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Short Definition : refer indirectly; N. allusion: indirect reference

(verb) make a more or less disguised reference to
Synonyms : advert touch
Example Sentence
  • He alluded to the problem but did not mention it
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allude

all+nude for a girl is not safe.so she refer that indirectly to her BF.

All-u-Did.Imagine some one scolding a group of people but his eyes were only on one person REFER INDIRECTLY that everything was done by him.-all-u-did.-

ALL+NUDE....when you see all people nude,it HINTS that you have come to a wrong place...

allude sounds similar to a lewd,meaning a philanderer.so yu dont refer someone a lewd directly,u REFER INDIRECTLY

Sounds like allusion ~ illusion which means indirect reference.

allu + ud:allu ko gesture(indirectly kehna) se kehna ud jaa nahi to sabjiwala tuze katega.

ALLUDI gariki we cant directly we have to say indirectly

allude is similar to "allure" which is to trap or lure...so we can make up a line "all dudes" are allured into trap by refering a place indirectly.. this mnemonic if for those who knows the meaning of allure

allude= all+ u+ do refering indisrectly to every thing you do.

ALLUDE<===> संकेत करना (pr. \\sanaket karana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:He alluded to the problem but did not mention it. ALLUDE<===> ज़िक्र करना (pr. \\jaikr karana \\ )[Noun]

illusion and allusion!

Not to be RUDE, so you allude.

"Allude" is a rule in talking something bad about others.

" Am I Allowed to Allude to this Allusion in the meeting?? "


Short Definition : entice; attract; tempt

(noun) the power to entice or attract through personal charm Definition
(verb) dispose or incline or entice to
Synonyms : tempt
Example Sentence
  • We were tempted by the delicious-looking food
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allure

allure= allu+ re= if a beautiful girl sells alu by shouting allu re, all guys will get attracted

allure = Al(l) L(ove) u re(like in hindi).. bcoz u are attractive or enticing ..

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+lure—lure means to attract and tempt,

All is UR as u r very attractive....simple & best

allure= take 'lu' and tempted to got lu.

ALLURE=take 'lu', hence tempting to go to lu hehehe

allure = al + l + u + re; u (you) re (are) l (loved) by al (all).. as you are very attractive.

all + ur(e) ~ in a big party a group of young n beautiful girls are saying to u that they ALL are UR. Why? It’s because u r too attractive.

for allude we made allu ud jaa.now allu + re (return) means allu wapas aa jaa.bole to attracted

The alluring appearance of the Democratic and Republican parties lured many independents.

it has lure. U lure somebody by attracting them

ALLURE<===> माया (pr. \\maya \\ )[Noun] Example:Villagers get easily carried away by the false allure of city-life. ALLURE<===> लुभाना (pr. \\lubhana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:Villagers are easily allured to the glitte


Short Definition : pertaining to soil deposits left by running water

(adj) of or relating to alluvium
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alluvial

this word sounds like Aloe Vera assume Aloe Vera growing in the soil deposit left by running water.

alluvial ~ alooo (potato) + vial (take it as real) ~ alloo + real ~ the best and REAL land for forming the ALLOOS (means potatoes) is the piece of land which has sand left by the running water or river.

alloo villa

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allu (potato)+vial(sounds like soil), allu grows in fertile soil deposited by running water

aalooo grow karne wali FERTILE SOIL

there are some vial left on the alley

ALLUVIAL CLAY<===> जलोड मिट्टी (pr. \\jaloD miTTi \\ )[Noun] Example:Alluvial clay found in river valleies and deltas.


Short Definition : money or goods given to the poor

(noun) money or goods contributed to the poor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alms

beggars put their p+alms in front of u for alms

alms.take alm..take alm as alma matter,if u can reemember,alma matter,is somthing christian,godly.christly,so christ used to give money,food to the poor. or alms,take this as arms,give an arm,refers to help some one or give a support..

alms = 'al=all & m=money'

alms ~ arms; Our country should not spend money spend in buying arms instead it should give money to poor people.

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aam(mangoes) for charity

arms are give to the military where as alms are given to the poor....you can remember it this way

ALMS<===> दान (pr. \\dan \\ )[Noun] Example:He gives alms to the poor. ALMSHOUSE<===> दानशाला (pr. \\danashala \\ )[Noun] Example:Many temples in India have almshouses.


Short Definition : upward; high up in the air

(adv) at or on or to the masthead or upper rigging of a ship
Example Sentence
  • climbed aloft to unfurl the sail
(adv) upward
Example Sentence
  • the good news sent her spirits aloft
(adv) at or to great height; high up in or into the air
Example Sentence
  • eagles were soaring aloft
  • dust is whirled aloft
(adv) in the higher atmosphere above the earth
Example Sentence
  • weather conditions aloft are fine
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aloft

You must have heard this in cricket commentary, Batsman lofted the ball up in the air.

a+loft(storey) in room is always high so that kids cant reach it

aloft ~ sounds like lift which is used to go upward.

sounds like 'a lift', when I went up in the lift, it broke the roof and kept going up and up.

a+loft. Loft= up

aloft..sounds like left alone.....(alone in this sense means leave something without any help of other things)......so imagine you go to a fair..and you buy. few balloons....now if you leave them suddenly....it will automatically go high up in the a

it will go high up in the air

lofty mountains:high mountains::aloft:high/upward..


ALOFT<===> ऊँचा (pr. \\UNacha \\ )[Adverb] Example:The good news sent her spirits aloft. ALOFT<===> हवा में (pr. \\hava men \\ )[Noun]

aloft sounds like AIRCRAFT which flies at great heights......


Short Definition : apart; not open in one's relationship with other people; reserved; ADV.

(adj) remote in manner
Synonyms : distant upstage
Example Sentence
  • stood apart with aloof dignity
  • a distant smile
  • he was upstage with strangers
(adv) in an aloof manner
Example Sentence
  • the local gentry and professional classes had held aloof for the school had accepted their sons readily enough
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aloof

aloof:aloo(potato)+f..u like aloo so mom keeps it "apart" for u..it is "reserved" for u

Aloof (ALOne in the rOOF), when some is alone in the roof, he is at distance from other members of house.

aloof~ a roof; Alone on roof top !!

aloof- imagine you cant call anyone you are lone and apart so first while you call someone you say "alo" no answer so you say "of" nobody answering you are apart and reserved - alo+of

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consider aloof is pronounced as a+lu...we always keep lu area apart from the home so that it will not create any problem in daily life


ALOOF<===> अलग/दूर (pr. \\alag/dur \\ )[Adjective] Example:He keeps himself aloof from politics. ALOOFNESS<===> दूरी (pr. \\duri \\ )[Noun] Example:He is subjected to criticism due to his aloofness from his collegues.

u r aloo(potato) so f*** o**

aloo+off...stay away fom aloo..keep distance from aloo,or else you will become fat

aloof=a+loofer as he is a loofer he is seperated from others


Short Definition : noisy quarrel

(noun) noisy quarrel
Synonyms : affray fracas
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for altercation

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A little bit of basic chemistry understanding is needed for this : Alter + cation : if you alter (change) cation, it will become anion... and there is always a dispute between cation and anion. (Both are of opposite nature)

When taken alteration of physical things like, cutting of clothes,marble,wood(by carpenter) there is always lots of noise. Isn't it?

altered ~ alter (means to change); When things are altered without telling the elders, then there may arise a noisy quarrel.

ALTERCATION (Altering conversation) Imagine a peaceful conversation altering into a noisy quarrel (as in group discussion)

alter something without asking gets mother angry

Altercation also means " an angry argument". All those words in that definition begin with the letter, a. In that case, it is alliteration. alliteration sounds like altercation.

ALTER+CAKE...when your birthday cakes are altered, you will be having disagreement or quarrel with the owner of the bakery....

altercation- imagine you alter your cat with another animal because it make noisy quarrel with your dog

altering opinion makes altercation

For the crazy couple, the alternate form of love conversation is fight.

ALTERCATION<===> झगड़ा (pr. \\jhagaDDa \\ )[Noun] Example:Altercations between Neena and Tina are quite common.

Altercation - Alter(other)+Cat = Two cats are fighting


Short Definition : unselfishly generous; concerned for others; N. altiruism: unselfish concern for the welfare of others; unselfishness; OP. egoism

(adj) showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others
Synonyms : selfless
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for altruistic

al+tru.. someone who is always true i.e. somelike Gandhiji.. unselfish concern for welfare of others

all tru(i)st. i.e. all trust to such a person who is unselfish or selfless

altruistic ~ all + true; a person with true heart for others is altruistic.

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Someone who is AL(l)TRU(e)-ISTIC . i mean who is all true is always more concerned in general welfare like our Great Mother Teresa .

ALTRUISTIC<===> परोपकारी (pr. \\paropakari \\ )[Adjective] Example:She is an altruistic social worker.


Short Definition : combination of different things; mixture of metals (containing mercury) used for filling holes in teeth

(noun) an alloy of mercury with another metal (usually silver) used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth; except for iron and platinum all metals dissolve in mercury and chemists refer to the resulting mercury mixtures as amalgams
Synonyms : dental amalgam
(noun) a combination or blend of diverse things
Example Sentence
  • his theory is an amalgam of earlier ideas
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amalgam

Amalgam , remember balgam (in Hindi).. the yellow sticky fluid that comes out of our mouth when we cough.. Its a mixture of all kinds of weird things - saliva, mucus, etc.

amalgum ~ a + mal + gum; imagine that you went to a shopping mall to buy gum to stick few things together.

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like chewing gum=amalgum which is mixture of metal to fill in teeth

AMALGAM<===> मिश्रण (pr. \\mishraN \\ )[Noun] Example:A coalition govt. is an amalgam of many political parties.


Short Definition : (of societies or groups) combine; unite in one body

(verb) to bring or combine together or with something else
Synonyms : commix mingle mix unify
Example Sentence
  • resourcefully he mingled music and dance
(adj) joined together into a whole
Example Sentence
  • United Industries
  • the amalgamated colleges constituted a university
  • a consolidated school
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amalgamate

suppose you are shy girl and you have a+ male+game+mate (amalgamate)what you should do ? of course combine or unite with your mate against other groups

amalga+mate ,mate means combine........

amalgamate: as we all know that AMALGAM is the alloy of mercury.and alloy means MIXING things together.SO AMALGAMATE means mixing or combining.

remeber pomegranate in which the seeds are united together into one combined ball.

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There is a game at a mall. Hence people come together...Gather for the game!

amalgamate -amass means to collect

amalGAMate:gum since gum combines two things

AMALGAMATE<===> मिल जाना (pr. \\mil jana \\ )[Verb] Example:East and West Germany amalgamated in 1990. AMALGAMATE<===> एक होना (pr. \\ek hona \\ )[Noun]

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