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Short Definition : forbiddingly stern; ascetic; without comfort or enjoyment; severely simple and unornamented; Ex. a monk's austere life; Ex. austere grandeur of the cathedral; N. austerity

(adj) severely simple
Synonyms : severe stark stern
Example Sentence
  • a stark interior
(adj) of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect
Synonyms : stern
Example Sentence
  • an austere expression
  • a stern face
(adj) practicing great self-denial
Example Sentence
  • Be systematically ascetic...do...something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it
  • a desert nomad's austere life
  • a spartan diet
  • a spartan existence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for austere

AUS-australia TERE-tear(sorrow). like the recent beatings of Australians in INDIA. so one should deny oneself from going there

austere sounds like severe which it means

remember austin? I mean STONE COLD steve austin. he was harsh , severe and stern

(in Hindi language) Austere = A(hindi, means NO) + Ustere = A + USTARA(Hindi, Knife) = No+Ustrara => Aaj ke jamane me one without Ustara, it means he is SEVERLY SIMPLE

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auSTERe....connect it with stern

AUS-australia TERE-tear(sorrow). like the recent beatings of Australians in INDIA. so one should deny oneself from going there

Austere = I steer away (from)

Aus=out Tere=tear with strength (not water) Tearing out from your desires-self denials.

austere ( tear are so simple without any decorations and they are filled with emotion

Aunts' Tears: When his AUnts saw his rigorously self-disciplined lifestyle, they alll bursted into TEARS.

a+us+tere—USne TERE pyar ke liye sab chod diya and led a SIMPLE LIFE WITHOUT COMFORTS

a+us(usne)+tere pyaar me khana pina chod diya hai


Short Definition : prove genuine

(verb) establish the authenticity of something
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for authenticate

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To see a movie you have to show your ticket which must be genuine


Short Definition : subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will; Ex. authoritarian regime/father

(noun) a person who behaves in a tyrannical manner
Synonyms : dictator
Example Sentence
  • my boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime
(adj) characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty
Example Sentence
  • an authoritarian regime
  • autocratic government
  • despotic rulers
  • a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war
  • a tyrannical government
(adj) expecting unquestioning obedience
Example Sentence
  • the timid child of authoritarian parents
  • insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for authoritarian

disciplinarians are authoritarians

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authorized to do terror


Short Definition : having the weight of authority; regarded as providing knowledge that can be trusted; reliable; peremptory and dictatorial; Ex. authoritative dictionary/manner; CF. definitive

(adj) having authority or ascendancy or influence
Synonyms : important
Example Sentence
  • an important official
  • the captain's authoritative manner
(adj) of recognized authority or excellence
Example Sentence
  • the definitive work on Greece
  • classical methods of navigation
(adj) sanctioned by established authority
Synonyms : authorised authorized
Example Sentence
  • an authoritative communique
  • the authorized biography


Short Definition : having absolute unchecked power; dictatorial; N. autocrat, autocracy

(adj) offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power
Example Sentence
  • an autocratic person
  • autocratic behavior
  • a bossy way of ordering others around
  • a rather aggressive and dominating character
  • managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way
  • a swaggering peremptory manner
(adj) characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty
Example Sentence
  • an authoritarian regime
  • autocratic government
  • despotic rulers
  • a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war
  • a tyrannical government
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for autocratic

auto(means self)+cratic(cracy)......means goverment...............goverment by self ,goverment by one person.

autocrat sounds like aristocrat which means hereditary nobility, Some one who has aristocracy will behave like a boss , or superior

authority create karne wala


Short Definition : mechanism that imitates actions of humans; machine that works by itself

(noun) someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way
Synonyms : zombi zombie
Example Sentence
  • only an automaton wouldn't have noticed
(noun) a mechanism that can move automatically
Synonyms : golem robot
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for automaton

its not mnemonic..just think as automatic which works automatically


just remember autobots of transformer's

S: Zombie.. Somethin thats automatic like a machine and imitates actions of humans

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automaton= automat(automatic) + on. and now i will memorise it as on switching ON ,the machine AUTOMATICALLY starts working which reduces the human effort.

ROBOT. who imitates human actions

Auto=self,mation for machine,so automation= machine which operate itself (Robot)


Short Definition : self-governing; N. autonomy

(adj) (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces
Example Sentence
  • an autonomous judiciary
  • a sovereign state
(adj) existing as an independent entity
Example Sentence
  • the partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies
(adj) (of persons) free from external control and constraint in e.g. action and judgment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for autonomous

Autonomous resembles automatic..somethin thats self governing doesn need or require help..

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You are in control driving you AUTO ON A MOUSE.


Short Definition : examination of a dead body; postmortem; V.

(noun) an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease Definition
(verb) perform an autopsy on a dead body; do a post-mortem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for autopsy

autopsy- if some one came under auto(piss(hindi)) - needs examination

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automatice post martem a psychic act

Via French or modern Latin < Greek autopsia "seeing with your own eyes" < autoptēs "eyewitness


Short Definition : offering or providing help; additional or subsidiary; N: helper; assistant

(noun) someone who acts as assistant
Synonyms : aide
(adj) functioning in a supporting capacity
Example Sentence
  • the main library and its auxiliary branches
(adj) furnishing added support
Example Sentence
  • an ancillary pump
  • an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism
  • The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for auxiliary

aux+hillary:hillary helpful to obama

auxillary:ox always helpful in fram's


Short Definition : great mass of falling snow and ice

(noun) a slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain Definition
(noun) a sudden appearance of an overwhelming number of things
Example Sentence
  • the program brought an avalanche of mail
(verb) gather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow
Synonyms : roll down
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avalanche

remember AVALANCHE cell.it can all of a sudden recharge and cool itself as it it is having a huge mass of ice in it

a(away or negative something)+valance=a great mass like vast snow or iceberg is something out of valance.

this sounds like aval(available) an (an) che (huche) means cold ; ie cold is available . it means mass of ice and snow.

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remember bachendri pal and avalance!!!

ab ('now' in hindi) + launch.. ab baraf ka gola launch kar do..

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