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Short Definition : tropical hurricane or cyclone

(noun) a tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for typhoon

in hindi it is "tuphaan" sounds similar with typhoon ...meaning is same

A TYPHOON in the MONSOON is a harsh tropical storm.

no telephoon in typhoon


Short Definition : oppression; cruel government; ADJ. tyrannical: of a tyrant or tyranny; despotic; V. tyrannize: treat tyrannically; oppress

(noun) a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.) Definition
(noun) dominance through threat of punishment and violence
Synonyms : absolutism despotism
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tyranny

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TY + RANI ~ just to learn the word. After fucking his RANI, raja says TY(thank you) Rani and then fucks his janta

TYRANNY is the VILLANY of a wicked person. A Tyrant as is his villainous nature supresses the weak.

Tyranny- A government by a Tyrant..keep it simple silly:)

The King commands "TIE (ty) THE RANI (ranny)". This shows the dominanance of the king over his wife ( the queen ).. (which is an offence)

thailand ke rani bohath cruel hai

the irani

TY(The) Chambal ki RANI is authoritarian

tyranny ---ty ranny


Short Definition : beginner; novice

(noun) someone new to a field or activity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tyro

tyro...sounds like try karo....a beginner TRYing to establish his buisness.

TYRO and MAESTRO which are rhyming words have opposite meanings. Tyro refers to a learner while a Maestro is a master.

typo, a newbie always make alotta mistakes (typo)

TYRO -change the R with P..a tryo(novice) will usually make a typo(mistake typing)

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Novice Gymgoers will soon get tyred of their old routines.

TYRO -> TIGHT + ROPE...beginner TIGHTROPE walkers will die on the circus tightrope without more practice.

when i STARTED LEARNIG french i used to go to class sitting on a tyre...friends called me TYRO,later i bought a car.

a tyro tyrant


Short Definition : being everywhere; omnipresent; N. ubiquity

(adj) being present everywhere at once
Synonyms : omnipresent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ubiquitous

it pronu~ like mosquitos which are being everywhere

remember UB Group of Vijaya Malliya. It is present everywhere in India.

pronounce it as follows: you(u)+ be(bi)along with me EVERYWHERE until u say+QUIT +TO US...(U+BI+QUIT+TOUS)

God is ubiqui-tous because he sticks with-us everywhere at-once

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it pronu~ like mosquitos which are being everywhere

u-b-cautious...before doing sins...beacause god is present everywhere

universal+mosquito :i.e existing everywhere

u will quit everything to be with us everywhere

ubiquitous - UBI QUIT OUS(other banks ATM) because they are present everywhere.

Ubiquitous is the opposite of absence.

Everywhere u quit us why?

muslims ll say khuda hafiz when greeting their friends. so relate it to god alla. so ubiquitous means god and god is present everywhere.

UBI(union bank of india) was asked to quit US because they wre present everywhere and were threatening american banks

u-bi-quit-ous = Dont QUIT until u r Up and Below and all over (present everywhere)

God U bi EVERYWHERE don't quito us :)

UBIQUITOUS = UBI (UNITED BANK OF INDIA) + QUIT + O + US; We quit united bank of India becoz it is not present everywhere & join HDFC becoz it is present everywhere in the world.


Short Definition : sore place appearing on the skin inside or outside the body; Ex. stomach ulcer; ADJ. ulcerous; V. ulcerate

(noun) a circumscribed inflammatory and often suppurating lesion on the skin or an internal mucous surface resulting in necrosis of tissue
Synonyms : ulceration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ulcer

Ulcer and cancer. An ulcer is a form of cancer.


Short Definition : intentionally hidden; beyond what is evident; situated beyond; unstated and often questionable; Ex. ulterior motive

(adj) lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed)
Example Sentence
  • subterranean motives for murder
  • looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge
(adj) beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote
Example Sentence
  • a suggestion ulterior to the present discussion
  • without...any purpose, immediate or ulterior
(adj) coming at a subsequent time or stage
Synonyms : later posterior
Example Sentence
  • without ulterior argument
  • the mood posterior to
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ulterior

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ulterior = ultra + interior which is very much inside means hidden.

relate it to exterior which means remote or outside, and has the same meaning as ulterior.

ulterior .sounds liks ul - terror seems me to be A terririst group called 'UL' zazira terririst grp.. which are intentionally hidden somewhere in kashmir

ulterior - wwe fans....! ULTIMATE WARRIOR who is situated beyond other wrestlers and now is hidden, questionable (where is he now?)

Ulterior=Ulta.. Means something happening exactly in the opposite way we expected..

Hidden in rear

ULTERIOR = ultra interior; There is magic inside of the hall which is hidden.


Short Definition : final; not susceptible to further analysis; fundamental; Ex. The sun is the ultimate source of energy.

(noun) the finest or most superior quality of its kind
Example Sentence
  • the ultimate in luxury
(adj) furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme
Example Sentence
  • the ultimate achievement
  • the ultimate question
  • man's ultimate destiny
  • the ultimate insult
  • one's ultimate goal in life
(adj) being the last or concluding element of a series
Example Sentence
  • the ultimate sonata of that opus
  • a distinction between the verb and noun senses of `conflict' is that in the verb the stress is on the ultimate (or last) syllable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ultimate

Ultimate (final) and penultimate (one and only).

ulti+mate is ur wife -> final, not susceptible to further analysis, fundamental for yu


Short Definition : last demand; last warning; last statement of conditions that must be met; Ex. They have ignored our ultimatum.

(noun) a final peremptory demand
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ultimatum

Ultimatum...Utimate + Term (condition). These are the ultimate terms and conditions that have to be met...this is the final ultimatum.

ultimatum - you might have seen the movie Bourne Ultimatum where the protogonist, Bourne, demands for his provenance...and gives last warning for his enemies

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ulti + madam = superior madam . think of ur madam in school. she is very strict and WARNS even for silly things. ( haary potters teacher or madam)

last demand, last warning, last statement of conditions that must be met to be in hostel all must wash the tea mat um.(ul+t(tea)+mat+um)


Short Definition : resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult; Ex. take umbrage at his rudeness

(noun) a feeling of anger caused by being offended
Synonyms : offence offense
Example Sentence
  • he took offence at my question
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for umbrage

notice the last 4 letters...RAGE.And then umbrella =shade, rage=anger and resentment.

umbrage == angrez ..who ruled India for a 100 years were very insulting to the Indians.

we grew great resentment to Dolores Umbridge:X <img src="http://api.ning.com/files/PEzUw2o8g1xBx77w9jvlz*oNedgvSjxs2JPivRe6tPGV88QYCSV26FYJK6JfwUTeQMKLv8SAYNeFDTL2J1AutdmFnAJtpKji/Dolores_Umbridge_headshot.jpg" width=40 height=40>

umbrage= um bra rage. he got a fit of RAGE as she dint undo her BRA = UMBRAGE

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sounds like curtley EMBROSE , westindies player ..to whom sachin hits 3 sixes in a row and so he is in Umbrage (really angry)

Umbrage and enrage are similar in sound and both mean, anger.

remeber proff umbridge in harry potter..wasnt she bad,offensive.

umbrella rage...when its raining and there are so many umbrellas out that you get poked in the eye...therefore angry and injured!

someone says something offensive and you say "ummmm" with undertones of rage!

umbrage -> Umbrella ragging,sense of injury or insult,anger.


Short Definition : unexplicable; impossible to account for; unreasonable or mysterious

(adj) not to be accounted for or explained
Synonyms : unexplainable
Example Sentence
  • perceptible only as unaccountable influences that hinder progress
  • an unexplainable fear
(adj) free from control or responsibility
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unaccountable

unaccountable - you cannot EXPLAIN about the statistics that are not in ACCOUNT

Unaccountable and unintellegible have similar sounds and they both refer to something that cannot be deciphered, the unexplained.

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Unaccountable and unintellegible have similar sounds and they both refer to something that cannot be deciphered, the unexplained.

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