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    quail - Dictionary definition and meaning for word quail

    (noun) flesh of quail; suitable for roasting or broiling if young; otherwise must be braised Definition
    (noun) small gallinaceous game birds Definition
    (verb) draw back, as with fear or pain
    Synonyms : cringe , flinch , funk , recoil , shrink , squinch , wince
    Example Sentence
    • she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf
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If you fail in exam, you loose your heart and quail before your dad :)

when whale comes to you u will quail

it sounds like jail..so when u think of jail u shrink back in fear

Quail are birds which are coward. Coward is one who "turns tail"

q(QUEEN)+UAIL(VEIL)...SO A QUEEN IN VEIL shrinked in fear and lost her heart when she unveiled her self and saw a demon in front of her.

The quail birds were frightened of the hunting dogs.

Cowards QUAIL and BAIL.

Quail is a bird.. when you approach them , they draw back in fear as in you 're going to harm ...

Quail is the road to fail.

if somebody after watching (q)question you(u) are you ail i.e u becomes weak.

when earthQUAke prevaILes, you Quail

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text: it's quail time people stan
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