• word of the day


    ancillary - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ancillary

    (adj) furnishing added support
    Example Sentence
    • an ancillary pump
    • an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism
    • The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ancillary

try to remember with 'auxilary'

sounds like "hillary". think of hillary clinton who is the VP to obama and thus supports him.

Ancillary ~ there is a book called ANCI C. Anci serves as an aid or accessory to learn c programming language.

ARTILLERY....artillery is an essential support of every nation

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ANCILLARY = an c ill ary; An care taker for illness.

ANCILLARY<===> अधिनस्थ/सहायक (pr. \\adhinasth/sahayak \\ )[Adjective] Example:He runs a small ancillary unit at the outskirts of the city.

ANCILLARY=AN(one)+CILLARY(sounds like Hillary)->like Hillary(clinton) who assists Obama, everyone needs A HILLARY (ANCILLARY) in the time of needs

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