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    sinister - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sinister

    (adj) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
    Example Sentence
    • a baleful look
    • forbidding thunderclouds
    • his tone became menacing
    • ominous rumblings of discontent
    • sinister storm clouds
    • a sinister smile
    • his threatening behavior
    • ugly black clouds
    • the situation became ugly
    (adj) stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable
    Synonyms : black , dark
    Example Sentence
    • black deeds
    • a black lie
    • his black heart has concocted yet another black deed
    • Darth Vader of the dark side
    • a dark purpose
    • dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility
    • the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him
    (adj) on or starting from the wearer's left
    Example Sentence
    • bar sinister
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SINISTER - let us break it into Hindi - SIN (GUNAH) + IS + TER = TARAH ... sin is tarrah bad gaye hain ke charoan aur evil he evil chha gayi hai.

Sinister sounds like Monster. ~an evil monster

SINISTER or an EVIL-DOER - suggesting that something evil or harmful is at hand.

sin minister

sin + sister.a person having a sinister sister

Sinister- one who commits sins is EVIL and Wishes EVIL.

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