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Short Definition : disposed to revenge; vengeful; out for revenge; spiteful; intended to cause harm; malicious; Ex. vindictive streak

(adj) disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge
Synonyms : revengeful vengeful
Example Sentence
  • more vindictive than jealous love
  • punishments...essentially vindictive in their nature
(adj) showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite
Synonyms : despiteful spiteful
Example Sentence
  • a despiteful fiend
  • a truly spiteful child
  • a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vindictive

vindictive=win+addictive obsessed about winning ...so always having ill will against others

vin(win) a person is always wanting to win , if he loses he feels to seek revenge

The vindictive one is likely to start vendetta(that is fight for revenge).

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vindicate sounds like indicating to win by taking revenge..


Short Definition : wine merchant; winemaker; seller of wine

(noun) someone who sells wine
Synonyms : wine merchant
(noun) someone who makes wine
Synonyms : wine maker winemaker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vintner

the word is like winter,in winter making and selling of wine will be growing

Read the "vin" (wine) in the beginning of the word.

A VINTNER is also a FARMER because he cultivates grapes.

Winter its cold, so u drink wine to feel warm

pint - beer vint - wine :)


Short Definition : break (a law); defile; desecrate; assault sexually; Ex. violate graves

(verb) fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns
Synonyms : break go against
Example Sentence
  • This sentence violates the rules of syntax
(verb) act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
Example Sentence
  • offend all laws of humanity
  • violate the basic laws or human civilization
  • break a law
  • break a promise
(verb) destroy
Example Sentence
  • Don't violate my garden
  • violate my privacy
(verb) violate the sacred character of a place or language
Example Sentence
  • desecrate a cemetery
  • violate the sanctity of the church
  • profane the name of God
(verb) force (someone) to have sex against their will
Example Sentence
  • The woman was raped on her way home at night
(verb) destroy and strip of its possession
Synonyms : despoil plunder rape spoil
Example Sentence
  • The soldiers raped the beautiful country
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for violate

Violate and disobeyed have similar sounds and they mean - to defy.


Short Definition : poisonous snake

(noun) venomous Old World snakes characterized by hollow venom-conducting fangs in the upper jaw
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for viper

A VIPER ia an ADDER (a snake). A VIPER can WIPE out your life.


Short Definition : manly; having masculine spirit or strength; full of strength

(adj) characterized by energy and vigor
Example Sentence
  • a virile and ever stronger free society
  • a new and virile leadership
(adj) characteristic of a man
Synonyms : male manful manlike manly
Example Sentence
  • a deep male voice
  • manly sports
(adj) (of a male) capable of copulation
Synonyms : potent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for virile

Virile (strong) is the opposite of fragile (sensitive).

Vir(Virya) in hindi means sperm...wich comes from man..hence Manly..

VIRILE (veer + like) sounds like veer in hindi who is manly

vir+ile means virya(semen) waala.

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PUERILE -Childish VIRILE -Manly

Virile sounds like nile,a river capable of growing crops..

vi + rail -> train will have strong strength


Short Definition : in essence; existing in essence though not in actual form; for practical purposes; Ex. virtual ruler/space

(adj) being actually such in almost every respect
Synonyms : practical
Example Sentence
  • a practical failure
  • the once elegant temple lay in virtual ruin
(adj) existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact
Example Sentence
  • a virtual dependence on charity
  • a virtual revolution
  • virtual reality
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for virtual

Virtual and fundamental both mean - basic.

virtual [practical purpose]machines uses karana bahot aasan hai


Short Definition : goodness; moral excellence; good quality; advantage; Ex. by virtue of; Ex. make a virtue of necessity

(noun) the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong Definition
(noun) any admirable quality or attribute
Synonyms : merit
Example Sentence
  • work of great merit
(noun) morality with respect to sexual relations Definition
(noun) a particular moral excellence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for virtue

Virtue - something that is pure.


Short Definition : highly skilled artist (esp. in music); Ex. piano virtuoso

(noun) someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field Definition
(noun) a musician who is a consummate master of technique and artistry Definition
(adj) having or revealing supreme mastery or skill
Example Sentence
  • a consummate artist
  • consummate skill
  • a masterful speaker
  • masterful technique
  • a masterly performance of the sonata
  • a virtuoso performance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for virtuoso

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One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso.

virtuoso = picasso who is a SKILLED artist

this is the only barrons word that ends with OSO(OM SHANTI OM)........to produce such a great movie "OSO" Farah K han must have required lots of HIGHLY SKILLED ARTISTS=VIRTUOSO(having lots of VIRTUes)..........:D

A VITUOSO (skilled artist) is a MAESTRO (master of any art).

it is like virtuosa,it is big software company,i think many body know this

Potential Vars in Swayamvar were asked to display their choosene ki (Sucking) Skills to decide who is the best.


virtuoso ends with osHo.. so osho has wide knowledge. so virtuoso is the person like osho.

virtusa workers are highly skilled musician

continuation of above,in that company only high skilled peapole are taken

a good or admirable quality or property: the virtue of knowingone's weaknesses. One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso.


Short Definition : (of a disease or poison) extremely harmful or poisonous; (of a feeling) hostile; bitter; N. virulence; CF. virus; CF. venom

(adj) extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom
Synonyms : deadly venomous
Example Sentence
  • venomous snakes
  • a virulent insect bite
(adj) infectious; having the ability to cause disease Definition
(adj) harsh or corrosive in tone
Example Sentence
  • an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
  • a barrage of acid comments
  • her acrid remarks make her many enemies
  • bitter words
  • blistering criticism
  • caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
  • a sulfurous denunciation
  • a vitriolic critique
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for virulent

it is a virus, which causes disease and harm. So, something virulent is viral and poisonous.

As dangerous and poisonous as Viru (shewag) is for the opponents

Virulent and malignant have the same sounds and they both mean - bitterly hostile.

Virulent and malignant have the same sounds and they both mean - bitterly hostile.

A strong, harsh, and noxious man is VIRILE and vioLENT

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VIRULENT= virus(VIRU) let(LE) him to END(nt)

she LENT him her VIRUs .. this was very dangerous and violent.


Short Definition : disease communicator

(noun) (virology) ultramicroscopic infectious agent that replicates itself only within cells of living hosts; many are pathogenic; a piece of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) wrapped in a thin coat of protein Definition
(noun) a harmful or corrupting agency
Example Sentence
  • bigotry is a virus that must not be allowed to spread
  • the virus of jealousy is latent in everyone
(noun) a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer
Synonyms : computer virus
Example Sentence
  • a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for virus


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