• word of the day


    overwrought - Dictionary definition and meaning for word overwrought

    (adj) deeply agitated especially from emotion
    Synonyms : distraught
    Example Sentence
    • distraught with grief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for overwrought

over+wrought => remember wrought iron. Which has become so due to agitation and hysterisis.

sounds like OVER HOT

wrought sounds lik drought...during drought people run mad behind food...they are in a state of agitation

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wrought means worked.. or donr something.. hence overwrought = overworked.. and worked up ppl tend to get irritated and agitated..

over wrote(wrought)in exam in last 5 min - excited or nervous

Amitabh was overwrought when someone wrote “Mera Baap chor hai” on his hand.

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