• word of the day


    disgorge - Dictionary definition and meaning for word disgorge

    (verb) cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over
    Synonyms : shed , spill
    Example Sentence
    • spill the beans all over the table
    (verb) eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
    Example Sentence
    • After drinking too much, the students vomited
    • He purged continuously
    • The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disgorge

gorge(george) tried to eject #%^- cum- into mouth, but she vomited,so he had to quickly surrender somthing....plz take it kool...

If you gorge and gorge (eat) like a pig you are sure to throw up (vomit)sooner or later.

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dis + gorgeous . somthing not gorgeous, u'll feel like puking

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