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(noun) a beguiler who leads someone into danger (usually as part of a plot)
Synonyms : steerer
(noun) something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
Synonyms : bait lure
(verb) lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for decoy

Coy means shy, girls act coy to attract guys. Decoy traps animals;

DECOY sounds like DACOIT.wat does a dacoit do?LURES VICTIMS TO DANGER

decoy --> decoit. Police lured/baited the decoit to catch them.

decay+destroy..to destroy first u need to put the thing in danger.. so,first decoy then decay..

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decoy-> villi girls decoy boys and kill them

Decoy: Dec(look) oy(oi) something trap over there.


(adj) worn and broken down by hard use
Example Sentence
  • a creaky shack
  • a decrepit bus...its seats held together with friction tape
  • a flea-bitten sofa
  • a run-down neighborhood
  • a woebegone old shack
(adj) lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality
Example Sentence
  • a feeble old woman
  • her body looked sapless
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for decrepit

Decrease in Brad pit's muscular strength made him very weak

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DECRE(decrease..)..and decrease in a capacity of something will lead to BAD AND WEAK condition of a something.

decrepit -- > decre(decrease) + pit (peet means maarna(beat) in hindi). If you beat someone, he/she gets weak.

DE+CRE(creature)+PIT.....the creature that fell into a pit is in it's LAST STAGE OF DECAY after dying.....

Decrepit->decrease strength or weakness to get out of pit

decrease + pit. prolonged usage leads a thing to DECREASE in value or strength so after the things gets wretched we ll throw it in PIT. (garbage pit)

decrepit. A pit(well) which has been decre(deserted) is in old and weak condition. The 2nd meaning as 1st mnemonic

Decre-Decrease in pit-f(p)itness


(verb) appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use
Example Sentence
  • The accountant embezzled thousands of dollars while working for the wealthy family
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defalcate

de + false + ate = i cheated them of their money and ate the food...have the cake and eat it too :)

to take money in a "FALSE" or fraudulent manner...

de+falcon = falcons behaving fraudulently

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de+false+CAT cat is generally preferred by ppl who want money...false money or money by false tactics

adding to bond....false cat can also mean greedy AUNTIES shown in movies who always misuse property

defalcate -> defal+cate I misuse the def false money and had cake

just like "war hawks" there are probably "fraud falcons"


(noun) withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility
Synonyms : abandonment desertion
Example Sentence
  • his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless
(noun) the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes)
Synonyms : apostasy renunciation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defection

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de + affection -> no affection; if you have no affection then you will leave it

when you go to a shop to buy something but you find that it is DEFECtive - you will surely desert it!

Defection is seen in case of contagious infection. Everyone leaves the patient during that time.

fection- take it as fiction. fiction generally has a deserted background.

de+infection.Infection is something that stays with you where as de infection is something that leaves you..desertion

de + affection -> no affection; if you have no affection then you will be left out in desert alone

de+affection means opposite of affection. It means showing affection to the rivals


(noun) a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard
Synonyms : respect
Example Sentence
  • his deference to her wishes was very flattering
  • be sure to give my respects to the dean
(noun) courteous regard for people's feelings
Synonyms : respect respectfulness
Example Sentence
  • in deference to your wishes
  • out of respect for his privacy
(noun) a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deference

if there is no DIFFERENCE between you and him, then you will respect his wishes.

sounds like REVERENCE

defeat+reverence. in battles we give reverence to even those who we defeat, hence deference to all.

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if you will make no DEFERENCE(difference) between ST/SC/OBC and GENERAL, you will be RESPECTED

defer rhymes wit refer..


DEFERENCE---> sounds like---> di-farmaiye = you are asking respectfully frm ur didi.

there's difference between boss and servant ,so servant respects boss

deference sounds like reference ..so doing things on regard of some1 who is in reference

deference=de+reference -> without refer to

deference sounds like reference. If you have a reference for a letter of recommendation, then you usually respect that reference.

deference Read as "desire + reference" someone acting in reference to your desires.

It sounds like preference,which means giving priority 2 othr

it is like reference of respectable persons which you add in your CV

Deference; defer means to agree with someone.

deference=def+her+hence give her respect


(verb) consider as a god or godlike
Example Sentence
  • These young men deify financial success
(verb) exalt to the position of a God
Example Sentence
  • the people deified their King
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deify

deit(=f)y ... reminds you of God..

Deify sounds like hifi, hifi ppl are treated as god in the restaurants.

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deify - day-fy, day-fly - just like the angels treat like a god.

die+fy.. those who dont die are god..

die+defy= whose who defy deadth=god..

dei fly like a god in the sky


Deify means feel as deity. People in India deify Sachin Tendulkar.


(verb) show the form or outline of
Synonyms : define
Example Sentence
  • The tree was clearly defined by the light
  • The camera could define the smallest object
(verb) determine the essential quality of Definition
(verb) trace the shape of
Synonyms : limn outline
(verb) make a mark or lines on a surface
Synonyms : describe draw line trace
Example Sentence
  • draw a line
  • trace the outline of a figure in the sand
(verb) describe in vivid detail Definition
(adj) represented accurately or precisely
Synonyms : delineated represented
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delineate

Delineate = (Diligently and neatly) portrayed painting.


delineate sounds like alienate, and if you are attacked by aliens, you would describe the event in vivid detail in order to make people believe you!

concentrate upon de+LINE+ate....d stands for draw ,line for sketch and ate for appropriatly.it may help you

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Read as De + line + ate. You describe every word line by line to make ur child ate beet root.

delineate--> de+linea+te, concentrate on the word linea(fiat car), its worth a sketch or portray.

delineate = de (described) + line + ate; describe in line whatever you ate in the marriage ceremony.

De-lineate - BE-LINENIENT - So art teachers will not BE-LINIENT if you do not portray; depict or sketch the figure properly.

de"LINEA"te.... when we spot a linea car we try to sketch the car because of its design!!!...

deLINEATE-if u can concentrate on the highlightened one,ie lineateit tells the meaning that it is single,in a straight line,linear.so delineate is the opposite,ie to describe,dipict,potray ,sketch..etc..


to remember the synonym u have to jus replace LINEA with LINEAR ..... so now the word can be seperated as DE-LINE-ART...ie art by lines

deconstruct the concept line by line

delineate=daily +neat jolly is daily neat and clean so ram sketch her photo and define shape ,quality

To delineATE is with detail, but to adumbrATE is with a sketch

de-line-ate...you can see line ...so you trace the outline..

Deli + ate ->Delhi me kahan Ate karna hai iska pura plan

If some 1 don't know where exactly is Delhi city located you will draw a sketch of india and explain it to him.


(noun) state of violent mental agitation
Synonyms : craze frenzy fury hysteria
(noun) a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delirium

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split it as deli + r(i)um... taking rum daily will cause mental disorder

(Focus on deli in this word and relate that to Delhi) visualize the city DELHI where terrorist sometime create mental disorder among the residents...

delirium - sounds like daily rum... you will get mental disorder and confused

Sounds like delerious

deliri(l)ium..in the LIRIL advetisement every one will be bathing with excitment!!!...

a lot of DELIma causes mental disorder... so delirium means mental disorder marked by confusion :)


(noun) (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings
Synonyms : demurral demurrer
(verb) take exception to
Synonyms : except
Example Sentence
  • he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday
(verb) enter a demurrer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demur

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sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object!

demur --> relate with hindi word "de mar" means "beat" and you beat someone if you object him/her.

de- means "down", while mur means wall(mural), ie., to push against the wall, which could be a sign of "objection".

Your demeanor is your behavior towards others but if you try too hard people might 'question' your intentions and sincerity

The chances of me going out with you are very DIMMER as my parent will object it!

Criminal to Lawyer: DE + MUR = OBJECTION DEga toh MURega

The DEfying MURmur in the audience rose quickly into a audible demur against his suggestion.

JA MUR (go to hell)

remember Michael Douglas demurred to Demi Moore's advancements for Sex in d movie DISCLOSURE!!!


de man ur wouldbe, she hesitate raise an objection

girls will dream her wouldbe,hesitate raise an objection if we are not the one.

JA MUR (go to hell)

demu.pronounce it like abe+ murkh(insane) ye aisa nahi hai..means you are taking objection.

demur-the words can be arranged to get murder and as we know a murderer always refuses and hesitates at first to tell that he has committed the crime

dey murr in urdu/hindi, means dey (give to them) murr (turn away from or show your back to) to say you dissapprove


(adj) affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way
Synonyms : coy overmodest
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demure

demur is the one who objects; demure is who doest not object, who is reserved and shy

Demure(adjective) is for a shy or modest person Demur (verb) is to voice opposition..[which in a sense is not something a shy person will do] Adding 'e' makes question raising person shy and modest.

since you have objected demi moore's proposal she is demure

First thing that comes in mind on reading this is Demi Moore. Demure stands for everything that Demi Moore is not , reserved modest and shy. So remember Demure as opposite of Demi Moore

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demure sounds like deMUTE, and everyone knows that when something is on mute, words are difficult to come out! =D

DE + MU + RE = thoda sharam kar aur duusron ke kaamon me MUh mat DE RE

You demur at demure woman

demure -> de + m(u)(a)re from "mare" (dead) you can relate it to grave.

demure rhymes with sure if one is sure of theirself they are opposite of demure

demure = de(the) + mu (manchester united) + r(are) + e (energetic not arrogant).

demure-> gents(dem) when ur wife want to be Reserved, modest, and shy.

girls murmur to hubby because they are reserved & shy

The real Demi moores of our real life society are actually demure, but demi moore of hollywood is just the very opposite quite the converse

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