• word of the day


    choleric - Dictionary definition and meaning for word choleric

    (adj) easily moved to anger
    Example Sentence
    • men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing
    (adj) quickly aroused to anger
    Example Sentence
    • a hotheaded commander
    (adj) characterized by anger
    Synonyms : irascible
    Example Sentence
    • a choleric outburst
    • an irascible response
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cholera is a disease . When you are sick you get irritated and bad-tempered, you are choleric. So choleric

choleric=co+lyric....when cosingers are not following the lyric properly...composer gets anger(hot tempered)

Sounds like COLORING we ridicule a person as COLORING if he talks with girls with a desire to trap them ,so if that is the case ,if we call a person who is busy in COLORING as " stop coloring",he gets IRRITATED EASILY

Cholestrol.. people having this become short tempered thus angry!

When you become enraged, you become the COLOR RED.

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