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Short Definition : stir up; disturb

(verb) try to stir up public opinion
Synonyms : foment stir up
(verb) cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
Example Sentence
  • The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks
(verb) exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for
Example Sentence
  • The liberal party pushed for reforms
  • She is crusading for women's rights
  • The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate
(verb) move very slightly
Synonyms : budge shift stir
Example Sentence
  • He shifted in his seat
(verb) move or cause to move back and forth
Synonyms : shake
Example Sentence
  • The chemist shook the flask vigorously
  • My hands were shaking
(verb) change the arrangement or position of
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for agitate

Agitate rhymes with Irritate. You get agitated if somebody constantly irritates you.

agitate - a gitar stir and disturb many people

a "gitar" sound disturbs many people from sleep

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Agitate sounds like "HESITATE"-suppose u r giving presentation in class & u r hesitating because ur classmates r disturbing u...so agitate mean DISTURB

tate sounds like TAIT(australian bowler)when he is bowling the batsmen gets disturbed

AGITATE<===> हलचल मचाना (pr. \\halachal machana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:The students agitated in front of the Vice Chancellors office. AGITATE<===> आंदोलन करना (pr. \\Anadolan karana \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate reality

(noun) someone who is doubtful or noncommittal about something
Synonyms : doubter
(noun) a person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist) Definition
(adj) of or pertaining to an agnostic or agnosticism Definition
(adj) uncertain of all claims to knowledge
Synonyms : agnostical
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for agnostic

agnostic:we have nostic...its like nasthik in hindi which means a person who does not belive in god.

a - G - NO - stic => God No => Deny existance of god. But he is not sure. So confused about existance of god.

agnostic-- opposite of diagnostic - diagnose is for learn reality - agnostic is deny reality

(agnostic ~ egnostic ~ ego)This word can be remembered from ego. One who has ego would always consider himself superior and would deny the existence of others.

In Greek agnostos is unknown. ag-nost- sounds a bit like not. which is to deny

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EGO-stands for edging god out..

A G No Stic = Wife tells his husbands to purchase no stic from shop for God i.e has no belief in god.

AGNOSTIC<===> नास्तिवादी (pr. \\nastivadi \\ )[Noun] AGNOSTIC<===> अनीश्वरवादी (pr. \\anishvaravadi \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : highly excited; intensely curious

(adj) highly excited
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for agog

Remember the song of Anil Kapoor: AG OG yeh bhi sunogi,kehta hu mai jo woh tum bhi sunoji..1 2 ka 4 4 2 ka 1, My name is lakhan.. ;) He is too excited in that song, and is curious to tell his story to everyone...

a gog sounds like a dog(may be silly but helps) dog always barks.u shout wen ur excited.

agog ~ a goggle : Just imagine someone who got a new goggle as gift from someone on his birthday and is very excited to wear it while riding bike.

gog reminds google, think a guy get into google company,i am sure that day he will be excited like anything

The fans were AGOG over the arrival of Lady GAGA.

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aGOG = sounds like gong = strike a bell with a gong - it gets excited and produces sound.

wen u race u feel excited wen refree say GO!!

Relate it to GOOGLE someone who tries to gain knowledge about everything through GOOGLE

i am highly exited and intensely curious about my new X-ray GOGgles

fog- would be dazed opposite would be gogged

When I get excited, I get GOOGLY eyes.

AGOG:Age Of Gwenethe Paltrow: u r curious n highly excited to know the true age of the famous actress Gwenethe Paltrow

relate to aragog... hagrid was curious to save aragog

Agog - when google stock goes from $40 to $500, the stock holders are very excited.

AGOG<===> उत्सुक (pr. \\utsuk \\ )[Adverb] Example:Ram was all agog at the thought of joining the new college.


Short Definition : pertaining to land or its cultivation; Ex. agrarian reform

(adj) relating to rural matters
Synonyms : agricultural farming
Example Sentence
  • an agrarian (or agricultural) society
  • farming communities
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for agrarian

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agrarian = agriculturian related to rural

agra-tkae this as agri. wen its agri,then its somthing related to agriculture.and wr is agriculture done ? Ans- on land. (hehehe-probly a silliy one),but,its gre u c..

root "agr" in this word means related to agriculture clearly indicate the meaning of this word.

just imagine tajmahal it green on the sides fileed with grass and its because aryans in olden days cultivated the land for agriculture

AGAR hum land ko REAR kre means cultivate,....so AGRARIAN means land for cultivation

agrarian sounds like A GRAIN which is related to agriculture

AGRARIAN<===> भूमि विषयक (pr. \\bhumi viShayak \\ )[Adjective] Example:After the Green Revolution agrarian laws in the country has undergone treme- ndous change. AGRARIAN<===> कृषिक (pr. \\kaRaShik \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : of air; high in the air; lofty; immaterial; unreal

(adj) open to or abounding in fresh air
Synonyms : aired
Example Sentence
  • airy rooms
(adj) not practical or realizable; speculative
Example Sentence
  • airy theories about socioeconomic improvement
  • visionary schemes for getting rich
(adj) having little or no perceptible weight; so light as to resemble air
Example Sentence
  • airy gauze curtains
(adj) characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air
Example Sentence
  • figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away
  • aerial fancies
  • an airy apparition
  • physical rather than ethereal forms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for airy

for the other meanings (impractical, lofty, immaterial, unreal): think airy as HAWA MEIN.. as in hawa mein baat karna.. so immaterial baat karna

air + y; air itself relates to the meaning;

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AIRY<===> हवादार (pr. \\havadar \\ )[Adjective] Example:My bosss cabin is well-lighted and airy. AIRY<===> लापरवाह (pr. \\laparavah \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : cheerful promptness without reluctance

(noun) liveliness and eagerness
Synonyms : briskness smartness
Example Sentence
  • he accepted with alacrity
  • the smartness of the pace soon exhausted him
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alacrity

take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity.creative people are so eager to learn n create things differently.

alacrity sounds like AT+LAST+IN+CITY..a person who is first time in a big city is excited n eager to c da city...

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remember it as a la carte.. which means selecting food from the menu.. usually when ppl go to restaurants they are "eager" to get food!!

alacrity = Alag aakrity (a picture). when do you make alag aakrity?? = when you have GREAT WILLINGNESS & ENTHUSIASM. alag aakrity banane ke liye you should have Alacrity

One who does each activity ( crity = kriti in hindi) according to 'Alarm' has 'Alacrity'.

Assume ALlah in CITY. So people went to see him with ALACRITY(Eagerness or Liveliness)

alacrity ( all city) usually we have found in these days that everybody have great enthusiasm and willing to go to the city

"Alas, she cried out. I am ready to help!" Think of the "a" in "alas" and the "c" in "cried" as phonically related to "alacrity."

Someone with alacrity will <B>lack resistance</B>, or in other words 'have willingness.'

ALAg aaCRITY(aakriti in hindi).. a person with such livliness and promptness is alag aakriti

a lack (of) crity (criticism) = eager

ALACRITY<===> तत्परता (pr. \\tatparata \\ )[Noun] Example:She accepted his proposal with alacrity. ALACRITY<===> जोश (pr. \\josh \\ )[Noun]

Capture the spirit of the word alacrity by adding a "G" - GALAcrity! A gala is upbeat, and one would accept an invitation to dance with cheerful readiness,promptness,and willingness! Gala-alacrity!

CRITY - A critter moves with alacrity

alacrity-->my opponent said alas!and cried and i won the competition

Ala - > Alayara Case . Only those case are very eager . (Crity)


Short Definition : medieval chemistry

(noun) the way two individuals relate to each other
Example Sentence
  • their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other
  • a mysterious alchemy brought them together
(noun) a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alchemy

alchemy ~ ALL + CHEMIcal :related to chemistry

try to recollect pauolo coelho's book!!! Alchemist

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ALCHEMY<===> कीमिया{रसायन विद्या से सम्बंधित} (pr. \\kimiya{rasayan vidya se sambanadhit} \\ )[Noun] Example:My grandfather has the knowledge of alchemy.


Short Definition : nook; recess

(noun) a small recess opening off a larger room
Synonyms : bay
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alcove

all covered just a small space

sorry for bad language here. but this is how i learnt it : aclove : an opening into a wider area sort of like ...a*hole Sentence Close your "asshole" asshole

Aclove- think of a 'clove'. It has a large area over a small one. But here it is A-lcove: 'a' is negative so its the opposite here


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alcove ~ a cave; reminds us of a cave which has a small opening

it'd always advisable to keep ALCOHOL in an ALCOVE to be a little more out of reach 4 them

ac(tual) love is opening of longlasting (bigger)life


Short Definition : an assumed name esp. by a criminal (usually to mislead people); ADV. alias

(noun) a name that has been assumed temporarily Definition
(adv) as known or named at another time or place
Synonyms : a.k.a. also known as
Example Sentence
  • Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alias

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Alias = A LIE AS another person

my friend ALI hAS assumed my name

Ali + As : so you are changing your name Ali to Asif...why?`

Ali + As.. So ali is known with his assumed name as Asif


Short Definition : make unfriendly or hostile; estrange; separate; change the ownership of

(verb) arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness
Synonyms : alien disaffect estrange
Example Sentence
  • She alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious
(verb) transfer property or ownership
Synonyms : alien
Example Sentence
  • The will aliened the property to the heirs
(verb) make withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated
Example Sentence
  • the boring work alienated his employees
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alienate

alian+ate...if a alian comes and eat all food on earth .we all become unfriendly and hostile to it.

Alienate = A + lie + nate; When I tell 'A lie' it 'Alienates' my father.

Alien+ate. treat someone like an alien i.e. being unfriendly or getting separated.

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Aliens may be hostile creatures living in a separate distance planet. To 'alienate' two friends mean 'To make them enemy or hostile' which in turn means 'To separate these two friends':D

Relate it with the movie 'How to lose friend and alienate people'

in alienate consider the nate as mate it becomes a+lie+mate when u lie with ur mate it will separate ur friend ship

alien+hate you hate aliens so you isolate them

alien.. in Koi Mil Gaya.. Hritik became, everyone became his hostile while he was keeping alien at his home. Hritik was alienate

ALIENATE<===> विरोधी बनाना (pr. \\virodhi banana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:The Governments Defamation Bill had alienated many of its supporters.

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