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Short Definition : rubbing away by friction; gradual decrease in numbers or strength; reduction in the work force without firing employees; wearing away of opposition by means of harassment; Ex. a war of attrition

(noun) erosion by friction Definition
(noun) the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice Definition
(noun) sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation Definition
(noun) a wearing down to weaken or destroy
Example Sentence
  • a war of attrition
(noun) the act of rubbing together; wearing something down by friction
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for attrition

it is rythemic to NUTRITION- so rem it as ATRRUTION IS A MAL_NUTRITION,which weakens people's strength

sounds like 'at + recession'. 'At recession' time companies are at 'attrition' i.e, 'gradual weakening or wearing away'

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attrition = at + rition (sounds like RATION); Due to flood, ration is available in very limited amount. there is a shortage of food everywhere in our city.

attrition has 2 meanings 1: at + friction = rubbing away by friction 2. attrition = malnutrition = decreasing strength of ppl (in workforce or opponent)

attrition sounds like CONTRIBUTION,.. so you have contributed alot in your company's performance to decrese the trade deficit.

Sounds link Adulteration, which decrease the strength of purity.

If you ATTRIbute your success in school to tuiTION(generally dull students attend private tuition)means you cant do anything on your own, so in future your salary numbers will be very low :P

the ATTRIbutes of an ION gets decreased when it gets rubbed

see trite in it which means overuse which results in wearing away of surface...

attrition= at + tri +ti +on; at tripple transmit flag on i.e .

attrition = at + tir(tripple) + ti (transmit flage) + on; Tripple transmit flag is on; i.e more friction at the path.

attrition is like attack + friction, causing it to wear off or weaken


Short Definition : not normal; not typical

(adj) not representative of a group, class, or type
Synonyms : untypical
Example Sentence
  • a group that is atypical of the target audience
  • a class of atypical mosses
  • atypical behavior is not the accepted type of response that we expect from children
(adj) deviating from normal expectations; somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal
Synonyms : irregular
Example Sentence
  • these days large families are atypical
  • atypical clinical findings
  • atypical pneumonia
  • highly irregular behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for atypical

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a(not)+typical(normal)=not normal or not typical


Short Definition : daring; bold; N. audacity

(adj) invulnerable to fear or intimidation
Example Sentence
  • audacious explorers
  • fearless reporters and photographers
  • intrepid pioneers
(adj) unrestrained by convention or propriety
Example Sentence
  • an audacious trick to pull
  • a barefaced hypocrite
  • the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim
  • bald-faced lies
  • brazen arrogance
  • the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress
(adj) disposed to venture or take risks
Example Sentence
  • audacious visions of the total conquest of space
  • an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas
  • the most daring of contemporary fiction writers
  • a venturesome investor
  • a venturous spirit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for audacious

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audacious..auda(AUDIBLE)....IF YOU WANT to be audible to millions of people you have to be very daring and bold ,to go to the stage and deliver your message.

it sounds like "how dare she is(audacious)"i.e au(how)da(dare)c(she)ious(is)..so it is daring

when you go for some audition you need to be bold and daring.

When someone 'has the audacity' to do something, they have the nerve aka courage

There is audition going on for India Idol 4 in Delhi, versatile judges will select you so you shud have enough courage to face them at audition (audacious)

he heard (aud - from audio) that it would be viscous so he came quickly

MEN are always ACUrrate. Right?


Short Definition : examination of accounts of a business; official examination; V.

(noun) an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
Synonyms : audited account
(noun) a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation
Example Sentence
  • he made an audit of all the plants on his property
  • an energy efficiency audit
  • an email log audit
(verb) examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification
Example Sentence
  • audit accounts and tax returns
(verb) attend academic courses without getting credit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for audit

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audit ~ add it; you do a lot of addition and subtraction while auditing.


Short Definition : increase; add to

(verb) enlarge or increase
Example Sentence
  • The recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the Near East
(verb) grow or intensify
Example Sentence
  • The pressure augmented
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for augment

you can remember it as opposite of segment...... segment means to make less.... augment to add

breast augmentation...do i need to explain further ??? :D

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say"augment"- ur mouth,opens in such a way that,somone or somthing is in ur mouth,and it is full and increasing.Ex- while ur rnds, keep birthday cake in ur mouth,wen u cut it..

"augment" sounds bit like INCREMENT which means to increase....

AAG+MINT- if u put MINT in AAG then aag's intensity increases.

when kahi AAG(FIRE)cathches.vo ek minute me bohot fel(INCREASE)jati hai.

AUGust MoNTh's days are 30+1 so add 1.

remember it as "AUGMENTED MATRIX' in which we add the extra elements to the existing matrix...


augment sounds like argument; You misleading argument, can increase the chances of damage to our company.


Short Definition : omen; prophecy; sign of coming events; V. augur: predict; foretell; be a sign of (something in future)

(noun) an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come
Example Sentence
  • he hoped it was an augury
  • it was a sign from God
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for augury

Augury.... Augur..... Sounds like Eager. We are always eager to know whats written in our future... so...

augury..think it to be aug(aag i.e fire in HINDI) +u +ary(HARRY)..u got a prophecy that u will b in fire along with harry,,,

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aagey aa rahi events

AUGury - ETS has given us an AUGury about the GRE pattern changing in AUGust 2011

augury- its like AUG+gURU-remember it as ...aug is the month of tht event tht guruji pridicted(prophecy) !

AUGURY sounds like HARRY....we know in harry it ends wit prophecy saying

AUGURY = SAINT AUGUSTINE. Saints receive signs (auguries) from God.

aao+ gori aao goriyon tumhara IPL mein as acheerleader selection karna hai indicating ipl is coming soon

think of it as"aagey kya hoga rey".... augury

An Ugly Gory( white female) in land of colored people ~bad omen LOL...

aag on an island ..... which indicates that a person is there

gury-replace u by o..so gory...gory means somthing ghostly..

Augury : Aug (August) + ur (your) + y (day); 1st day of coming August some great things will happen.

Augury: Ogury: OMEN


con (with) tension

Augury: Ogury: OMEN


whenever i c a gory(cute)i am always sure she is the one :|


Short Definition : impressive; majestic

(noun) the month following July and preceding September
Synonyms : aug
(adj) of or befitting a lord
Synonyms : grand lordly
Example Sentence
  • heir to a lordly fortune
  • of august lineage
(adj) profoundly honored
Synonyms : revered venerable
Example Sentence
  • revered holy men
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for august

August.. The month of the sun sign - LEO the lion (the king of the forest,the most majestic animal)

the 15th AUGUST celebrations at the redfort are IMPRESSIVE

august reminds the king Augustus who was majestic and impressive

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In addition to what aka.bhagvanji said.. August=>The month of the sun sign - LEO the lion (the king of the forest,the most majestic animal "INSPIRING RESPECT AND ADMIRATION")

august- is usually an impressive beautiful month in the u.s

au stands for gold. which is a majestic mineral


Short Definition : sun's corona; halo; bright circle of light

(noun) the outermost region of the sun's atmosphere; visible as a white halo during a solar eclipse
Synonyms : corona
(noun) an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aureole

aurora+hole,aurora refers to star which is bright and hole refers to round shape,aureole refers t bright hole around a saint

AUREOLE= OUTER+HOLE so if thr is a hole outside the light comes in think of solar eclipse (Diamond ring)

air + hole : sun corona rare hole : halo

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think of LORD BUDDHA .. the bright sunlike light behind him is an AUREOLE . ie. the sun's corona

those who have aura --> there is a hole(circle)ard their head and that is known as auerole


IN Chemistry AURUM element is nothing but gold.


Short Definition : pertaining to the aurora borealis; CF. aurora australis

(adj) of or relating to the atmospheric phenomenon auroras
Example Sentence
  • a prominent green line in the spectrum of the auroras is called the `auroral line'
(adj) characteristic of the dawn
Synonyms : aurorean
Example Sentence
  • a dim auroral glow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for auroral

AUR RO ke LAL mat ho...have an auroral glow

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auroral; it seems like aur + royal. and now i will remember it as now A GOT MY OLD FRND ,WHO BELONGS TO A ROYAL FAMILY,SO NOW I THINK IT IS A NEW DAWN IN MY LIFE.

(aurora)l | (bore)d uncle (aurora) went to see aurora (bore)alis


Short Definition : favoring success; giving signs of future success; Cf. auspices

(adj) auguring favorable circumstances and good luck
Example Sentence
  • an auspicious beginning for the campaign
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for auspicious

: a+uspicious—sounds like “a suspicious” any thing suspicious is not favourable, so a(not ) suspicious means FAVORABLE, SUITABLE

auspicious sounds similar to suspicious; being suspicious in nature can really favor your success if your a detective.

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August month is the respective month

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