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    acrid - Dictionary definition and meaning for word acrid

    (adj) strong and sharp
    Synonyms : pungent
    Example Sentence
    • the pungent taste of radishes
    • the acrid smell of burning rubber
    (adj) harsh or corrosive in tone
    Example Sentence
    • an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
    • a barrage of acid comments
    • her acrid remarks make her many enemies
    • bitter words
    • blistering criticism
    • caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
    • a sulfurous denunciation
    • a vitriolic critique
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for acrid

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sounds like ACID....all acids are bitterly pungent and corrosive

remove "r" from acrid, so now it becomes acid and acid is always bitter in taste and when smelt its pungent too

Remove ac, it becomes rid,,so to remove something or cut ,, we need a sharp thing to cut..

remove r i.e. acid, his tone was as harsh(acrid) as acid.

Acrid sounds like Ack! Rid! > After not liking the sharp, harsh taste,he threw his food away.

Acrid ... A+Crid ... A+Creed .. smething like "Creed", american rock band. It has high pitch or harsh vocals.. so , remember smething harsh.

Acrid -(cried) imagine that you are crying because you got harsh punishment

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