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Short Definition : resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; reversion to an earlier type; throwback; ADJ. atavistic

(noun) a reappearance of an earlier characteristic
Synonyms : reversion throwback
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for atavism

by ATAVISM you should remember AVATAR, i.e. you are an avatar(incarnation) of one of your ancestors...

if u r eating ata instead of chapaties like early ancestors did..its atavism


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Again TA(the) ancestors are VISible


Short Definition : denying the existence of God; N. atheism

(adj) rejecting any belief in gods Definition
(adj) related to or characterized by or given to atheism
Synonyms : atheist atheistical
Example Sentence
  • atheist leanings
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for atheistic

a "without" + theos "a god"; someone who says this world is surviving without GOD, actually he is DENYING THE EXISTENCE OF GOD


Short Definition : make amends for; pay for; Ex. atone for

(verb) make amends for
Synonyms : aby abye expiate
Example Sentence
  • expiate one's sins
(verb) turn away from sin or do penitence
Synonyms : repent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for atone

at+own(one) - he realised his mistake 'at' his 'own' and wanted to make amends for it..

remember in the movie "king" brahmanandam scolds trisha AH TONE enti,later he AMENDS his words after nagarjuna beats him up! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't give mnemonics using stupid tamil (or what so ever those may be ) movies !!

atone ~ at stone; imagine someone throws a stone on (at)someone else and then realizes his mistake. So, he atones.

When u use harsh words for ur girl ,later u REPENT for that before her with A TONE that sounds pleasing

A TONE- u gotta make amends in ur eating habits to tone up ur body..if u are fat

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He ATTAINED moxa by leaving his sins

AT-ON(c)E, your boyfriend is ready to "pay for" you. Also, AT-ON(c)E, u realize your mistakes & "make amendments for" it.

at+one(once) he realized his mistake n wanted to ammend for the same

One puts all the blames AT ONE


Short Definition : brutal deed; ADJ. atrocious

(noun) the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane Definition
(noun) an act of atrocious cruelty
Synonyms : inhumanity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for atrocity

divide it like.atro(sounds like metro)+city ...and we always get the news of brutel and cruel behaviour ..from METRO (ATRO)CITIES...

Remember TROY-CITY, if have seen the Hollywood movie Troy, you can remember this easily.In Troy, Greek destroyed everything,killed thousands of unarmed man,children etc

atro + city -- city where cruel (brutal) acts are done

1. भारी दुष्टता 2. अत्याचार (m) 3. नृशंसता (f) 4. महाप&

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remember the law of atrocity in India---the law for inhumanity


Short Definition : wasting away; V: weaken and lose flesh and muscle (through lack of blood or lack of use)

(noun) a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse
Synonyms : wasting wasting away
(noun) any weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use)
Synonyms : withering
(verb) undergo atrophy
Example Sentence
  • Muscles that are not used will atrophy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for atrophy

One who works hard all the time can win a trophy but one who WASTES time n doesn't work hard cannot(A) win the TROPHY

a TRophy is wasted after it is won as it is kept for a long time nt used

A + trophy; Even after many years of practice, he didn't win a trophy, so that was just wastage of his energy.

He always dreamt of winning A Trophy,but did not work for it. So, he ATROPHied(wasted) his time and got an ATROPHY(weak muscle) instead of a trophy.

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he lost his muscle became weak wasted his time then he won a+trophy

the word is pronounced like "at+your+feet" So picture something withering away or decaying and falling at your feet. For a more bizarre image picture yourself decaying

if a part of your body or sth else become ATROPHIED, it is no longer used and u can gift it away as TROPHY


Short Definition : alert and watchful; listening carefully; paying attention; considerate; thoughtful; politely helpful; Ex. attentive audience; Ex. He was attentive to the old lady; N. attentions: act of courtesy and c

(adj) (often followed by `to') giving care or attention
Example Sentence
  • attentive to details
  • the nurse was attentive to her patient
  • an attentive suitor
(adj) taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention
Example Sentence
  • heedful of the warnings
  • so heedful a writer
  • heedful of what they were doing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for attentive

attentive comes from "attention"..so remember when a conference...they say "Attention Please"...

for remembering the helpful part:at+TENT+give..the asked the tent u gave u were polite and helpful


Short Definition : make thin; weaken

(verb) weaken the consistency of (a chemical substance)
Synonyms : rarefy
(verb) become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude Definition
(adj) reduced in strength
Example Sentence
  • the faded tones of an old recording
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for attenuate

If tenu(=you) eat(ate) less you will attenuate

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AT+TEN+YOU+ATE(gutkha,drugs)....if at the age of ten you start eating gutkha,drugs, you will become weaker day by day and will waste your life....

attenuate...A+tenu(TEND)+ate(past form of eat,eaten(P.P))..well if bacteria TEND TO EAT (degrade)your body,that is A indication of your weak IMMUNE SYSTEM.

attenuate ~ at ten + you + ate; if you will eat only at 10 PM (once in a day), you will attenuate.

attenuate=attention+u+(h)ate ==>> if nobody give attention to you and every body hates you, you'll be weakened


Short Definition : testify; bear witness

(verb) provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes
Example Sentence
  • His high fever attested to his illness
  • The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
  • This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness
(verb) authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity
Example Sentence
  • I attest this signature
(verb) give testimony in a court of law Definition
(verb) establish or verify the usage of
Example Sentence
  • This word is not attested until 1993
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for attest

Remember, how during your college admissions and form submissions you had to get your Mark sheets and DOB certificates attested by a GAZETTED officer.. those for done to authenticate them or to affirm them as true or genuine.

A +TTEST(TEST)...ATTEST IS TO TESTIFY your originality.

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we get "attested" stamp on our certificates(xerox copies) from coll, which means affirm(confirm) that our originals are with them


Short Definition : clothe; N: clothing; array; apparel

(noun) clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
Synonyms : dress garb
Example Sentence
  • formal attire
  • battle dress
(verb) put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
Example Sentence
  • She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera
  • The young girls were all fancied up for the party
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for attire

May be you get robbed and lose all your clothes so cover yourself with A TIRE= Attire.

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a(ALL)+ttire(TRIED)....so you have TRIED ALL kind of CLOTHES ,but nothing fits you.

the holy attire...!!

attire ~ at hire; if you are going at a job fair to hire someone, you should wear good formal clothes.

while attach(att) tire ure cloths will get dirty. so u will probably go to ure house and change clothes


Short Definition : essential quality; V: ascribe; explain

(noun) a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished
Synonyms : dimension property
Example Sentence
  • self-confidence is not an endearing property
(noun) an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity Definition
(verb) attribute or credit to
Synonyms : ascribe assign impute
Example Sentence
  • We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare
  • People impute great cleverness to cats
(verb) decide as to where something belongs in a scheme
Synonyms : assign
Example Sentence
  • The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for attribute

sounds like contribute...well anyone who has got the essential quality (of being educated)..can CONTRIBUTE alot the national growth.

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paying tribute to someone, is a good quality.

attribute-tribute (giving credit for)

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