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(verb) express a negative opinion of
Synonyms : belittle pick at
Example Sentence
  • She disparaged her student's efforts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disparage

dispa-rage can be read as display a rage. When you display your RAGE on your juniors you BELITTLE them in front of the others.

dis-opposite, parage-praise so if u don't praise 4 someone u criticize him.

disparage~discourage : when you give negetive comments/opinions about the effort put by people around you they get DISCOURAGED!


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26th janury ki parade ke background mein kisine disco ka music chala diya and that led to everyone's disparade

we DISPARAGE a 10-paisa coin

we know Disparity=inequality or difference in some respect... same Disparage=belittle someone..


(adj) fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
Example Sentence
  • such disparate attractions as grand opera and game fishing
  • disparate ideas
(adj) including markedly dissimilar elements
Example Sentence
  • a disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disparate

Dis(this) + parate(parrot) is different from the rest. But how?? It can talk!!!

Disparate can be broken as: "This" "sEparate" so read as "this is separate"!

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Disparate == Dis + parate ; This parrot and that parrot are completely different

"disparity" which means inequality or difference----->disparate

Disparate: Two lovers are talking 2 each other Girl:how to Identify Boy and Girl. Boy:Remove ur cloths i will say Boy & Girl:Get Naked.Boy:See ur Pussy and my Penis(Dick) they both are DISPARATE.and he fucked the girl.she say Ouch

disparate…di(as we call our elder sister by this name usualy didi.)+sparate(separate)..didi has got separate TV in her room , which is very much different from our old TV.

'disparate' is NOT 'desperate'- it's "very different"

two roots words.. dis - not parity - similarity disparity means not similar


DI +SPARATE.. pronounce it as the separate!..


(verb) occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion
Synonyms : amuse divert
Example Sentence
  • The play amused the ladies
(verb) play boisterously
Example Sentence
  • The children frolicked in the garden
  • the gamboling lambs in the meadows
  • The toddlers romped in the playroom
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disport

diSPORT - you play/watch sports for your amusement.

Disp-o-rt : to display-own-art display-SPORT to amuse others

disport = di ( double) + sport; ppl r playing sports with double enjoyment i.e. making noise.


(noun) a person who dissents from some established policy Definition
(adj) characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards
Synonyms : heretical heterodox
(adj) disagreeing, especially with a majority
Synonyms : dissentient dissenting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dissident

ASSENT = agree; DISSENT = disagree; DISSIDENT = a person who dissents/disagrees.

resident- one who agrees and co-operates, dissident -one who is rebellious.

dissident..dis+sident......this word sounds very similar to resident....think you are a resident of particular place and if some one suggest you to leave that place....will you do that...no certainly no...you will disagree..

no certainely no...you will disagree or dissents from that person...suggestion.....or opinion...

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sident means sit....dissident means can not sit so rebellious.

assent-to agree with; assenter: the one who agrees with. dissent - to disagree; dissenter - the one who dissents. dissident - the one who strongly dissents and criticizes the govt.

in Resident Evil movie.. the main characters Rebell against the company.. :)

dissident met president


(verb) become wider
Synonyms : dilate
Example Sentence
  • His pupils were dilated
(verb) cause to expand as it by internal pressure
Example Sentence
  • The gas distended the animal's body
(verb) swell from or as if from internal pressure
Example Sentence
  • The distended bellies of the starving cows
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distend

try to relate it with dis means distance and extend means to expand.

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This(DIS) Tent(TEND) can expand easily

dis(apart) + tend(stretch) So distend means to stretch apart or expand.

stend- take it as stem. stem generally expands or swell out ,wen there is a clot of water ..

Imagine DISTance from an END ->Extend;Wider;swell out

TENDancy to DISassociate=DISTEND

Distend-or this tond(belly) has expanded

close to distance...reserved people stay at a distance (secondary meaning of distant is reserved or aloof)

Tendentiousness (tend) towards distant (dis); Therefore reach the distant.


(adj) deeply agitated especially from emotion
Synonyms : overwrought
Example Sentence
  • distraught with grief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distraught

This year because of drought people were upset and anxious

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its like...dis(not)+traught(thought)....so he did "not thought" of his failure in exam....so he is upset

distraught spells like past tense of distrait(not looking straight ie, not attentive).

distorted signal on tv makes us upset and anxious

DIS(T) dRAUGHT is making leaders very anxious and troubled almost to the point of madness;


(adj) of or belonging to or active during the day
Example Sentence
  • diurnal animals are active during the day
  • diurnal flowers are open during the day and closed at night
  • diurnal and nocturnal offices
(adj) having a daily cycle or occurring every day
Example Sentence
  • diurnal rotation of the heavens
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diurnal

u have to visit the urinal everyday!!

DIA jalana AUR NAL chalana roj ke kam hai

Nocturnal means active in the Night and Diurnal means active in Day

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Diary+journal= diurnal to record the events of your day.


(adj) willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed
Example Sentence
  • the docile masses of an enslaved nation
(adj) ready and willing to be taught
Synonyms : teachable
Example Sentence
  • docile pupils eager for instruction
  • teachable youngsters
(adj) easily handled or managed
Synonyms : gentle
Example Sentence
  • a gentle old horse, docile and obedient
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for docile

making of dosa is easy to control and many people are interested in learning to make dosa

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docile (adj) = do + cile(+ently) == if sb is docile, he/she will do silently and therefore easily controllable..

DOCILE--> DOMESTIC + CHILD --> easy to control

DOC(sounds like dog)....hence docile is submissive as dogs are always loyal and obidient....

Docile = Ductile, In 10th class we studied Gold is Ductile(Docile) and Malleable material.

DOMicile: sounds like DOMestic

DOSAile...when we say DOSA, we think of south India...the literacy in south India is very high because people are DOCILE i.e people are always ready to learn and accept new things........

DOCILE=DOCUMENT + FILE : Document and file should be kept in such a way that they are easy to control and manage....

Doc + File >>> when documents are arranged properly in a file, it can be easily handled and managed...

docile contains 'doc' as in doctor; You have to be docile (easily managed or handled) in front of your doctor.

doc( someone who follows manual or document for everything) will do whatever is explained..so he is easily manageable.


(adj) stubbornly unyielding
Example Sentence
  • dogged persistence
  • dour determination
  • the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics
  • a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it
  • men tenacious of opinion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dogged

a dogs tail is always curved and can never be made straight thus it is dogged

close to dogmatic

A dog's undying determination makes it d most faithful animal.


(noun) a comic verse of irregular measure
Synonyms : doggerel verse jingle
Example Sentence
  • he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for doggerel

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look for the dog word here.....and now try to imagine about the song......WHO LET THE DOGS OUT.............ISN'T IT FUNNY.......SO SOMETHING COMICAL......THIS WORD IS ASSOCIATED WITH COMICAL...SO A COMIC ..SONG..COMIC VERSE...

dog+ge[ji]+rel[real]..assume some1 singing DOG JI TUSSE TOH REALLY REAL HO....even the dog will say its a bad verse..lol


When a dog (a bad boy) want to play with a girl he may use poor verse" doggerel (dog+girl)" to make her change her mind.

because the dog licked my writing homework, I was left with doggerel writing that was pretty funny.

Most dogs in the comics are shown with inappropriate proportions, the head being too small or big teeth.

"DOG GIRL EARL", this is a doggerel

dog+beral(cat)in tom & jerry show

kutay ki tarah bhonka, means useless talk, ultimately doggeral

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