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Short Definition : quack; pretender to knowledge (esp. in medicine)

(noun) a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
Synonyms : mountebank
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for charlatan

you hit CHAR LATEIN (in Hindi language) (4 kicks) to the person who misguides you as he himself doesn't know anything....

(in hindi language) CHAR Letter LATiN ke jaanta hai and khud ko 30 markhan samajhta hai

CHAR gane kya ache gadiye khudko LATA mangeshkar batati hai..

we can co-relate it to Chaturlingam(Character in 3 Idiots)

origin-cerreto; italian village once known for frauds amongst its natives

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kannada heroine CHARULATHA attracted everyone by her jokes


Short Definition : quality of pleasing; amulet; action or formula thought to have magical power; spell; V: attract; cast a spell on; bewitch

(noun) attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates
Synonyms : appeal appealingness
Example Sentence
  • his smile was part of his appeal to her
(noun) a verbal formula believed to have magical force
Example Sentence
  • he whispered a spell as he moved his hands
  • inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese
(noun) something believed to bring good luck
Synonyms : good luck charm
(noun) (physics) one of the six flavors of quark Definition
(verb) attract; cause to be enamored
Example Sentence
  • She captured all the men's hearts
(verb) control by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft
Synonyms : becharm
(verb) protect through supernatural powers or charms Definition
(verb) induce into action by using one's charm
Synonyms : influence tempt
Example Sentence
  • She charmed him into giving her all his money


Short Definition : cautious; unwilling to take risks; sparing or restrained about giving; OP. bold

(adj) characterized by great caution and wariness
Synonyms : cagey cagy
Example Sentence
  • a cagey avoidance of a definite answer
  • chary of the risks involved
  • a chary investor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chary

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Chary : Think of it as "BramhaChari": What do the Bramhachari's do ?? They refrain from Marriage/ Females in general. They are unwilling to be bound by family life.

CHARY sounds similar to WARY, meaning CAUTIOUS.

chary is like 'cherry'. Remember 'CHERRY' BLOSSOM shoe polish i.e we should be "very cautious" while using polish. Because if it falls on our clothes its hard to remove the stain.

chary: think of charred... somebody "charred" is chary i.e., somebody who is burnt is always wary or cautious

Chary= cary( somebody who takes care)

chary in adhurs telugu movie,he is very cautious n fearful.

Think: <B>charred</B> as in having been burned and from now on will be cautious.

take for ex actor brahmanandam(chary) in dee movie.. he doesnt want to take risk. (nannu involve cheyakandi)

''chary'' its somehow sounds like ''scary'' . So its scary to put a money in any company whiich is not well known to you... So you ''unwilling to take risk on that bcoz u r cautious of ur money''

chary sounds like CHARITY...and chary is quite opposite to charity.

in a telugu movie money money, a person named chary does not want to take risk by giving money to owners husband itself

CHARtered accountants are CHARY.i.e.,CAREFUL in spending money.

Remember in the tv show FRIENDS, Monica calls her virginity as cherry. So she is very CAREFUL and CAUTIOUS about giving her cherry to anyone. :D No offence please!

chary and wary go hand in hand be Chary; be wary too!

chary sound like care-e.that means to take care or sincerety


Short Definition : ornament a metal surface by indenting; follow rapidly to catch

(noun) the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture
Example Sentence
  • the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit
(noun) United States politician and jurist who served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1808-1873) Definition
(noun) a rectangular metal frame used in letterpress printing to hold together the pages or columns of composed type that are printed at one time Definition
(verb) go after with the intent to catch
Example Sentence
  • The policeman chased the mugger down the alley
  • the dog chased the rabbit
(verb) pursue someone sexually or romantically
Synonyms : chase after
(verb) cut a groove into
Example Sentence
  • chase silver
(verb) cut a furrow into a columns
Synonyms : chamfer furrow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chase

the police "chased" the robbers who had stolen the diamond ring that had been "chased" by the goldsmith.

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we often said in cricket that this score is chasing by this team.remembered it as the team is running towards the score to catch it.

Chase(design on metal surface). If you indent your name on metal property, it will be easier to chase it later in case u lost it.

chase sounds like case. in order to keep your ornaments u have to keep it in a case


Short Definition : abyss; very deep crack

(noun) a deep opening in the earth's surface
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chasm

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chashma.. if it has a crack, it is difficult to see

orgasm is a deep feeling. Chasm - orgasm deep

imagine it as " chasni " so chadni goes deep in gulab jamun ...but u cant see the central part of gulab jamun .. hence abyss ==deep crack but cant see the bottom

CHAI(tea)+JAM(freeze)- if I throw tea in deep chasm, it would freeze inside it as inner of earth is cold.

orgasm= deep penetration


Short Definition : framework and working parts of an automobile; framework to which components are attached

(noun) alternative names for the body of a human being
Example Sentence
  • Leonardo studied the human body
  • he has a strong physique
  • the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
(noun) a metal mounting for the circuit components of an electronic device Definition
(noun) the skeleton of a motor vehicle consisting of a steel frame supported on springs that holds the body and motor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chassis

imagine a chess board having several pawns and other pieces which are like the addons to the frame work resembling an engine having several screws and other stuff

Hero Honda caahe jise (sounds like chassis) automobile kai working parts dai sakti hai...


Short Definition : morally pure; virginal; abstaining from illicit sexual acts; modest; simple (of a style of writing); not highly decorated; austere

(adj) morally pure (especially not having experienced sexual intercourse)
Example Sentence
  • a holy woman innocent and chaste
(adj) pure and simple in design or style
Example Sentence
  • a chaste border of conventionalized flowers
(adj) abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chaste

sex CHESTE(to do) it is no more a CHASTE (pure,virgin)

sounds like "caste"...caste is always one...it cannot be mixed...so PURE

Sounds like Taste. You Taste the Food if its pure and has no impurities like dirt.

Sounds like CHASE and WASTE: Following or CHASING a teen girl who has no ROMANTIC,EROTIC or LOVE MAKING INTEREST is a WASTE of time

the higher caste of hinduism ie., the brahmins went to jungles for yaga and lead a brahmachari life.without having sex..

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your are just a waste for being chaste till now..

in telugu we say chasthey a paani cheyanu means having moral values

CHASTE:make it cha + taste. it implies that the cha(tea) is tasteful bcoz all the ingredients of it are pure.

you waste your life if u chaste your life (excuse the improper usage, hope this helps)

chaste = charity + superior. charities for poor will be lead by mother superior and they are pure and simple

chaste=c+haste(speed)....(see how speedly he was driving....this statement is made by purehearted,modest,sensitive fellow

imagine a girl who dont had given her chest(chaste),so she is viginal and pure.

it sounds like chest.the boy who never touched the chest/breast of a girl is really pure


Short Definition : discipline; punish in order to correct; CF. castigate

(verb) censure severely
Example Sentence
  • She chastised him for his insensitive remarks
(verb) restrain
Synonyms : moderate temper
(verb) correct by punishment or discipline
Synonyms : subdue tame
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chasten

relate it with upper one "Chaste" as to keep ur viginity you have to be disciplined .. so for chaste and chasten go hand in hand

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(chestalu)manuko means pichi panulu cheyaku correct ga undu means do correct

chaste + N (nahi hai ).. to tell them they have done sumthing wrong n should improve

if you en(enclose) your chast(chest) you are morally good

Chasten-harshen-nowadays school punishments are harshened

chesten >>> u see army officers with always chest up.. they are DISCIPLINED and they do no wrong things..

chase to punish

sounds like fasten (your seat belt) which is to restrain (yourself in your seat)

chase + listen. chase him till listen.


Short Definition : punish as by beating; criticize severely

(verb) censure severely
Example Sentence
  • She chastised him for his insensitive remarks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chastise

chastise = chest ice... The kid was punished or crticized severly by his mother for playing with ice on chest

very similar to castigate

Beat the chest with stick hence punish

CHASTE means keeping away from sexual intercourse...hence CHASTISEMENT is a kind of punishment that will not allow you to have sex.......

People severly criticize Chase because they say that it tries to copy Bank of America.

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cha(assume as chalk) and sti(stick) which is hands of teacher who scolds and ready to punish

chastise = chest eyes. A boy who had eyes in his chest and could see deeply into things with his heart was angrily chastised by people who feared his penetrating vision.

bachche k chest pe ice rakhne se uski ma(mother) ne use bhot criticize kiya aur punish kiya...

chastise. Visualize chest eyes. A boy who had eyes in his chest and could see deeply into things with his heart was angrily chastised by people who feared his penetrating vision.


Short Definition : blindly devoted patriot; zealous adherent of a group, cause, or sex; ADJ. chauvinistic; CF. chauvinism; Nicolas Chauvin

(noun) a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind Definition
(noun) an extreme bellicose nationalist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chauvinist

show over nationalist=Chauvinist(s0-v-nist)

sounds like surname chavhan..imagine some guy from chavhan group is very dominant about his group

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chauvinist can be related be cheguvera.......who was an extreme belicose nationalist

chavuni+istha...thana chavuni deshanki istha anevadu ..really a blindly devoted patriot..

showynist who shows off.

That MALE Chauvanist Pig, feeling his kind is better than rest! Uski toh...


remember CHAUVO gurerro from WWE always trying to be superior over others with the help of vickie guurrero(EXCUSEEEEE ME....LOL)

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