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Short Definition : supplying nourishment

(adj) of or providing nourishment
Example Sentence
  • good nourishing stew
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alimentary

ali is mental so he requires some nourishment

People who have studied biology must be knowing that stomach is called alimentary canal because it provides nutrition. Similarly alimentary food is nutritious food and alimentary talk is healthy discussion.

ailment ~ sounds like element : element like calcium is very much necessary for bones as they provide nourishment to our bones and made them stronger.

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Remember the alimentary canal in Biology that supplied food (nourishment for the body) to the stomach.

aliment: providing nourishment | ailment:bodily disorder

change 'a'in alimentary, it sounds like elementary i.e. essential or basic part and essential thing always require nourishment.

ali + tree = aladin and abu got up on a tree for some nourishment !

mentary,if u think it as mentally,then u can probly remember like this- nourishment is supplied for the mentally retarded for them to get well.

if somebody suffers frm an AILMENT you will give something ALIMENTARY to him

Sounds like elementary. Children studying in elementary school need nourishment for their growth.



Short Definition : payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce

(noun) court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated
Synonyms : maintenance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alimony

Ali+mony mony==All I need is Money and not my husband.

Its opposite to matriminy.Alimonmy=money for seperation.

Ali(name of the person) + mony(money), Imagine, Ali giving money to his ex- wife every month.

Ali gave mony to hez exx wife named mony...!!

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alimony sounds like "harmony"...so to achieve this husband needs to pay his wife after divorce :)

ailment of matrimony: when matrimony fails you have to pay back......

Ali(an)+mon(e)my : When u become alian with ur husband u get money

all money no matrimony,

ALIMONY<===> परित्यक्ता पत्नी के लिये वृत्ति या जीविका (pr. \\parityakta patni ke liye vaRatti ya jivika \\ )[Noun] Example:The alimony that she is getting is insufficient for h


Short Definition : calm; pacify

(verb) lessen the intensity of or calm
Synonyms : ease relieve still
Example Sentence
  • The news eased my conscience
  • still the fears
(verb) satisfy (thirst)
Synonyms : assuage quench slake
Example Sentence
  • The cold water quenched his thirst
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allay

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allay allay allay rote nhi chup ho jaao

ALL- LAY- lay down and calm down..

Allay = Alleviate

al + lay ~ Ali (name of a person) + lay; Ali lay down on bed to calm down his body and mind.

allay sab rakh le pr calm down

ai lay sab rakh le pr please calm down

Take a lay to calm down

ALLAY(ale) ab jo bhi ho.. ALLAY(ale) ho jane do.. ALLAY(ale) hum befikar chalte rahe!!!

allay-imagine ali of dhoom is laying on the chair to lessen his tension caused due to Abhishek Bachhan

ALLAY<===> दबाना{शांत कर देना} (pr. \\dabana{shanat kar dena} \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:My mothers consolation allayed doubts about my own abilities.

alay~relay~relax= when you relax, you try to calm down your mind from unnecessary thoughts.

allay = al (everybody) + lay; everybody laid in bed i.e. the situation is calm or peaceful.


Short Definition : state without proof

(verb) report or maintain
Synonyms : aver say
Example Sentence
  • He alleged that he was the victim of a crime
  • He said it was too late to intervene in the war
  • The registrar says that I owe the school money
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allege

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all ege(is)not fine when there is a statement without proof..

sounds like illegal...so statemet without proof is illegal

all will throw eggs on u if u STATE famous swamiji as a sinner WITH OUT any PROOF

allege ~ eligible; so if you are eligible for voting, you have to show a certificate proving that you are above 18 years old.

al(lege) sounds like "legend"..something without proof

allege reminds us of Leauge.. like IPL. in a leaugue u have to have reports to track which team is winning

ALLEGE<===> बिना सबूत के आरोप लगाना (pr. \\bina sabut ke Arop lagana \\ )[Verb] Example:He alleged that he was not the culprit in the crime. ALLEGE<===> आरोप लगाना (pr. \\Arop lagana \\ )[


Short Definition : loyalty

(noun) the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action
Example Sentence
  • his long commitment to public service
  • they felt no loyalty to a losing team
(noun) the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)
Synonyms : fealty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allegiance

We have heard the fancy stories of ALI and his GIN... his gin is COMMITTED and LOYAL to him.. hence ALLE + GI(A)N + CE...

sound like reliance. so, when will u rely on anyone, simply if he is loyal to u. :)

allegiance = alleg + ia + nce..read it as allege n..alag nahi (in Hindi)..and hence loyal or binded.

allegiance sounds like a league. after joining the league he was pretty loyal to it !

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allegiance ~ alleg +ef + iance: This sounds together like alleg(ALLEGE)+iance(sounds like fiance)....you allege your fiance of not being loyal to you.

ALLE+JEANS- this jeans u put on for all time, binding with u.

calling “allah ji” instead of “allah” shows loyalty

ally+giance,ally means friend and a good friend is always loyal

come from: liege (mean: king, loyal) . allegiance ~ all + liege = all for the king = loyalty

this word brings in mind the word ,elegance,isnt it ? well,if so- loyalty is for elegance,vice versa.

ali gyan se loyal hai.... this may be the mnemonics for the word coz i use this mnemonics for my stu...

all jeans (ALLEGIANCE) have expensive LOYALTY.

We owe allegiance to our study.

ALLEGIANCE<===> निष्ठा {राजभक्ति} (pr. \\niShTha {rajabhakti} \\ )[Noun] Example:They swear allegiance to the flag. ALLEGIANCE<===> निष्ठा (pr. \\niShTha \\ )[Noun] Example:They swear allegiance to the

All in Jeans = always in Jeans= show allegiance to jeans


Short Definition : story, play, or picture in which characters are used as symbols; fable

(noun) a short moral story (often with animal characters)
Synonyms : apologue fable parable
(noun) a visible symbol representing an abstract idea
Synonyms : emblem
(noun) an expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances; an extended metaphor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allegory

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A girl to be ALL+GORY in all characters is like a dream and can be only portrayed in story or play

'All''Eg'yptians use pict'ory' [in pyramids symbols such as eagle,bird etc. were used to represent words]

Allegory might remind of the impressive presentation, examples and storyline of Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" Remember Al Gore....

all+glory=glory written in symbols like egyptians or mughals

allegory is like story

allegory ~ all gory (fair color skin); all girls on this earth can be gory only in some story. It's not possible in reality.

alle-glory = relate glory to story

allegory = allege + glory; The glory of allege is always written in diary.

ALLEGORY<===> रूपक-कथा (pr. \\rupak-katha \\ )[Noun] Example:George Orwells `Animal Farm is a political allegory.

allegory sounds like allergy which is a reaction to an irritant; it "symbolizes" that our body is fighting the irritant


Short Definition : relieve (pain)

(verb) provide physical relief, as from pain
Synonyms : assuage palliate relieve
Example Sentence
  • This pill will relieve your headaches
(verb) make easier
Synonyms : ease facilitate
Example Sentence
  • you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alleviate

ALL (all)+ EVI (evil)+ ATE (has been eaten up) so hence you are relieved of the pain and you feel relief

alleviate ~ elevator: It sounds like elevator and elevator helps us reduce leg pain while walking or climbing stairs.

alleviate= ALL+LEVIS+ATE , people of old age r wearing dhoti while they ate as it gives relieve to them,bt nowadays ALL youngsters r wearing LEVIS JEANS while they ATE n r saying that it gives us RELIEVE while we eat.

Alle(Ginger in marathi) khane ke baad daat ka dard kam hota hai

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ALLEVIATE = Allegation is going to ate i.e relieves the pain.

ALLEVIATE<===> कम करना (pr. \\kam karana \\ )[Verb] Example:The govt. has introduced schemes to alleviate poverty.


Short Definition : repetition of beginning sound in poetry

(noun) use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse
Example Sentence
  • around the rock the ragged rascal ran
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alliteration

sounds like literature iteration (observe the word very carefully). hence can be related to repetitions(iterations) in poems.

All+Iteration : iteration means repeating.

hindhi song- chandu ke chacha ne chandu ke chachi koh chandi ke chamchi se chatane chatai...so cha is alliteration

sounds like illiteration for an illeterate we have to repeat again.

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add + letter makes it "add the same occurrence letter"

add + letter makes it "add the same occurrence of letter"

ALLITERATION<===> अनुप्रास अलंकार (pr. \\anupras alanakar \\ )[Noun] Example:Repetition of the same consonant sound in a sentence is alliteration.


Short Definition : assign; set apart for a particular purpose

(verb) distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose
Synonyms : apportion
Example Sentence
  • I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis
  • I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allocate

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Allocate- to locate, and then set apart for a certain purpose.

All+locate (location) is set apart for a special purpose.


Short Definition : mixture as of metals; something added that lowers in value or purity; V: mix; make less pure; lower in value or quality; spoil; CF. unalloyed: not in mixture with other maetals; pure; complete; unqual

(noun) a mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten
Synonyms : metal
Example Sentence
  • brass is an alloy of zinc and copper
(noun) the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something
Synonyms : admixture
(verb) lower in value by increasing the base-metal content
Synonyms : debase
(verb) make an alloy of
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alloy

sounds like ALLOW, two metals are allowed to combine together

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