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    mitigate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word mitigate

    (verb) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
    Synonyms : extenuate , palliate
    Example Sentence
    • The circumstances extenuate the crime
    (verb) make less severe or harsh
    Example Sentence
    • mitigating circumstances
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mitigate

Mitigate > "Gate pe kutte ki potty pe mitti daal do" why? so that the intensity of bad odour will lessen.

think of MITIGATE as COLGATE(toothpaste).Use of COLGATE lessen or try to lessen the extent of germs in our teeth. Use of MITIGATE will also lessen or try lessen the extent of [depends on your usage :)}]

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mitigate -> MIT + i + gate... when you reach the gates of MIT.. your tensions about PG admissions will be appeased/mitigated!!

there should me less "mitti" on gate,so mitigate means -to lessen

some how sounds to me like midget.. i.e. small person and can be considered to have less strength (force)...

to lessen "mitti" in our house,"mitti" "gate" ke bahar kar do. Therefore MITIGATE - to lessen MITTI by throwing it out of GATE.

The opposition layer was mitigating the evidence. The chances of winning the case was lessen.

if u r preparing for gate exam and feeling tensed..to make your tension eat some meeti like cadbury to REDUCE(MAKE LESS SEVERE) the tension..mitigate..!!

Mitti ke gate par bike takrane se gate kamjor ho gaya

money has been vanishing slowly but constantly(DECREASING) who's PURSE of guy, having shopping with his girlfriend, decreasing = MITIGATING = reducing slowly

MINI GATE - only smaller, less intense things can pass through

Mit-Mighti.e,Harshness Gate-To stop, TO stop harshness and to easen one's pain

Sodium ChlorATE (bleach) will mitigATE a stain on clothes

mitigate = he is atanding in the gate with miti i.e is sweet to make leesen the quarrel between us.

gate ke andhar mitti nahi hona chahiye

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