked
(adj) not aware or knowing
Example Sentence
  • an unwitting subject in an experiment
(adj) unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge
Example Sentence
  • he was completely ignorant of the circumstances
  • an unknowledgeable assistant
  • his rudeness was unwitting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unwitting

wit is knowledge. Witting means knowing something.UN(not)WITTING(knowing something)


Unwitting and Discerning are similar in sound but opposite in meaning. While unwitting means ignorant, discerning means to perceive with the mind or senses (only someone clever has the power to think).

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made witty remark un intentional and not knowing he is ur friend


Short Definition : unaccustomed; unusual; Ex. He arrived with unwonted punctuality.

(adj) out of the ordinary
Example Sentence
  • an unwonted softness in her face
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unwonted

WONTED=WANTED... name of salman khans film.....but if its sequel is named UNWONTED ,now that shall be UNCUSTOMARY=UNUSUAL...; )

Something that you Wont do - unusual

unwonted - u are not accustomed to something that is unwanted... r u?

Something that you WONT do... usually

Unwonted along with Unexpected refers to something unusual.

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wonted sounds like "wanted" which is necessity of everyone and usual in their life. so unwonted means unusual.

UNWANTED..people of some villages didn't WANT short clothes because it was not customary

imagine a person who gets everything he wants in life. now if something unwanted happens. it will be an unusual predicament for him

un wont(custom or habit)-> uncustomed


Short Definition : reprimand; severely scold

(verb) express criticism towards
Synonyms : reproach
Example Sentence
  • The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for upbraid

elders criticize severely if their girls UP their BRA

braid means hairdo(hairstyle). upbraid means destroy hairdo. In hindi baal khinchna. If teacher rebukes or scolds you, he/she pulls your hair.

It has the word raid in it , it implies when sm1 raids your house and finds black money , u will be scolded very badly

up + bra : girls dont do it here or ..

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ladki ki choti kheechna is extremely reprimanded

upBRAID. Relate BRAID with BRIDE. When you catch up a bride who's eloped, you scold her severly and reprimand her.

Upbraid and Deprecate have somewhat similar meanings. The words mean, express disapproval of, reprimand.

A BRAID(plait) is a pattern formed by intertwining three or more strands of flexible material such as textile fibres, wire, or human hair so u r asking a girl to lift her braid (upbraid)tie up over n ask her to walk mean(criticize

give up bribe above the bike openly so policeman severely scolded him

UPper class people often faces RAIDS....

Up(coming) + raid ; If someone comes to raid ur house, you will first try to scold or Critize him, to woo him off..


Short Definition : (sitting or standing) straight up; honest; moral

(noun) a vertical structural member as a post or stake
Synonyms : vertical
Example Sentence
  • the ball sailed between the uprights
(noun) a piano with a vertical sounding board
Synonyms : upright piano
(adj) in a vertical position; not sloping
Synonyms : unsloped
Example Sentence
  • an upright post
(adj) of moral excellence
Synonyms : good just
Example Sentence
  • a genuinely good person
  • a just cause
  • an upright and respectable man
(adj) upright in position or posture
Synonyms : erect vertical
Example Sentence
  • an erect stature
  • erect flower stalks
  • for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression
  • a column still vertical amid the ruins
  • he sat bolt upright
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for upright

Upright....UP(stand) and RIGHT(means who is always correct,honest)....tht is upright

Upright has the same meaning as Honest.

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Does anyone know wedding vows or DU HAST song by RAmmstein? it says: Will you until death separates you be upright to her forever! Never! Never!!


Short Definition : noisy confusion

(noun) a state of commotion and noise and confusion Definition
(noun) loud confused noise from many sources
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for uproar

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hearing up roar sound of lion we are confused

UP + ROAR. When the roar of the lion goes up (roars loudly), there is great commotion among the other animals.


Short Definition : marked by commotion or uproar; very noisy (esp. with laughter); hilarious; causing loud laughter; extremely funny

(adj) uncontrollably noisy
Synonyms : rackety rip-roaring
(adj) marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter
Synonyms : hilarious screaming
Example Sentence
  • hilarious broad comedy
  • a screaming farce
  • uproarious stories
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for uproarious

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uproarious has ROAR, sound made by Lion which always comes b4 TOM AND JERRY starts....its a show marked by commotion,fun,laughter and is sometimes noisy............; )

uproarious has ROAR, sound made by Lion & its very loud & noisy.

Uproarious and Boisterous are rhyming words which means cheerfully noisy.

UPROARIOUS : provoking loud noise or uproar


Short Definition : outcome; final result

(noun) a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
Example Sentence
  • the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise
  • his decision had depressing consequences for business
  • he acted very wise after the event
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for upshot

upshot - when yuvraj aims a shot up (upshot), it comes out (outcome) of the stadium

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The police fired shots up in the air, the outcome was that the mobs dispersed..

Imagine a bar suddenly police in mufti saw a criminal they fired UPSHOT then all people stated screaming CAME OUT of the bar

Sachin (Indian cricketer) hit a shot in the air, the outcome of which was a six... and a win

up+shot-> final result, outcome


Short Definition : suave; refined in manner; elegant

(adj) showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience
Synonyms : polished refined svelte
Example Sentence
  • his polished manner
  • maintained an urbane tone in his letters
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for urbane

Urban(e)- people living in urban areas generally have refined social experience.

urban areas are refined,polished n sophisticated

When you think Urbanity think justifiable vanity or someone who's refined.

Urbane... In an Urban society people are more sophisticated and refined (urbane) as compared to the simple rural folk.

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urbane people love to eat things which are cooked in refined oil

urbane= karan johar;-)


Short Definition : mischievous child (usually a boy); CF. urchin: hedgehog; CF. porcupine: pig with spikes ?; CF. sea urchin

(noun) poor and often mischievous city child
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for urchin

urchin..sounds like ariching which means shouting in telugu..so a mischevious child shouts n screams 4 silly reasons..

urchin:can be considered as sinCHAN=the small naughty japanese boy

Look 'urCHin' as 'church in'. Remember in our hindi movie story, where someone who is too poor to feed the child, usually leaves the child outside 'CHURCH' hence 'urchin'.

in film sachin (vijay hero), the sachin is a mischievious character.

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urCHIN =CHINTU --The mischievious child from CHINTU Jokes

urchin=sachin tendulkar who was a very MICHIEVOUS CHILD as he never use to study..only use to play cricket....;)

Ur(fly) chal(lets go) -- Lets fly. Sounds like the words of a mischievous child.

urchin = your chain is stolen by poor road homeless boy.

Urchin ("adhchan" hindi meaning hindrance) -Poor child has to face many hindrances in his path to prosperity.

Urchin (a mischievous child) - Nuisance (annoying). A mischievous child is often a great nuisance to everyone.

urchin -rhymes with sachin imagine that sachin was a poor mischevous boy playing cricket and breaking other windows haphazardly


ur+chin na(chinna -small in tamil) boy is mischievous

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