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Short Definition : of or like an uncle

(adj) resembling a uncle in kindness or indulgence Definition
(adj) being or relating to an uncle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avuncular

split the word like av + UNCUL(UNCLE) + AR...SO related to an uncle or suitable to an uncle..avUNCULar..uncle.


Short Definition : solemn wonder; feeling of respect mixed with wonder and fear; V: fill with awe; ADJ. awesome

(noun) an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration
Example Sentence
  • he stared over the edge with a feeling of awe
(noun) a feeling of profound respect for someone or something
Example Sentence
  • the fear of God
  • the Chinese reverence for the dead
  • the French treat food with gentle reverence
  • his respect for the law bordered on veneration
(verb) inspire awe in
Example Sentence
  • The famous professor awed the undergraduates
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for awe

ill just say 1 word.. this site is Awe-some

when surprised with a feelin of wonder n fear..we tend to say 'w'hao!! A'w'e

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when surprised with a feelin of wonder n fear..we tend to say 'w'hao!! A'w'e

awe pronunce like ( oh) .people are being impressed by his performance and saying oh


Short Definition : terrible; very bad

(adj) exceptionally bad or displeasing
Example Sentence
  • atrocious taste
  • abominable workmanship
  • an awful voice
  • dreadful manners
  • a painful performance
  • terrible handwriting
  • an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room
(adj) causing fear or dread or terror
Example Sentence
  • the awful war
  • an awful risk
  • dire news
  • a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked
  • the dread presence of the headmaster
  • polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was
  • a dreadful storm
  • a fearful howling
  • horrendous explosions shook the city
  • a terrible curse
(adj) offensive or even (of persons) malicious
Synonyms : nasty
Example Sentence
  • in a nasty mood
  • a nasty accident
  • a nasty shock
  • a nasty smell
  • a nasty trick to pull
  • Will he say nasty things at my funeral?
(adj) inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence
Synonyms : awed
Example Sentence
  • awed by the silence
  • awful worshippers with bowed heads
(adj) extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact
Example Sentence
  • in a frightful hurry
  • spent a frightful amount of money
(adj) inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
Example Sentence
  • New York is an amazing city
  • the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight
  • the awesome complexity of the universe
  • this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath
  • Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent
(adv) used as intensifiers
Example Sentence
  • terribly interesting
  • I'm awful sorry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for awful

aw(an exclamation used to express something which you don't consider good,or you disapprove of something)+ful.............and something which is full of aw is always very bad.


Short Definition : pointed tool used for piercing

(noun) a pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching small holes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for awl

awl sounds like hole......and to make a hole in the leather we need a sharp and pointed tool which can pierce through it....hence we need an awl for this

we make a hole on the wal(awl) with an awl which is awry.

awl rhymes with owl, only owls(stupid person) go for piercing..

Getting piercings is awl the rage right now.


Short Definition : distorted; crooked; bent; Ex. Our plans have gone awry.

(adj) turned or twisted toward one side
Example Sentence
  • a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry
  • his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff
(adj) not functioning properly
Synonyms : amiss haywire wrong
Example Sentence
  • something is amiss
  • has gone completely haywire
  • something is wrong with the engine
(adv) away from the correct or expected course
Synonyms : amiss
Example Sentence
  • something has gone awry in our plans
  • something went badly amiss in the preparations
(adv) turned or twisted to one side
Synonyms : askew skew-whiff
Example Sentence
  • rugs lying askew
  • with his necktie twisted awry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for awry

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awry sounds like "a + vary(variation)" i.e, 'a variation from the expected way or position(turned or twisted to one side)'

this mnemonic is in hindi....awry sounds like a cutting tool in hindi "aarii"which is bent and somewhat distorted in shape

AWRY sounds like AREY! in telugu . When do we call someone angrily AREY! .. When he doing something crooked, distorted .. !

awry=a + wry(worry).If we done something crooked and distorted we feel worry about the consequences.

just replace the 3rd letter "R" with "A"..then it will become "away"...

we make a hole on the wal(awl) with an awl which is awry

A(not)-WRY(worry).If v are not worried about a particular thing,then we are away from that particular matter.

ARI gold from the HBO series Entourage was very awry (crooked) in his ways


Remember Mechanical labs ? we were supposed to cut weld metal. dunno abt ure class but coz of the awry(aari aari aari harippa) my whole class went completely wrong during cutting of metal

awara aree plans kuthe hi chalalate

awry sounds like "a + wry(worry)" i.e, 'a variation from the expected way or position(turned or twisted to one side)' will cause u to worry..

awry: pronounced as aarae.relate it as aadhae(2 and half),which is not a STRAIGHT number.SO it is distorted/crooked


Short Definition : self-evident truth requiring no proof

(noun) a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits
Synonyms : maxim
(noun) (logic) a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof; its truth is assumed to be self-evident
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for axiom

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Ax +i+om - when the axe is on me I will tell the truth. This is surely evident.

Axiom is a rule or principle that most people believe to be true( /universally recognized)... See "om" in Axiom which is universally believed


Short Definition : sky blue

(noun) a light shade of blue Definition
(verb) color azure
Example Sentence
  • Morning azured the village
(adj) of a deep somewhat purplish blue color similar to that of a clear October sky
Example Sentence
  • October's bright blue weather
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for azure

like azharuddin.... captain of indian cricket team....used to wear a blue shirt n pant.... men in blue .

azure (sounds like aajgar......categorised under reptiles(snake...type)........if bites someone.....we could see that srounding area of skin where the aajgar has biten... turns blue in colour

for those who follow footbal! . . italians are called "the AZZURI'S" n they wear blue!... so.. azure=blue

sounds simillar to azo..which is dye used to colour clothes..........derived from azo compounds...this dye is available in blue from also

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azure sounds like azher who was involved in blue films scam.

Azure--- A=Aishwarya Bacchan queen of blue eyes. and azo=dye/colour.

sound lyk azher...who was captain of man in the blue

blue form or colour


Short Definition : chatter idly or foolishly; make continuous sounds like water running gently over rounded stone; N.

(noun) gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby
Synonyms : babbling lallation
(verb) utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way
Example Sentence
  • The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention
(verb) to talk foolishly
Example Sentence
  • The two women babbled and crooned at the baby
(verb) flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise
Example Sentence
  • babbling brooks
(verb) divulge confidential information or secrets
Example Sentence
  • Be careful--his secretary talks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for babble

babble = bab - ble bla bla bla ( ble) which means to chatter foolishly

babble sounds like blabber(Speak (about unimportant matters)).so bla bla bla

imagine a babby in bathtub playing with bubbles and saying Bla Bla Blabble....

babble ~ ba bb bl; just imagine a baby saying Ba ba ba ba .. (making meaningless sounds)


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babble = babe always do bla bla mean womens are talking continuously

Sounds like mother asking his boy baba bol(talk) then the little boy spelling the words which are confusing to understand.


Short Definition : noisy party with a lot of drinking

(noun) someone who engages in drinking bouts Definition
(noun) a drunken reveller; a devotee of Bacchus
Synonyms : bacchant
(noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Definition
(adj) used of riotously drunken merrymaking
Example Sentence
  • a night of bacchanalian revelry
  • carousing bands of drunken soldiers
  • orgiastic festivity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bacchanal

Bachchan acted well in movie SHARABI -hope it helps

bachelors + all. if many bachelors (college hostel) join they will have a party with drinks. so warden shouting at them for creating noise. bacchanal = bachelors party= drinking and making noise

Baccha(Child)+nal(noise). in punjabi, baccha nal noise karnde hai drinking party which.

it seems like bachhalan (charater less fellow) and we can imagine as he is an drunken fellow....

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bac-chanal- this reminds us of a pub cald back(ward) channel.Pub is a place ,where music and lots of noise is made.

Bacchaus is Roman God, is happy with dance and drink and forbidden sex in the back. Bacch+anal

bacha pi k nali me gir gaya..

Imagine: a BACHelor party in Amsterdam. It was quite a BASH. The groom got drunk and fell into a CANAL.


Short Definition : the ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus

(noun) an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus (= Bacchus)
Synonyms : dionysia
(noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bacchanalia

Bachalan(characterless) log hamesha daaru pee ke party karte hain-toshitrules

bacchan the bewada alia mean.. party karayega hi daru ki

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