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Short Definition : greediness for wealth

(noun) reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins) Definition
(noun) extreme greed for material wealth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avarice

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avarice- a + very + rich > a strong greed to be 'a very rich' person.

a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a greedy member of a family who kills the patriarch for his wealth...so that he can become the family's waris.

AVA+RICE..here A is coming 2 TIMES....means a person who wants RICE 2 times has GREED.....

a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a family where a greedy member of family kills the patriarch to obtain his wealth...so that he can become a waris of family's wealth

A VAsmati RICE.dnt greed for a meal of VAsmati RICE.have normal rice

Focus on Rice Part and relate to it the business man who stocks rice for more profit and thus become avarice

avarice=(ava+rice)if its limited rice then everyone are greedy in sharing rice..

remember "yava" (greed)in Telugu "rice". yavarice means greed


Short Definition : take vengence for something or on behalf of someone; Ex. They avenged his death by burning the village; Ex. He swore to avenge his brother; Ex. They avenged themselves on their enemy.

(verb) take revenge for a perceived wrong
Synonyms : retaliate revenge
Example Sentence
  • He wants to avenge the murder of his brother
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avenge

avenge sounds like revenge...so, you killed the man to fulfil your revenge and avenged your brother's death.

imagine u r going for REVENGE on avenger bike like a ghost rider...

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Short Definition : state confidently; declare as true

(verb) report or maintain
Synonyms : allege say
Example Sentence
  • He alleged that he was the victim of a crime
  • He said it was too late to intervene in the war
  • The registrar says that I owe the school money
(verb) to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
Example Sentence
  • Before God I swear I am innocent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aver

A VERy confident statement!

A(affirmative) version

aver: I Svear! (I swear)

AVER : Girl Says To DAD Mujhe Yahi VAR A-Ver(PATI-HUSBAND) Chahiye... So She Asserted or Declared Her Decision.

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AVER: VER in the word comes from the word veracity which means truthfulness..so it also means to state a truth or fact..

Aver- A Verification... A(to) Ver(verify)

The woman AVERED that the guy was her VAR(husband)………. consider this situation in daily sops like kyunki ....

Aver -> Adver -> Advertise. Aver and Advertise both mean to make known or declare.

its similar to swear so you can relate it to that.........so aver means to promise or to assure or to affirm

aver == ever(everlasting) .i.e. a fact. asserting a fact!

ae + var(groom), means ur forcing sumthing ashish_kals: imagine a women calling her var ...idhar aa.....

ver means groom in hindi . so it like the bride declares him as his true husband

I'm a know-it-all, and my boyfriend has an aversion to my tendency to aver on things I don't really know.

aver : sounds like aware..so state something to make everybody aware of it.


Short Definition : reluctant; disinclined; not liking or opposed; Ex. averse to cats/doing the house work

(adj) (usually followed by `to') strongly opposed
Example Sentence
  • antipathetic to new ideas
  • averse to taking risks
  • loath to go on such short notice
  • clearly indisposed to grant their request
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for averse

averse- remember with adverse> opposite situation

averse~reverse. meaning opposite i.e. going in opposite direction when you reluctant to do something.

I was reluctant to sing A-VERSE of this song(imagine ur a bad singer)

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averse = a + verse: you are DISINCLINED/RELUCTANT to do something you are not VERSED in

a(away,not liking something)+ver(true,reality).........anything which is not real or away from reality is never liked by people and people oppose these kind of thing,and thus they become disinclined to what you offer to them

aver->state confidently...u state confidently when u r disinclined

we have aversion for adversions in our path

u pronounce it as WORSE... when sth is worse u STRONGLY OPPOSE it


Short Definition : firm dislike

(noun) a feeling of intense dislike
Synonyms : antipathy distaste
(noun) the act of turning yourself (or your gaze) away
Synonyms : averting
Example Sentence
  • averting her gaze meant that she was angry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aversion

u hate a+version of vista..firm dislike

made of word averse + ion....averse as in the above case...one who is disinclined towards something...............and such a person always has a firm dislike for things.

aversion rythms wid diversion....so you hate diversions...!

u hate updating different versions of same software again and again :X


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u hate making version of same thing again and again


Short Definition : prevent; avoid; turn away (eyes or thought); Ex. An accident was averted by his quick thinking; Ex. She averted her eyes from the terrible sight.

(verb) prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening
Example Sentence
  • Let's avoid a confrontation
  • head off a confrontation
  • avert a strike
(verb) turn away or aside
Synonyms : turn away
Example Sentence
  • They averted their eyes when the King entered
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avert

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sounds like DIVERT.

i dunno if dis helps...but avert sounds like 'hurt' ......u always avoid getting hurt....so avert=avoid

the root 'vert' means 'to turn'.. so avert meant turn away (from something)

AVERT(A VERTICAL),it seems like avertical,so i will memorise it as a vertical wal always PREVENTS wind to cross them

avert is similar to revert i.e to turn away


Short Definition : enclosure for birds; large cage

(noun) a building where birds are kept
Synonyms : bird sanctuary volary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aviary

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not a mnemonic.. just something that can help.. aviary is where birds are kept and apiary is where bees are kept.. this might help relate in some way..

It can be related to aviation, aviation is related to flying and BIRDS fly.

AVIARY->consider the 1st 3 letters AVI similar to OVI..and generally BIRDS are OVIPAROUS..hence AVIARY is an ENCLOSURE FOR BIRDS

APIARY: - Bee House Aviary: - Bird House


Short Definition : greedy; extremely eager for; Ex. avid learner; N. avidity

(adj) (often followed by `for') ardently or excessively desirous
Example Sentence
  • avid for adventure
  • an avid ambition to succeed
  • fierce devouring affection
  • the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity
  • greedy for fame
(adj) marked by active interest and enthusiasm
Synonyms : zealous
Example Sentence
  • an avid sports fan
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avid

a person is always eager to be in avid(a video)

drAVID (Rahul dravid) is greedy for runs

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spell it backwards and it becomes DIVA, so one cn remember, diva (a young actress, young woman) is always avid

aVID is made up of words a+vid=a video. Think of a person who is eager to get a video player and is too enthusiastic for it. It has been his longing desire and he is too dedicated for the cause.

AVID==a person who bids. very enthusiastic person who bids for something he wants

avid = avi means now + d; demanding now arrogantly the child.


Short Definition : secondary or minor occupation

(noun) an auxiliary activity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avocation

AVOCATION-->in a vacation. u do very little /minor work only....hence avocation implies minor occupation

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during vacations we take up part time(secondary----VOCATIONAL) jobs....


a+vocation........(means work which we feel is suitable for us ...but may not be a primary source of earning for us , because we just do it for sake of our inner happiness)

Vocation is our main job/occupation whereas avocation is asomething we do on the side

so we don't give much importance to it,so as to make a living we need to concentrate on our work,

we do not give much importance to it,as to make a living ,we need to concentrate on our work

persuing a hobby of dancing...is a secondary occupation

A(not)+VOCATION(regular/suited job/profession)


Avocation sounds like occupation, so avocation is an occupation which is secondary.

AVOCATION= NOT VOCATION(JOB). What is not a job. It should be a hobby.


Short Definition : declare openly; N. avowal

(verb) to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
Example Sentence
  • Before God I swear I am innocent
(verb) admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about
Synonyms : avouch
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avow

(a-vow) vow means to make a promise so you declare openly

a dog always bark like VOW-VOW, it seems that the dog is declaring openly for a fight with other dogs

avow -> woav -> sound when you are open ur mouth -> declare openly

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AVOW-like taking a vow(shapath). to declare, like taking a "shapath"

In song girl is singing ... Sajana avow(come) hamare desh this means she is declaring openly to her sajan to come to her place...

ur mother tells u avvi tell the truth. Then u declare it openly u avow

(a-vow) vow means to make a promise so you declare openly.. we take promises in marriage.. so we take promises openly..

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