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Short Definition : without an equal; single in kind

(adj) radically distinctive and without equal
Example Sentence
  • he is alone in the field of microbiology
  • this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem
  • Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint
  • craftsmen whose skill is unequaled
  • unparalleled athletic ability
  • a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history
(adj) (followed by `to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality
Example Sentence
  • a species unique to Australia
(adj) the single one of its kind
Synonyms : singular
Example Sentence
  • a singular example
  • the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting
  • a unique copy of an ancient manuscript
  • certain types of problems have unique solutions
(adj) highly unusual or rare but not the single instance
Example Sentence
  • spoke with a unique accent
  • had unique ability in raising funds
  • a frankness unique in literature
  • a unique dining experience
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unique

Unique and Alike are opposite words. While unique means something original, alike refers to something that is similar.


Short Definition : unity of pitch (in musical performance); complete accord; Ex. The choir sang in unison.

(noun) corresponding exactly
Example Sentence
  • marching in unison
(noun) occurring together or simultaneously
Example Sentence
  • the two spoke in unison
(noun) (music) two or more sounds or tones at the same pitch or in octaves
Example Sentence
  • singing in unison
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unison

UNI for same; SON (comes from SONUS=SOUND)

Unity of sound is unison(means harmony)

Unison and Union have similar sounds and they both mean, to be in harmony.

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a parent with 2 sons have a lot of quarrels at home. 2 sons never get along, no harmony, no accord. suppose a parent talks to another parent with uni + son ! only 1 son? Total accordance

SYNONYMS:.....UNISON=conjunction cooperation reciprocity accordance agreement community alliance

Union(unison) people shout together for a strike.


Short Definition : characterizing or affecting all; general; present everywhere; of the universe; cosmic; Ex. universal agreement; Ex. a subject of universal interest

(noun) (linguistics) a grammatical rule (or other linguistic feature) that is found in all languages Definition
(noun) (logic) a proposition that asserts something of all members of a class Definition
(noun) a behavioral convention or pattern characteristic of all members of a particular culture or of all human beings
Example Sentence
  • some form of religion seems to be a human universal
(noun) coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions
Synonyms : universal joint
Example Sentence
  • in motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps
(adj) of worldwide scope or applicability
Example Sentence
  • an issue of cosmopolitan import
  • the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time
  • universal experience
(adj) applicable to or common to all members of a group or set
Example Sentence
  • the play opened to universal acclaim
  • rap enjoys universal appeal among teenage boys
(adj) adapted to various purposes, sizes, forms, operations
Example Sentence
  • universal wrench
  • universal chuck
  • universal screwdriver
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for universal

Universal and General sound the same and both words refer to something that is present everywhere, is common.


Short Definition : disheveled; uncared for in appearance; not combed; CF. comb

(adj) not neatly combed
Example Sentence
  • wild unkempt hair
(adj) not properly maintained or cared for
Example Sentence
  • an unkempt garden
  • native vistas and unkempt rambling paths
  • an ukempt appearance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unkempt

Drop the 'm' from unkempt. It becomes 'UNKEPT'...UN+KEPT, something not kept properly or maintained like hair. or someone who is dowdy, untamed.

remember JUSTIN KEMP South Afrcian cricket player...whose hair r always untidy......

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remember kemp fort in bangalore. it was very well maintained. now a mall is being built at that place and they have unkempt it.

un tempt girl, uncared for her appearance & not combed.

Kempt sound close to combed so unkempt is uncombed, shabby.

un+kempt—kempt means neat and tidy, unkempt means the opposite


Short Definition : (of something bad) not moderated; unrelieved or immoderate; without qualification; absolute; Ex. unmitigated disaster

(adj) not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier
Example Sentence
  • unmitigated suffering
  • an unmitigated horror
  • an unmitigated lie
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unmitigate - mitigate means relieve (from pain) unmitigate is unrelievable...

un = unlimited.. mitti = sand.. sand is unlimited in amount on earth.so unlimited mitti

Unmitigated and Detonated are used in the context of something violent.

Un mitigated -> un qualified to enter MITI Gate.


Short Definition : inconspicuous; not blatant

(adj) not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable
Synonyms : unnoticeable
Example Sentence
  • a quiet, unobtrusive life of self-denial
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unobtrusive

something obtruding/protruding will be noticeable, UN(not)OBSTRUSIVE( undesirably noticeable) is unnoticeable and not blatant

Unobtrusive and Attractive are opposite words. While unobtrusive means, not making oneself or itself noticed, attractive refers to something that pulls your attention towards itself.

unobtrusive - un obstruct attention or not attracting attention.

UNOBSTRUCIVE-un(Abstruse) abstruse is some obscure.. profound,, not clear ... which is its not Blatantly visible


Short Definition : having no previous example; novel; unparalleled

(adj) having no precedent; novel
Example Sentence
  • an unprecedented expansion in population and industry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unprecedented

UN(not)..PRECEDE(event occured in past)...so unprecedented means something which has never occured in past or it is novel

un (not) precede(proceed...so we generally proceed with math problems with an eg..its something like not proceed with previous example

un+preced+ent+ed -> Never went to ent before or known before.

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Unprecedented and Repeated are rhyming words but they have opposite meanings. Unprecedented means something novel or unique, while repeated means something that happens again and again.


Short Definition : unattractive

(adj) creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression
Synonyms : unpresentable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unprepossessing

split it as un+possessing. something which you dont want to possess is unattractive.

unprepossesing ~ not worth possesing

Un+prepossessing.....If you do not use prepositions properly in your writing it will be unattractive.

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un+proposing.... noone would ever propose to a girl who is unattractive/unpresentable.(No offence pls)

If you attract to anything,you will try to preposses it than someone else try before. If it is un(not)+prepossessing means you had not attracted to it.

Unprepossessing and Imposing have similar sounds. Unprepossessing (unattractive) is the opposite of Imposing (impressive).

unprepossessing - focus on 'pre'. If you do not possess some quality or the other before you meet somebody, you cant make good first impression


Short Definition : disentangle; solve

(verb) become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of
Example Sentence
  • unravel the thread
(verb) disentangle
Synonyms : ravel ravel out
Example Sentence
  • can you unravel the mystery?
(verb) become undone
Synonyms : run
Example Sentence
  • the sweater unraveled
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UnREVEAL, so reveal a mystery.

unravel~ travel ; the archeologists who TRAVEL around the world to un-entangle/solve the mysteries of human evolution and socialization!

un gravel-> removing sad from small stones SOLVE by a sand filter.

Unravel (disentangle) and Muddle (to mix up) are rhyming words with opposite meanings.


Short Definition : making no attempt to change one's bad practices

(adj) tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
Synonyms : obstinate stubborn
(adj) not reformed morally or spiritually
Synonyms : unregenerated
Example Sentence
  • unregenerate human nature
  • unregenerate conservatism
(adj) unrepentant and incapable of being reformed
Synonyms : unreformable
Example Sentence
  • an unregenerate criminal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unregenerate

sorry if offends ~~ our body has a mechanism of regenerating semen whenever it leaves the body, some people will use this property to their advantage and not try n put a stop to their masturbating habit. hence they become unregene

Unregenerate and Desecrate are rhyming words which mean impiety, sacrilege.

un regenerate a person so making no attempt to change one from bad practices

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