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Short Definition : improve

(verb) to make better
Example Sentence
  • The editor improved the manuscript with his changes
(verb) get better
Synonyms : better improve meliorate
Example Sentence
  • The weather improved toward evening
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ameliorate

Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of food.

In movie Amelie, Amelie tries to improve other's life.

Take the suffix 'rate'. With the increase in product rate it's quality will also improve.

"ae"+ "melio"+ "re"(meet me) lets meet to improve relations

Aam(Mango)+ lio(Take) + rate(@ less rate).. Cheap mangoes.. makes it Better ;)

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Sounds a bit like deteriorate which means 'to lessen or degrade'. Here 'a' negates the meaning. Hence it means 'to better'

deteriorate = degrade ameliorate = improve

AMUL RATE- with shortage of milk, AMUL is increasing milk RATE

AME(she)+LI(literacy)+RATE...(shes improving literacy rate by teaching..

Amelio-rate is to make it more-great

Amelia R. ate Kate's improving cake to help her make it more great!

After polishing off the meal we ate, Amelia rated Its overall quality, saying it might be ameliorated If dusted with imported Parmesan, freshly grated And by having the entrée more attractively plated. JBG 12/27/10


AMELIORATE<===> सुधारना (pr. \\sudharana \\ )[Verb] Example:The army has been called to ameliorate the city situation.


Short Definition : obedient; compliant; readily managed; responsive; willing to be led; answerable or accountable legally; responsible; able to be tested by; Ex. amenable to sensible suggestions; Ex. He is very amenable

(adj) disposed or willing to comply
Synonyms : conformable
Example Sentence
  • someone amenable to persuasion
(adj) readily reacting to suggestions and influences
Synonyms : tractable
Example Sentence
  • a responsive student
(adj) open to being acted upon in a certain way
Example Sentence
  • an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death
  • the tumor was not amenable to surgical treatment
(adj) liable to answer to a higher authority
Example Sentence
  • the president is amenable to the constitutional court
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amenable

Amen is a word used in islam and christinity. meaning of which is i agree. So amenable means something able to be agreed.

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A+MAN+ABLE....a man is able to succeed if he is open and responsive to suggestion....

a MEN ABLE - ABLE MEN are obedient,compliant,readily managed,etc. (are amenable)

Amenable -> Ammendable -> Ammendment. Ammendment is a CHANGE to law. Amenable means willing to change.

amenable sounds like AMAN (peace)+ ABLE. So obedient people are amenable .

consider amenable as a+mend+able. which can be easily influenced or easily controlled.

"mend"able person

AMENABLE<===> जवाबदेही/आज्ञाकारी/वश्य (pr. \\javabadehi/Ajnyakari/vashy \\ )[Adjective] Example:An employee is amenable to the officer.


Short Definition : correct; change ; generally for the better

(verb) make amendments to
Example Sentence
  • amend the document
(verb) to make better
Example Sentence
  • The editor improved the manuscript with his changes
(verb) set straight or right
Example Sentence
  • remedy these deficiencies
  • rectify the inequities in salaries
  • repair an oversight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amend

after we ask God to AMEND the sinful world, we say AMEN

amend means i am end, interpret it in such a way "when one is dying he always try to do "amend" i.e rectify the things

MEND means he act of putting something in working order again...AMEND has got the same meaning as MEND....

Remember Amendment.. It means bring a correction

amend ~ a + mind; you should have a sound mind to amend you score in mathematics.

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amend sounds like a+bend we bend something to make it straight or correct its shape

AMEND<===> संशोधन करना (pr. \\sanashodhan karana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:Our Parliament amends the bill. AMEND<===> सुधारना (pr. \\sudharana \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : convenient features that helps to make life pleasant; social courtesies

(noun) things that make you comfortable and at ease
Example Sentence
  • all the comforts of home
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amenities

a man at ease

amenities ~ a + men + at + ease; things which can make life of a man easy are basic amenities.

amenities put a man at ease



Short Definition : agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly

(adj) disposed to please
Example Sentence
  • an amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin
(adj) diffusing warmth and friendliness
Synonyms : affable cordial genial
Example Sentence
  • an affable smile
  • an amiable gathering
  • cordial relations
  • a cordial greeting
  • a genial host
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amiable

am + I + able or lovable

amiable ~ am I able; I am able to make friends because of my amiable nature.

AMOR is the origin of love in Spanish. AM-I-ABLE. AMOR is ABLE. So LOVEABLE...

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amiable - Am I lovable?

AMIABLE<===> मिलनसार (pr. \\milanasar \\ )[Adjective] Example:Nehru chacha was always amiable with children. AMIABLE<===> स्नेही (pr. \\snehi \\ )[Noun]

Ami sound opposite of enemy. so amiable is friendly


Short Definition : peaceful; politely friendly; not quarrelsome; Ex. amicable settlement

(adj) characterized by friendship and good will
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amicable

amicable ~ am + I + cable; there is a cable (friendly connection) between me (I) and him

amicable= tkae mic means microphone which always makes sound and opposite of it is peaceful.

Amicable: A Mic on the tAble (an unused mic is always peaceful)

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a+mic+able.mic is able to produce noises...a negates the meaning...hence peaceful

amicable = a(not)+ mic(microphone)+ able..if a mic is not able den it is peaceful...

the word reminds of "mic"key mouse who is friendly

am i cable:Movie Cable Guy and the friendly nature of Jim Carrey i.e. amicable

ammi(mother) cable wale se politely, in a friendly manner se baat kar rahi hain because the cable wala has the power to cut the cable!!!!!

AMICABLE<===> मित्रवत् (pr. \\mitravat \\ )[Adjective] Example:The two parties do not seem to reach an amicable settlement. AMICABLE<===> मैत्रीपूर्ण (pr. \\maitripurN \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : wrong; faulty; Ex. something amiss; ADV.

(adj) not functioning properly
Synonyms : awry haywire wrong
Example Sentence
  • something is amiss
  • has gone completely haywire
  • something is wrong with the engine
(adv) away from the correct or expected course
Synonyms : awry
Example Sentence
  • something has gone awry in our plans
  • something went badly amiss in the preparations
(adv) in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner
Example Sentence
  • if you think him guilty you judge amiss
  • he spoke amiss
  • no one took it amiss when she spoke frankly
(adv) in an imperfect or faulty way
Synonyms : imperfectly
Example Sentence
  • The lobe was imperfectly developed
  • Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amiss

amiss : i thought she was a miss, but it was amiss as she was a misses:)

a+miss.. miss.. when you miss to do something..important... that is your fault.. as you have missed something..

something is missing...so faulty, wrong..

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a+miss -- a mistress is always "wrong" to keep!

she told me that it is WRONG that I dint MISS her

A+miss : If u miss a catch your technique is wrong or faulty.

A MIS(S)take is something wrong so 'amiss' means wrong

AMISS<===> गलत (pr. \\galat \\ )[Adjective] Example:Every thing seems to be amiss -what to do?


Short Definition : friendship; peaceful relationship as between nations

(noun) a cordial disposition
Synonyms : cordiality
(noun) a state of friendship and cordiality
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amity

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ami means friend in French.so usually words which involve ami=friend. ex: amiable, amicable, amity etc

amity is close to 'mithr'/ 'mythri' which means friend/friendship

amity university... creating world-class leaders....and peaceful relations


A mity (In bangla mity means dosto or friend)

amigo + treaty = amity

sounds like "gravity". gravity between tow friend means "amity"

hav u ever seen the add AMITY university...d add jus shows the friendly atmosphere over there..!!

a + mit (hindi word, meaning to end); so a relationship which can't be ended.

amity can be remembered as amigo(which means friend)


Short Definition : loss of memory

(noun) partial or total loss of memory
Synonyms : blackout memory loss
Example Sentence
  • he has a total blackout for events of the evening
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amnesia

amnesia ~ am + in + asia; Imagine someone living in India saying "Am I in Asia?" He probably lost his memory.

Amnesia.......remember AMir khan and his movie Ghajini were he has memory loss also Tare Zameen Par where he shows about DYSLEXIA same as AMNESIA

am in asia?...tell me

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AMNESIA = am + ne (north east) + Asia; Forgot everything in childhood.

AMNESIA<===> याददाश्त खो जाना/विस्मरण (pr. \\yadadasht kho jana/vismaraN \\ )[Noun] Example:Due to head injury he suffered from amnesia.


Short Definition : pardon (allowed by government to political criminals)

(noun) a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment Definition
(noun) a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense
Synonyms : pardon
(noun) the formal act of liberating someone
Synonyms : free pardon pardon
(verb) grant a pardon to (a group of people)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amnesty

am-nesty-> similar to "i am nasty" but still my parents generally pardon my mistakes

amnesty.amnes+ty..amnesia....a mental diseases...in which a person forgets ..everthing......forgetfulness....so forgetting someone mistakes and ..granting them pardon.........

amnesty - amnesia (loss of memory) a person suffering from amnesia will not be punished by judiciary and he will be pardoned....

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Because of his HONESTY he got AMNESTY

Amnesty International - Fights for human Rights of prisoners.. Fights to pardon them.

amnesty ~ am + ne (not) + sty (stay); Imagine a prisoner saying "I am not going to stay in this prison anymore as judge granted amnesty to me."

Am + nasta( breakfast). My parents pardoned me when i hadn't done my breakfast

AMNESTY = am (i) + ne (north east) + st (schedule tribe) + y; I am north east st please forgave me i donot know anything.

AMNESTY<===> राज-क्षमा (pr. \\raj-kShama \\ )[Noun] Example:The rebels who surrendered themselves were granted amnesty.

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