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Short Definition : collect (gradually, in a very large amount)

(verb) collect or gather
Example Sentence
  • Journals are accumulating in my office
  • The work keeps piling up
(verb) get or gather together
Example Sentence
  • I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife
  • She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis
  • She rolled up a small fortune
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amass

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aMASS-how does a mass gets made? or how does some mass gets accumulated ? ans-when it is collected( and stored).

amass ~ add masses and hence to collect things.

salman is a-mass hero and his film will always hav lot of 'collection' of money during its release.

u think AM-ASS to COLLECT ur shit, walk away.!! :x

AMASS<===> जमा करना (pr. \\jama karana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:He has amassed enough fortune.


Short Definition : female warrior

(noun) a large strong and aggressive woman
Synonyms : virago
(noun) (Greek mythology) one of a nation of women warriors of Scythia (who burned off the right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectively) Definition
(noun) a major South American river; arises in the Andes and flows eastward into the South Atlantic; the world's 2nd longest river (4000 miles)
Synonyms : amazon river
(noun) mainly green tropical American parrots
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amazon

a-(lack) + mazos, "without breast", connected with an etiological tradition that Amazons had their right breast cut off or burnt out, so they would be able to use a bow more freely and throw spears without the physical limitations

amma(female)+zon(zoro, warrior)

amazed on female warrior

amazon ~ amazing woman;

the large amazon forest is a mother to many strong animal species


Short Definition : capable of using either hand with equal ease

(adj) equally skillful with each hand
Synonyms : two-handed
Example Sentence
  • an ambidextrous surgeon
(adj) marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another
Example Sentence
  • she was a deceitful scheming little thing
  • a double-dealing double agent
  • a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ambidextrous

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need to know cartoon network: in dexter show the small kid's name is dexter who is highly talented,skilled...

'Ambi' means 'both' (am + bi - two); Dexter means skillful. (Dextor's lab cartoon was a skillful boy)

some pople get use to , to get d work done quickly by two hands


Short Definition : environment; atmosphere; Ex. restraurant with a pleasant ambience; ADJ. ambient: completely surrounding; Ex. ambient temperature

(noun) a particular environment or surrounding influence
Synonyms : ambiance atmosphere
Example Sentence
  • there was an atmosphere of excitement
(noun) the atmosphere of an environment
Synonyms : ambiance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ambience

if u can remember, the room spray called ambience,then that will do things easy.a room freshner is sprayed to keep the room environment or atmosphere smell nice..

ambience sounds lik audience...audience are present in the sorroundings

ambulance changing atmosphere

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ambience-visualize that an ambulance is flying like a rocket into the atmosphere of the earth

ambience ~ amber (it's a Hindi word meaning sky)and hence the meaning.

AMBIENCE<===> वातावरण (pr. \\vatavaraN \\ )[Noun] Example:The park has a peaeful ambience.


Short Definition : unclear or doubtful in meaning; having more than one possible interpretation

(adj) open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead
Synonyms : equivocal
Example Sentence
  • an equivocal statement
  • the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates
  • the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness
  • popularity is an equivocal crown
  • an equivocal response to an embarrassing question
(adj) having more than one possible meaning
Example Sentence
  • ambiguous words
  • frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy
(adj) having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns
Example Sentence
  • an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference
  • ambiguous inkblots
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ambiguous

ambi means two/both..guous sounds like guess..both are wild guess so its doubtful

Ambi (am + bi) means 2 , while guous sounds like guess. So if 2 people guess on something, then it will make the subject doubtful or unclear.

ambi means two...guous sounds like guess so it may have one or more meanings


Short Definition : the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes or opinions

(noun) mixed feelings or emotions
Synonyms : ambivalency
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ambivalence

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matches with "ambulance" . In case of severe emergency, inside an ambulance, you have mixed emotions.. bachega ya nahi!

I AM BI BALANCED..balaced on both sides

ambivalence ~ am (I) + bi (both) + value; I value both sides and hence have mixed feelings.

ambi = two and valance = place,state(Consider atomic model where last shell is called valance shell, a place for electron )

Holy Valence...!!!

ambi(multiple) + valence(valency > Reactivity of an atom) >>> if a person can react in different or many manners on a same issue, he has mixed feelings about that issue..

The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, object, or idea. Uncertainty or indecisiveness as to which course to follow. Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/ambivalence#


Short Definition : walking at an easy unhurried pace; V: walk slowly and aimlessly

(noun) a leisurely walk (usually in some public place) Definition
(verb) walk leisurely
Synonyms : mosey
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amble

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ambulance is a walking (moving) hospital; somnambulism is sleep walking; ambulatory = able to walk and not bedridden; and AMBLE obviously must mean simply walking

Sounds like tumble. Amble man always tumbles

it sounds like "HUMBLE". humble people walk slowly,showing great legacy

Amble sounds like AM(general)Lok. am lok akser paidal chalta hai.

Amble sounds like Cam(B)le...its an easy n leisure walk as done by camels in deserts.

AMBLE:..SOUNDS LIKE ABLE....so you are ABLE to walk at an easy pace after a heavry injury....

There's an ample park to amble every evening.

amble ~ i am able; imagine your grand father saying you "i am able to walk at amble pace"

AMBLE<===> टहलना (pr. \\Tahalana \\ )[IntransitiveVerb] Example:They ambled along for an hour.


Short Definition : food of the gods

(noun) a mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae
Synonyms : beebread
(noun) any of numerous chiefly North American weedy plants constituting the genus Ambrosia that produce highly allergenic pollen responsible for much hay fever and asthma
Synonyms : bitterweed ragweed
(noun) fruit dessert made of oranges and bananas with shredded coconut Definition
(noun) (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate it became immortal
Synonyms : nectar
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ambrosia

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Aam Ka rasia (Mango Juice) the food of the God.

ambrosia sounds like 'ambrut' which is food of gods

AMBROSIA - AMRIT (nectar of life) PIYA (to drink).... and only the Gods had the amrit during the sagar manthan.

ambrosia - (I) AM (cooking up)BROiling some aSIAan food.


Short Definition : able to walk

(noun) a covered walkway (as in a cloister)
Example Sentence
  • it has an ambulatory and seven chapels
(adj) relating to or adapted for walking
Example Sentence
  • an ambulatory corridor
(adj) able to walk about
Synonyms : ambulant
Example Sentence
  • the patient is ambulatory
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ambulatory

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after getting in ambulance we go to hospital get treatment and are finaly able to walk

ambulatory= amble+able

ambulatory ~ ambulance; as he can't walk he need an ambulance;


Short Definition : act of lying in wait to attack by surprise; sudden attack made from a concealed position; Ex. lie in ambush; V.

(noun) the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise Definition
(verb) wait in hiding to attack Definition
(verb) hunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing
Synonyms : still-hunt
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ambush

am"bush"- somebody hides in a "bush" and attacks you They fired from ambush.

if u remember, the tribal people attack the animals,by hiding behind a bush or a huge rock. ,else,a tiger attacks its prey ,waiting behind the bushes and with a surprise.

am + bush; imagine George W. Bush sending American army to Iraq who attack in Iraq by ambush.

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we will am bush em from behind a bush

AMBUSH<===> घात लगाना (pr. \\ghat lagana \\ )[Verb] Example:The actress was ambushed by reporters and cameramen.

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