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Short Definition : hot-tempered; bad-tempered; irritable; easily angered; CF. cholera

(adj) easily moved to anger
Example Sentence
  • men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing
(adj) quickly aroused to anger
Example Sentence
  • a hotheaded commander
(adj) characterized by anger
Synonyms : irascible
Example Sentence
  • a choleric outburst
  • an irascible response
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for choleric

cholera is a disease . When you are sick you get irritated and bad-tempered, you are choleric. So choleric

choleric=co+lyric....when cosingers are not following the lyric properly...composer gets anger(hot tempered)

Sounds like COLORING we ridicule a person as COLORING if he talks with girls with a desire to trap them ,so if that is the case ,if we call a person who is busy in COLORING as " stop coloring",he gets IRRITATED EASILY

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Cholestrol.. people having this become short tempered thus angry!

When you become enraged, you become the COLOR RED.


Short Definition : daily domestic task (such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping); unpleasant task

(noun) a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee
Synonyms : job task
Example Sentence
  • estimates of the city's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars
  • the job of repairing the engine took several hours
  • the endless task of classifying the samples
  • the farmer's morning chores
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chore

dont take it otherwise please....in some cheap TV serials we see that maids, servants(who do daily REGULAR household TASKS) often turn into thieves(CHOR!!).

chore sounds like "core" means main or importatnt part of daily routine

Chore in kannada means headache job( chore kelasa), daily domestic task is chore kelsa.

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chore sounds like bore.. that means the daily boring routine work..

CHORE-if any man doesn't work he becomes CHORE(thief)

chor ka kaam roj chore karna


Short Definition : art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of dances

(noun) a show involving artistic dancing
Synonyms : stage dancing
(noun) the representation of dancing by symbols as music is represented by notes Definition
(noun) a notation used by choreographers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for choreography

KO+RE+YO grapher where KO stands for country dance RE stands for retro dance and YO for the yo style of dancing as followeed in the rap


Short Definition : chuckle with delight; N.

(noun) a soft partly suppressed laugh
Synonyms : chuckle
(verb) laugh quietly or with restraint
Synonyms : chuckle laugh softly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chortle

CHORi TAL gayi because due to our laughter chor knew that we are in room.

chortle - ch + turtle, when turtle won the race with hare , i chuckled with delight

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Imagine giving a chart to a cartoonist in a gathering. He would definitely draw something funny and leave audience chuckling

chor+tell wen chor hindi word for thief confesses or tells that he is come to the owner house to steal the ppl in the house will laugh at him

chori+tell me why what made chuckle?

well chortle.....divide this word into c+hort+le......now focus on middle word....hort...sound simillar to word hoot.....which means..to laugh , to chuckle

chortle=c+how+turtle is dancing..... people on seeing that laughs delightly...,

hor...middlle part simillar to hooray an excalamation....to show..your happiness..you laugh....

c+hortel means when u see hortel u'll chuckle with the thought of havin fun

chotu--laughs on every bad joke :P

It is exciting a joy to ride a car in full throttle.

chort(short)+ (smi)le


Short Definition : phrase repeated throughout a song or poem

(noun) any utterance produced simultaneously by a group
Example Sentence
  • a chorus of boos
(noun) a group of people assembled to sing together Definition
(noun) the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers
Synonyms : refrain
(noun) a body of dancers or singers who perform together
Synonyms : chorus line
(noun) a company of actors who comment (by speaking or singing in unison) on the action in a classical Greek play
Synonyms : greek chorus
(verb) utter in unison
Example Sentence
  • `yes,' the children chorused
(verb) sing in a choir
Synonyms : choir


Short Definition : long established as a disease

(adj) being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering
Example Sentence
  • chronic indigestion
  • a chronic shortage of funds
  • a chronic invalid
(adj) of long duration
Synonyms : continuing
Example Sentence
  • chronic money problems
(adj) habitual
Synonyms : inveterate
Example Sentence
  • a chronic smoker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chronic

initial part sound as crown !! crown + ic .. A king rules the nation for long time, hence his crown last for long time..ie long lasting

take out the word 'chrono', its something continual.. so long durational disease

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ch'roni'c=just concentrate on and frame it as 'iron' which is very strong and will be there for long time:)


Short Definition : report; record (in chronological order)

(noun) a record or narrative description of past events
Synonyms : account history story
Example Sentence
  • a history of France
  • he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president
  • the story of exposure to lead
(verb) record in chronological order; make a historical record
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chronicle


Acro Chronical magzine of our clg .:)

think of the chronicles of narnia.....a long story...

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chronic is somthing that is related to time..so cronicle mean any proof or record in chronological order


Short Definition : laugh quietly

(noun) a soft partly suppressed laugh
Synonyms : chortle
(verb) laugh quietly or with restraint
Synonyms : chortle laugh softly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chuckle

chalk +kill wen the teeacher kills u by throwing a chalk the other students will laugh silently without making a noise or else teacher will kill them too

chuckle sound like "chuklas" when we do chuklas we often smile at someone softly to irritate him


Short Definition : boorish; rude; N. churl: boor; yahoo

(adj) rude and boorish Definition
(adj) having a bad disposition; surly
Example Sentence
  • churlish as a bear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for churlish

chur(church)+lish(wish)-church wishes always not to behave rude,boorish

churlish == boorish ,,the same rhythm !! =D

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CHURLISH rhymes wit girlish....so never be RUDE to those who are girlish

CHURLISH- if u chk the word,,and see,u will find hurl in the middle..hurl is somthing negative,, bad..etc..

churilsh->like CHARLIE SHEEN who is often in news for his boorish behaviour

in CHURCH LIStening songs

Prince Charles was very rude to Diana. So churlish means rude.

Charles+girlish.. Charles is a name of a guy..if u call him girlish...it would be being very rude to him!

CHUR+lish: When you churn something or stir something, It becomes rude,boorisha and intractable. LIke churning lassi out of milk

Churlish sounds like HARSH. so rude

remember it as somewhat opposite of childish...

She is very churlish girl, she is so rude with boys

C(calm)+HURLish(throw with force in air).....a person who hurls his calm...i.e loses his temper very soon is a CHURLISH person.....

for marathi readers ::chur chur nako karu...means dont b so rude

jo apne dehatipan ke karan dusro ko bahut charta ho..:-)

rhymes with girlish... bullies are RUDE and BOORISH to those who are girlish..

Doing Girlish talk at Boys' party is churlish(boorish,rude)

rhymes with girlish >>> more girlish girls are RUDE with boys...

churayl-ish in behaviour when chewing food on the dinnner table


Short Definition : having minute hairs; CF. cilium; CF. cilia: eyelash

(adj) having a margin or fringe of hairlike projections
Synonyms : ciliate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ciliated

silly ate it....all bald ppl eat their hair

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Can be compared with Cilna.(Stitch) When we stitch then we use thread which is hair like.

ciliated - reminds of seel which has minute hairs

CILI(silicon)+ated. There is a silicon in the word ciliated.So,silicon hair is of preferred by people having minute hair

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