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Short Definition : find out for certain; make certain

(verb) establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study
Synonyms : determine find find out
Example Sentence
  • find the product of two numbers
  • The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize
(verb) be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something
Example Sentence
  • He verified that the valves were closed
  • See that the curtains are closed
  • control the quality of the product
(verb) find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
Example Sentence
  • I want to see whether she speaks French
  • See whether it works
  • find out if he speaks Russian
  • Check whether the train leaves on time
(verb) learn or discover with certainty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ascertain

When you have determined your chances of admission into a college AS CERTAIN, then you have ASCERTAINed your chance to be 100%

asCERTAIN means to make CERTAIN.

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certain means a sure event... so a~scertain means that you are not sure, so find out whether it will happen

root is certain which means confident; sure; so meaning is confirm


Short Definition : practicing self-denial; avoiding physical pleasures and comforts; austere; Ex. ascetic life of Buddhist monks; N. asceticism

(noun) someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
Synonyms : abstainer
(adj) pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic or the practice of rigorous self-discipline
Synonyms : ascetical
Example Sentence
  • ascetic practices
(adj) practicing great self-denial
Example Sentence
  • Be systematically ascetic...do...something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it
  • a desert nomad's austere life
  • a spartan diet
  • a spartan existence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ascetic

someone who leaves all AESTHETICs is an ascetic

sounds like acetic—remember acetic acid(vinegar)i.e., sour in taste, one who has made is life sour in taste, i.e., away from pleasures for religious purposes

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Aastic(Opposite of Nastic) Is ascetic

ASS+SEPTIC(infected)....a person who has got highly SEPTIC ASS will be a ASCETIC.......he cannot live a normal life....

ascetic ~ acidic; he is living ascetic life by drinking and eating only acidic things (not good in taste) and avoid anything have good taste.

A Serious Clergy Excludes the taking (TIC) of material comforts from his life, and practise rigid self-denial.

ascetic means nastik in hindi... remember amithabh bacchan's film nastik.. where doesn believe in god

abstemious or abstemious zealot.

Ascetic = Someone who lives ascetic life.


Short Definition : refer; attribute; assign

(verb) attribute or credit to
Synonyms : assign attribute impute
Example Sentence
  • We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare
  • People impute great cleverness to cats
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ascribe

Scribe means refer to ex. describe-refer to something and expalin. Monthly subscribption to a magzine means referring to the mag wil be possible monthly

ascribe ~ sounds like prescribe, so ascribe is refer

doctor prescribe medicine if u fill well u ascribe doc :)

Take ascr=oscar award;so if I will win an Oscar I will ascribe it to my parents.

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ascribe : a script; We ascribed this script to it's author;

ascribe ~ describe; you should also give a small description of person whom you are going to give credit for his work.

When you describe sth, In fact you ascribe some adjectives to him. and Vice Versa


Short Definition : preventing infection; having a cleansing effect

(adj) free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms
Synonyms : sterile
Example Sentence
  • a sterile operating area
  • aseptic surgical instruments
  • aseptic surgical techniques
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aseptic

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Antiseptic and aseptic is same

a+septic which means removing or preventing septic


Short Definition : ash-colored; deadly pale

(adj) anemic looking from illness or emotion
Example Sentence
  • a face turned ashen
  • the invalid's blanched cheeks
  • tried to speak with bloodless lips
  • a face livid with shock
  • lips...livid with the hue of death
  • lips white with terror
  • a face white with rage
(adj) made of wood of the ash tree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ashen

split like ash coloured hen.

when ever you talk about ASH, SALLU becomes a HEN...i.e., pale, or may be angry expressing an emotion.

whenever ASH(aishwarya rai)sees en(yen-japanese currency) her face becomes ashen


Short Definition : stupid; Ex. asinine remarks

(adj) devoid of intelligence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for asinine

if u get NINE out of ASI(80) u r surely an ASININE(stupid)

Sounds like ASS+NINE = as FOOLISH as nine ASSES

sounds like ASIN(gajini actress) + MINE ...if u tell ppl that asin is mine, they will call u stupid.


asinine:asin(south actress)is a stupid actress

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A fool teaching a ASS how to speak NINE.

as(s)-i-nine. So if some one is 9 times ass(dunkey), surely he is stupid

no matter how much u tell an ASS 'IN IN' it ultimately understands an 'out' because it is an asinine.

Nine ball playing requires holes. So Ass+Nine =Ass+hole =Asshole

When you commit "a-sin" & you say you did "nine" of them, you surely are "stupid"

asiNINE-nine, thenumber that represents the nuetral gender.people with this gender generally act stupid..im sorry ,if it is stupid..hehehe

asinine means a +sin + nine.person who is doing sine again and again for nine times he is stupid.....


Short Definition : with a sideways or indirect look (with disapproval or distruct); Ex. look askance at

(adj) (used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy
Example Sentence
  • her eyes with their misted askance look
  • sidelong glances
(adv) with suspicion or disapproval
Example Sentence
  • he looked askance at the offer
(adv) with a side or oblique glance
Example Sentence
  • did not quite turn all the way back but looked askance at me with her dark eyes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for askance

askance.. reminds u of the word GLANCE..so when u want to glance at someone , u look SIDEWAYS or give a INDIRECT LOOK..

When you want to take a girl out for a date and are very hesitant to ask her about it, then you make up your mind and ASK her with a glANCE..i.e not looking directly into her eyes...hence ASKANCE is looking sideways or indirectly.

ASKew + glANCE


ask+an(ANN)+ce(SE) ...if something happens..and u suspect ann....but since you are angry on her ,you dont want to talk and look at her ,so u take your friend help .you say him"ask ann se bhai" kahi usne to nahi kiya ye sab.

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u r viewing her with suspicion

so here u are indirectly...looking at her or in other u are viewing

when u dont know an answer in exam u look here n der to ask someone...ASKance


Short Definition : crookedly; slanted; at an angle

(adj) turned or twisted toward one side
Example Sentence
  • a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry
  • his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff
(adv) turned or twisted to one side
Synonyms : awry skew-whiff
Example Sentence
  • rugs lying askew
  • with his necktie twisted awry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for askew

Also it can b taken as SCREW which is not straight,it is bent, zigzag etc

as+kew....kew..sounds like key......as we know all the keys are somewhat twisted in shape

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a +skew; skewed : means something which is not straight and leveled...something which is crooked

"Ask You"??? Never, you give crooked answers.

Ass + Que [line]: Ek line me jab sab ass honge to vo straight nahi hogi...vo tirchi hogi

टेढ़ा तिरछा


Short Definition : sharpness; roughness; severity (of temper or weather); Ex. asperities of a Russian winter

(noun) something hard to endure
Example Sentence
  • the asperity of northern winters
(noun) harshness of manner
Synonyms : sharpness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for asperity

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Asperity can be thought of as A spear with severity. i.e Sharpness

asperity = austerity; meanings are also same.

As+per+IT(software industry)is well known for their harshness in layoff

aspiri + ty : aspiriN; ASPIRIN - IS given when there is SEVERE pAIN OR headache;

as+per+it+y.. as per it is.. anyway it maybe, you have to endure it, even if it's too harsh

ASPIRIN....aspirin is a drug taken to get rid of headache....hence when life brings ASPERITY(headache) in your life you take ASPIRIN....

think about aspartic acid, PH is 4.0 midrange so is harsh,irritable

asPERIty- chk the word PERI,peri,take it as perinial.perinial ,means highest point,thats the tip.how is a tip? Ans-its sharp.

Have aspri(N) + with ty(TEA) after a rough day at work/school!

asperity= (as) as (per) per (ity) duty, it can be read as AS PER DUTY,so anyone who is in duty is naturally goes by the rules,harsh,severe.

picture a woman beating someone over the head with ASPARAGUS.

Remember in Dumb and Dumber the ASPERITY of the ride to ASPEN on the scooter when Lloyd peed on Harry and they had icecicles in their noses.

ASPerity has asp(venomous snake) in it. So features of asp i.e sharpness, roughness. If it bites we will have 'SEVERE' consequences

As + per + ty(the) rules. It is a phrase which is generally said in a harsh or critical tone.

Harshly said -> "As per tea you are not invited".

acid se relate karo


Short Definition : slanderous remark; Ex. cast aspersions on

(noun) a disparaging remark
Synonyms : slur
Example Sentence
  • in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion
  • it is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility
(noun) an abusive attack on a person's character or good name Definition
(noun) the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare)
Synonyms : sprinkling
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aspersion

Sounds like ass-person, if you defame someone you make them look like an ass. <br><br> Another way to the say the same thing: <br> Make a person look like an ass by defaming them.

As + persion ~ Ass + person; calling someone As(s)pers[i]on means passing slanderous remark

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If you want to slander a person you say ASS to a PERSON

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