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Short Definition : in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord; subordinate or dependent

(noun) a person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vassal

Sounds like vasool. One who has to give a vasool is a vassal.

sounds like fasal(hindi anaz).. so a person in feudal system who can cultivate under him and reprent them to king

Vassal and vessel are similar in sound. A vassal (slave) carries the vessels (utensils) to the kitchen.

The King gifted vessels to his vassals

Simply relate it to vasool which is taken from ordinary public.


Short Definition : change in direction; swerve

(verb) turn sharply; change direction abruptly
Example Sentence
  • The car cut to the left at the intersection
  • The motorbike veered to the right
(verb) shift to a clockwise direction
Example Sentence
  • the wind veered
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for veer

Veer and steer are rhyming words. Veer means to change direction and steer means to direct the course of, guide.

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veer yodha ne HAR DIRECTION CHANGE kar kar ke apne enemy ko maara

After taking BEER all directions change!!!

veer means hill which is frightening hence when u saw it u change the direction


VEER hindi movie...when you think of the movie, you think of Salman whose behaviour, course,opinion always change

VEER is similar to BEER ... after drinking beer you swerve and change direction rapidly


Short Definition : live in a monotonous way (without interests or activity); CF. vegetation: plants of an area; CF. vegetarian; CF. vegan

(verb) lead a passive existence without using one's body or mind Definition
(verb) establish vegetation on
Example Sentence
  • They vegetated the hills behind their house
(verb) produce vegetation
Example Sentence
  • The fields vegetate vigorously
(verb) grow like a plant
Example Sentence
  • This fungus usually vegetates vigorously
(verb) grow or spread abnormally
Example Sentence
  • warts and polyps can vegetate if not removed
(verb) propagate asexually
Example Sentence
  • The bacterial growth vegetated along
(verb) engage in passive relaxation
Synonyms : vege out
Example Sentence
  • After a hard day's work, I vegetate in front of the television
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vegetate

relate it to vegetarian = one who never takes meat or any of its products but only vegetables therefore has a monotonous taste of food.

Vegetate and hibernate are similar in sound. Vegetate means, to live an uneventful life, while hibernate (animals do this) means to go to sleep for a period of time. Therefore both words show inactivity.

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grow (verb suffix ate ) like a vegeta-BLE


Short Definition : forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor; strong; N. vehemence

(adj) marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid
Example Sentence
  • fierce loyalty
  • in a tearing rage
  • vehement dislike
  • violent passions
(adj) characterized by great force or energy
Example Sentence
  • vehement deluges of rain
  • vehement clapping
  • a vehement defense
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vehement

Vehement resembles cement i.e. strong, forceful (cement expands inwards with immense pressure and force) vehement == cement.

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ve(very)+he+men; try to remember as very manly; full of energy

Vehement and turbulent are the same as they both mean- violent, fierce.

VEHEMENT=VE+HE+MENT...when Imran Hashmi saw a Angelina Jolie he bcame INTENSELY EMOTIONAL and WITH MARKED VIGOR he said .."I wanna kiss u in front of the camera...!"...HE MENT (VEHEMENT)..."i wanna do a film with u"........;)

Ve+Heman: Villain+Heman->Villain fought wid Heman violently, forcefully and intensely

1st part is like vim - character of mahabharat. so its forceful and vigorous.

vehement: heman is strong and violent against devil & creates turbulance.

{a vehicle stuck in cement vehemently accelerates to flee}


Short Definition : speed

(noun) distance travelled per unit time
Synonyms : speed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for velocity

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Velocity and rapidity are both significant of speed.


Short Definition : capable of being bribed; corrupt; CF. vernal

(adj) capable of being corrupted
Example Sentence
  • corruptible judges
  • dishonest politicians
  • a purchasable senator
  • a venal police officer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for venal

ve + nal = we null ....we can be easily bribed when we are null in terms of money ...

venal & penal are rhyming words..as penal is something related to crime..in that way we can remember venal as a crime(corruption).

venal is somewhat related to veins that carries blood.a person taking bribes from poor is nothing but their blood sucker

The guy is venal because he has to pay dowry for her sister "menal's" marriage.

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Venal can be related to vain which carries impure or bad blood ... corruption is also bad

sounds like villain which is corrupt person..behen ke lodo.........

v(we)+ en(enable) + al(all)by means of money i.e making dishonest.

venal sound like binash, from binash---> binosto (corrupted)

(LiL bit Abusing)venal=Chinal.Chinal is always corrupted

VENAL: Combination of two words. Very pENAL. PENAL relates to bad crimes that are punishable. Corruption is a good representation of such Very pENAL or VENAL deed.

venal: ve = we(wealth) is like Nal(hindi : means the tool inserted in horse nose to control him) for him i.e u can control him by money : corruptable

Rhymes with LEND I CAN'T. A mendicant is unable to lend money.

you have destroyed your life in venal i.e without doing anything.

NAL=(National aeronautic limited) V.E(like VP) of NAL is easily corruptable

venal - ve(we)+al(all) being bribe and corrupted

Kings of corruption often end up dead or imprisoned- eVEN AL capone.

Venal and disloyal are similar in sound and both mean... dishonesty.


Short Definition : blood feud (esp. between two families); CF. Nina Williams

(noun) a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other
Synonyms : blood feud
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vendetta

Ven (when)- d (the)- etta (attack)....when they attack each other they are in vendetta.

'v for vendetta' :) ~ vengeance

vendetta = when + death + accurs (occurs). so ask urself a question that WHEN -------- OCCURS DEATH OCCURS. u ll answer when a fight or conflict occurs death occurs. VEN conflict occurs DEath (A)occurs.

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think of vendetaa which sounds like cassata filed with blood instead of stwawberiies

ven koi kuch detta hai to ladai hota hai

vann + devata >>> vann devata ka jabb prakop hota hai taab saab jagli janwarr tumhe maarne ke liye aate hai,, aur tumm kitana bhi unako maaro woh tumhe maar karr hi rehate hai..

vendetta - ven(vendam in tamil)+detta(cut him in tamil). So dont take revenge


Short Definition : seller

(noun) someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vendor

Vendor and peddler are both sellers who sell their products.


Short Definition : thin surface layer (of good quality wood, glued to a base of inferior material); cover; surface show; fac{c}ade; V.

(noun) coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood
Synonyms : veneering
(noun) an ornamental coating to a building
Synonyms : facing
(verb) cover with veneer
Example Sentence
  • veneer the furniture to protect it
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for veneer

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veneer .. in hindi neer means water .. so ve-neer seems like Be Neer .. Be water .. thin layer like that of water .. hence the meaning

surface of PANEER is very VANEER

veneer sounds like elaneer (tender coconut). and inside elaneer there ll be a thin layer of white edible coconut. so veneer = thin layer

Your friend saw your furniture and was awed. He asked "when" it was bought, to which you replied " a year" ago. It looks new because of the "veneer"

: when VE(we) travel in train, VE(we) get railNEER, which has a thin covering outside to decorate

veneer:ven(when)+eer(beer).so my mother caught me and asked me when did u drink beer as i could not COVER it before her.

ve=we + neer (pani=water in hindi),we have coated thin layer of water on wall to test this water proof paint.

(looking) very new because of outer layer

sounds like thiner for paint..........which is usually creats a thin layer if used solo

venerate - vener(hot water in tamil). So will cover hand with a thin layer of cloth for safety


Short Definition : deserving high respect; commanding respect; CF. command: deserve and get

(adj) impressive by reason of age
Example Sentence
  • a venerable sage with white hair and beard
(adj) profoundly honored
Synonyms : august revered
Example Sentence
  • revered holy men
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for venerable


VANAR(monkeys in the Ramayana ) were ABLE to respect HANUMAN because he was the strongest of them all.

Venerable politicians are vulnerable to attacks because they are savory.

VULNERABLE innocent tigers must be made venerable to protect them

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its similar to vunerable in the sense that it stands for old which is somewhat vunerable.its opposite to vunerable in the sense that it is respectful as opposite to vuneramle which is generally not respected

when + able >>> when u r an ABLE, people will HONOR U and RESPECT U...

venerate - vener(hot water in tamil). Give high respect or else will pour hot

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