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(adj) with little or no preparation or forethought
Example Sentence
  • his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment
  • an extemporaneous piano recital
  • an extemporary lecture
  • an extempore skit
  • an impromptu speech
  • offhand excuses
  • trying to sound offhanded and reassuring
  • an off-the-cuff toast
  • a few unrehearsed comments
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for extemporaneous

TEMPORARILY done in haste and so not planned.

remember an extempore that we did in school which was spontaneous and NOT PLANNED

my GRE ex attempt was poor b'coz it was not planned...

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EXecuted TEMPORArily...coz its not planned...!!!


EX means "without," and TEMPOR means "time." Thus EX TEMPOR means without time.

Think of Extempore, where you are given a word and you have to give a small lecture on it.


(verb) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
Synonyms : mitigate palliate
Example Sentence
  • The circumstances extenuate the crime
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for extenuate

rhymes with attenuate meaning WEAKEN

ten + ate. eating brunch at ten daily ll make u weak. timely diet shld be followed

palliATE, mitigATE and extentuATE all mean thin and weak....


(verb) destroy completely, as if down to the roots
Example Sentence
  • the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted
  • root out corruption
(verb) pull up by or as if by the roots
Example Sentence
  • uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden
(verb) surgically remove (an organ)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for extirpate

Lord Rama destroyed Ravana by shooting a tir-teer(arrow) in his pate(belly)....

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Extirpate~~~Exterminate or Extract

ExtirPate: (Extir+Pate) Extir:Extra & pate:stomach in hindi so extra stomach(belly) is not required, hence to be removed

e+xtir..stir..+pate...the COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of babri masjid STIRRED THE whole nation.....

he is expirpating the extra pate

extirpate -- to remove something unwanted extra + pate (stomach) extra pate is unwanted and needs to be extirpated.

extirpate = ex-tear-apart

Extirpate = Ex (cut) + tir (arrow) + pate (stomach); Cut the stomack by entering the arrow.


(verb) praise, glorify, or honor
Synonyms : exalt glorify laud proclaim
Example Sentence
  • extol the virtues of one's children
  • glorify one's spouse's cooking
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for extol

Extol = Ex + Tol. My EX-Girlfriend always praised the 'Tall' guys highly in front of me. And so our relationship ended!

you pay TOLL tax to cross a glorious praiseworthy Bay bridge in SFO

extol - exTALL - make somebody TALL with praise.

think of EXtra TOLl tax collected from u by PRAISING the worli sea link...


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the minister was EXTOLLED as he masde the TOLL tax EX (past)

being EXtra TOL(tall) is a matter of PRAISE

EX (give out, gift) a sTOLe in "praise" of someone.

extol: ex= extra, tal= talk, talking excess about someone is praising them./ (or) Ex exta, tol = toll fee, you praise a lot the toll gate watchman to let you go with paying a extra penny

to make sth excel//


(noun) the surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another (usually under the provisions of a statute or treaty)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for extradition

ex-tradition.. like tradition is handed down through generations.. so its something to do with passing/giving.. here its a surrendering of a prisoner between two states! This might help you..

India-Pak has Old(EX) TRADITION , where they release opposite nation prisoners in exchange of their own... i.e. if INDIA release 10, den PAK will also relase 10... hope u got..!!

can be read as extraction + nation =extradition ..extracting or surrendering of people to other nation..

consider the trad part in extradition--> its like trading (of prisoners) between two states

Trade+Nation. Nations often trade prisoners in the time of war.

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ex+tradition...means handing down of belief statements , custems and things from generation to generation.... handing down the prisoners of one country to another country........................ example ...portugal goverment handled down abu slem to


(verb) release from entanglement of difficulty
Example Sentence
  • I cannot extricate myself from this task
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for extricate

concentrate on ex+tric...mr.EX(X) PLAYED A TRIC(k) in order to FREE himself from the prison.

take it as the opposite of intricate which means to entangle

(ex+tric+ate) when u remove all the tricks played on someone he/she becomes free

sounds similar to extract and that is what the meaning is.

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It took EXTRA(extri)effort for KATE(cate) to free her cat from its entanglements

EXTRICATE means the opposite of RESTRICT.

sounds excrete >>> to excrete means to remove from...


extricate = ex-trick-ate = remove from a tricky situation

Jailor rusticated because kaidi bhag gaya

Extricate = ex means cut the box, tri means tripple, cat & free them to eat.


(noun) joyful enthusiasm Definition
(noun) overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval
Synonyms : ebullience enthusiasm
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for exuberance

barrons overflows with that big wordlist

ubhar kar aana...when u remove 'ex'


(verb) feel extreme happiness or elation Definition
(verb) to express great joy
Example Sentence
  • Who cannot exult in Spring?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for exult

EXam+resULT - he was very happy when the exam result was out because he had topped in his exams.

opposite of insult..

when exam result out.. --> express great pleasure or happiness, especially at someone else's defeat or failure(enemy).. exalt --> praise someone

exult close to extract...extracting out the inner joy

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