Definition (adj) of or pertaining to or characteristic of a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative
Definition (adj) relating to or involving dogma
Example Sentence
dogmatic writings
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dogmatic
If you try to read "dogmatic" from back to front, you will get "i am god". the person who think that he is a god is arrogant and stubborn
dogmatic=dogs+mat..dogs dont stay constantly on a mat...they always roam here and there....dogmatic means constant
Dog+matic..... Dogs once chase you, they will not leave you, until bits you!!!
concentrate on word DOGMA. dogma means a doctrine or codes. So dogmatic becomes doctrinal. again a doctrine is made of opinions, thus comes opinionated.
when (dog) barks continually, (mat) shouts in an arrogant manner to make him quiet
Think "dog magic." People may believe DOGs are MAGICal, but they have no way of proving it.
split as Dog(Bad) + Male >>> Dog like males have bad attitude,they are arrogant and think they are always right.
Dogmatic/Dogma: Just think of Dogmatic as "Dog Attitude" hence dog is determined and no one can alter,change the dogs principles like "Dog's Tail is always curvy" .
sounds like driver...just imagine some tech geeks chatting about 'drivers for computer hardware'...but as you are non-techie, for you all that is just nonsense talk..
In basketball, dribbling means to repeatedly hit the ball on the ground.
Drivel is also a repeated action, as one is saying the same thing repeatedly hence its boring, dull etc.
Therefore, drivel = dribble
I always think drivers language as nonsenses, and worst, imagine them drooling when they get too tired from a long drive!
DRIVEL is smething dat DRIVES u nonsense
DRIVE+L....a person is asking you to drive alphabet L....isn't it a silly talk????? how can you drive L!!!!!
or how a kid will pronounce will say DRIVEL and spill salvia....
"Drive to Hell" why any one will say that. its totally nonsense. Drive + el(hell) = Nonsense
dive in well ...which is nonsense
DRIVEL:"I Drive a Limousine"..."What is this 'nonesense'?u can barely afford a bicycle,let alone a Limo!
Dry+Well makes no sense --> nonsense
Mallya/Branson to his pilot: "if you dont DRIVE WELL you are useless." (Drive + well = drivel)
Definition (adj) fraught with uncertainty or doubt
u + dress; that is u enforce your wife to put on a particular dress.
Remember "durex". U r forced and restrained to use a condom to safeguard urself from STDs
dure means hard like in endure.. so duress also means hard condition thats forcible..
Duress rhymes with 'stress'
DURess(logon se dur)..when you are away rom people, you are in duress
duress - darr se
DUring REStraint->DURESS:when u say somebody did something under DURESS u mean that they did it during a period of restraint and thus, were forced to do it
do+stress = duress
Duress= Do + rest..> Your boss got a job of completing 10 files and he threats you by saying I will do one, you do the rest.
He put her under DURESS to DO LESS Curse
Definition (verb) become smaller or lose substance
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