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    desecrate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word desecrate

    (verb) violate the sacred character of a place or language
    Synonyms : outrage , profane , violate
    Example Sentence
    • desecrate a cemetery
    • violate the sanctity of the church
    • profane the name of God
    (verb) remove the consecration from a person or an object
    Synonyms : deconsecrate , unhallow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for desecrate

pronounce it as de-sacred; i.e; spoiling its sanctity or sacredness.

split it up as de+secret.So,expose someone of their secrets.!!!

desecrate and consecrate are opposite......

ounds like de(means doing the opposite of something)+sacred(means…something which is holy and respectable)……diwali is a very holy festival but some people on that day drink and gamble,and thus they violate the sanctity of the festival

desecrate(the +secret) Exposing the secret files of railway ministry we know the violation of law and corruption.

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