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    askew - Dictionary definition and meaning for word askew

    (adj) turned or twisted toward one side
    Synonyms : awry , cockeyed , lopsided , skew-whiff , wonky
    Example Sentence
    • a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry
    • his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff
    (adv) turned or twisted to one side
    Synonyms : awry , skew-whiff
    Example Sentence
    • rugs lying askew
    • with his necktie twisted awry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for askew

Also it can b taken as SCREW which is not straight,it is bent, zigzag etc

as+kew....kew..sounds like key......as we know all the keys are somewhat twisted in shape

a +skew; skewed : means something which is not straight and leveled...something which is crooked

"Ask You"??? Never, you give crooked answers.

Ass + Que [line]: Ek line me jab sab ass honge to vo straight nahi hogi...vo tirchi hogi

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