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   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beguile

A takeoff from the mneumonic for guile, which is Guys guile Girls for sex; BEGUILE is girls attract and lour in guys for their money and nice cars.

Beguile = begal boys in duck tail cartoons were very sly...used to cheat...influence by slyness means foxiness

BE+GUILE....guile means cunning...be guile means to cheat or deceive....

Guile sounds like Giles.. England's spin bowler Ashley Giles always mis leaded the batsman with his wrong-ones.

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it sounds like beg+mile means u r misleaded/cheated

beguile : be + guile : guile sounds as Coolie who always try to cheat by asking more money

: be+guile--- guile means to attract by deception

beguile----beg=begger used to attract people..

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