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    ardour - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ardour

    (noun) a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)
    Synonyms : ardor , elan , zeal
    Example Sentence
    • they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor
    • he felt a kind of religious zeal
    (noun) intense feeling of love
    Synonyms : ardor
    (noun) feelings of great warmth and intensity
    Synonyms : ardor , fervency , fervidness , fervor , fervour , fire
    Example Sentence
    • he spoke with great ardor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ardour

similar to odour- sweating odour is due to heat.

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our order is very strong.

Ardour (Meaning -With great enthusiasm and Interest) is somewhat homonyme of Order.. and We give orders to others with Enthusiasm and Interest.

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