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Short Definition : location; place (of a crime, trial, gathering, etc.); CF. come

(noun) the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting)
Synonyms : locale locus
(noun) in law: the jurisdiction where a trial will be held
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for venue

VE + NUE -- VERY + NEW...this venue has recently been added.. it is very new.


Short Definition : (of a person) truthful

(adj) habitually speaking the truth
Example Sentence
  • a veracious witness
(adj) precisely accurate
Synonyms : right
Example Sentence
  • a veracious account
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for veracious

the root word 'VER' refers to true.. hence we can frame words like: veracious - truthful and verisimilitude - an appearence of truth.

VERAcious...VEERA always tells truth :)

Mendacious is the opposite of veracious. Mendacious is falsehood and veracious means truthful.

बहरासिअस -One who always tells truth, people got deaf(बहरा), because truth is bitter.

ve=we + racious=race, so we nigro race people are always truthful & honest.


Short Definition : truthfulness; adherence to the truth

(noun) unwillingness to tell lies
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for veracity

veracity and voracity were two cities, people of vora city used to eat too much and people of vera city used to tell truth about their fattiness, which caused differences between two cities (in this way you can remem. both words)

U must have the audacity to exhibit veracity!!!audacity means courage...veracity means truthfulness......(2 words at a go)

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ver=truth so truthfulness or honesty

VERITASERUM...a potion in harry potter which is used to make ppl tell truth is derived from this word!!!

Veracity and sincerity are both synonyms of the word truthful.

VERUS is a Latin root for true....

veracity rhymes with accuracy ...(sing it)

vera=veer in hindi veer is powerful person) + city, so in vera city every thing is truthful.

veracity (verify + accuracy) = truthful

VERAcity...VEERA always tells truthful city :)


Short Definition : put into words; ADJ. verbal: of words; spoken rather than written; oral; of a verb

(verb) be verbose
Synonyms : verbalise
Example Sentence
  • This lawyer verbalizes and is rather tedious
(verb) express in speech
Example Sentence
  • She talks a lot of nonsense
  • This depressed patient does not verbalize
(verb) articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise
Example Sentence
  • She expressed her anger
  • He uttered a curse
(verb) convert into a verb
Synonyms : verbalise
Example Sentence
  • many English nouns have become verbalized
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for verbalize

verbal-->words hence verabalize is put into words

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Verbalize and sermonize sound the same and mean, a speech.


Short Definition : word for word; in the same words; repeating the actual words exactly

(adj) in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker
Synonyms : direct
Example Sentence
  • a direct quotation
  • repeated their dialog verbatim
(adv) using exactly the same words
Synonyms : word for word
Example Sentence
  • he repeated her remarks verbatim
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for verbatim


verbatim = verbat(verbal) + im(important) .... an important talk should be reported word for word .....

Verbatim is like immitation...both words signify, to copy.

verb+atim = hatim, so verd used by hatim was repeated word to word by him.

verb-at-im - verb at immitation using same words


Short Definition : pompous array of words; too many unnecessary words; wordiness

(noun) overabundance of words
Synonyms : verbalism
(noun) the manner in which something is expressed in words
Example Sentence
  • use concise military verbiage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for verbiage


Can be split into verb + age, usually aged people speak a lot.

verbiage--verb+i+age--a person who is using verbs(words)ten times more of his age.

verbiage is garbage of verbs(or words) i.e excessive

relate it to VERBOSE

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Verbiage can be phrased and rephrased into smaller words such as verb,age, beige, big, and so on, thereby giving you a choice of words (verbiage).

verb+iage— VERBusAGE—using lot of verbs(words)

VERBal+AGE =with age u gain more control on the verbal part and can use a pompous array of words.


Short Definition : wordy; N. verbosity

(adj) using or containing too many words
Example Sentence
  • long-winded (or windy) speakers
  • verbose and ineffective instructional methods
  • newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials
  • proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for verbose

VER for verbal BOSE for boss; so you may say that your boss is excessively verbal.

verb + ose ..hence can be related to verbal and hence word

relate it to "Verbal",as verbally we go for words to convey our msg,so verbose is with lots of words(wordy)

verbal overdose:i.e. too many words giving overdose

break it as verb->words and ose->ooze ..words are ozig out

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verb obesity

overdose of verbs == verbose


Short Definition : green; covered with green plants or grass; lush in vegetation; Ex. verdant meadows

(adj) characterized by abundance of verdure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for verdant

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Animals with BADA DANT eat greenery.

ver = true verd = green verb = words

VARDAAN(blessing)...green colour is ablessing...green vegetables,trees,hills....

Its a VERDAN to sit on grass, away from this fast,hectic,competitive life ! isnt it?

Verdant (greenery) and exuberant (growing profusely)...the exuberant wild flowers of the verdant rain forest.

simple here the clue is green ,right??hav you ever imagined or have seen a weird+ant which is green in color??

'verdant'='verdure'+'ant'; '-ant' means 'full of' so 'verdant' means full of verdure.

verdant - coVER the dent in the bus with green leaves


Short Definition : green coating or patina on copper which has been exposed to the weather

(noun) a blue or green powder used as a paint pigment
Synonyms : cupric acetate
(noun) a green patina that forms on copper or brass or bronze that has been exposed to the air or water for long periods of time Definition
(verb) color verdigris
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for verdigris

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verd means green and take gris as grease. So, a coating of a green colour on metal.

Verdigris- break into very + degree... they coloured the walls GREEN to a VERY mild DEGREE.

Verdigris = Verdi + Gris; There is a Gris in the Verdi means at the dress i.e a spot.

river stone dig & rinse will have green layer(paasi in tamil)

break it up to worthy+greese so basically if u forget that it is supposed to get a green colored effect after it has been exposed to air or water u can still make it out from greese that something has been too rusty


Short Definition : border; edge, rim, or margin; Ex. on the verge of: very near to; V: border on

(noun) a region marking a boundary
Synonyms : brink threshold
(noun) the limit beyond which something happens or changes
Synonyms : brink
Example Sentence
  • on the verge of tears
  • on the brink of bankruptcy
(noun) a ceremonial or emblematic staff
Synonyms : scepter sceptre wand
(noun) a grass border along a road Definition
(verb) border on; come close to
Example Sentence
  • His behavior verges on the criminal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for verge

Assume VER(very)+ge(edge)= very edge means edge,border,margin,etc.,

VERGE...VERGED AND EMERGED. The cops verged in (came close) on the thieves as soon as they emerged (came out of) from their hideout.

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