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Short Definition : employed; busy; betrothed; involved in conflict

(adj) having ones attention or mind or energy engaged
Synonyms : occupied
Example Sentence
  • she keeps herself fully occupied with volunteer activities
  • deeply engaged in conversation
(adj) involved in military hostilities
Example Sentence
  • the desperately engaged ships continued the fight
(adj) reserved in advance
Synonyms : booked set-aside
(adj) (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line)
Synonyms : busy in use
Example Sentence
  • her line is busy
  • receptionists' telephones are always engaged
  • the lavatory is in use
  • kept getting a busy signal
(adj) (used of toothed parts or gears) interlocked and interacting
Synonyms : intermeshed meshed
Example Sentence
  • the gears are engaged
  • meshed gears
  • intermeshed twin rotors
(adj) having services contracted for
Example Sentence
  • the carpenter engaged (or employed) for the job is sick
(adj) built against or attached to a wall
Example Sentence
  • engaged columns


Short Definition : charming; attractive

(adj) attracting or delighting
Synonyms : piquant
Example Sentence
  • an engaging frankness
  • a piquant face with large appealing eyes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for engaging

I have an engagement with an engaging girl tomorrow.

eng (young) age ing... that young age girls attract boys...

Girls Engage(attract) boys by their Engaging(charming,attractive) looks


Short Definition : cause; produce; give rise to

(verb) call forth
Synonyms : breed spawn
(verb) make children
Example Sentence
  • Abraham begot Isaac
  • Men often father children but don't recognize them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for engender

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when two gender's male & female end up together .. they produce or give rise to a CHILD..

When genders get together they cause, produce, and give rise to children.

engender ~ gene ~ make offspring

If a species is ENDANGERED it needs to ENGENDER a new child.

engender also means bringing into being.so,thats opposite of endanger where species will be on the verge of extinct

when 2 gender combine dey give rise to a new gender(boy or a girl)


Short Definition : occupy fully; absorb

(verb) devote (oneself) fully to
Example Sentence
  • He immersed himself into his studies
(verb) consume all of one's attention or time
Synonyms : absorb engage occupy
Example Sentence
  • Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for engross

pick the word gross - grass garden is fill with grass.

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IN GRASS...when a couple is doing sex in the lawns of a garden they will engross people....

ENGROSS= IN-GROWTH.embryonic staff are always engaged with the growth stage

to purna pane grassun gelaya


Short Definition : surround and swallow up

(verb) devote (oneself) fully to
Example Sentence
  • He immersed himself into his studies
(verb) flow over or cover completely
Example Sentence
  • The bright light engulfed him completely
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for engulf

en+gulf(gulp)..so how much do you gulp or swallow in a day....??

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gulf has swallowed such quantities of petrol that other countries from outside are relying on it

Golf courses swallows huge area of cultivable land.

gulf is swallowed by south indian people. You can see south indian people everywhere. Just to remember the word

ENGLUF sounds lyk aloof,jab hum log aloof(lonely) hote hai tab engrossed or absorbed hokar kam karte hai


Short Definition : increase; make greater (as in value, reputation, or usefulness); improve

(verb) increase
Synonyms : heighten raise
Example Sentence
  • This will enhance your enjoyment
  • heighten the tension
(verb) make better or more attractive
Example Sentence
  • This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enhance

when you are given a chance you try to improve more... that is ENHANCE


Short Definition : puzzle; mystery; ADJ. enigmatic: obscure; puzzling

(noun) something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
Example Sentence
  • how it got out is a mystery
  • it remains one of nature's secrets
(noun) a difficult problem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enigma

e(nigma) Consider the word in brackets. Nigma sounds Nagma.nagma's affair is always a mystry and puzzle.

enigma—enigma songs are difficult to understand

enigma songs are enigmatic

enigma sounds like stigma which is a part of flower part of flower always hard to understand JAI SHRI RAM

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Think of a mysterious fairy godmother hidden inside a pig. IN PIG MA.

Enigma...EGG ? REMEMBER EGG..An example of an enigma is the question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”

enigma..souds like engine....and before JAMES WAT DISCOVERED STEAM ENGINE...THE WORD ENGINE was a puzzle and MYSTERY FOR PEOPLE.

enigma=nigger+maa nigger maa cant explain who the father is as they have many partners before marriage.


Short Definition : command; order; forbid

(verb) issue an injunction Definition
(verb) give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
Synonyms : order say tell
Example Sentence
  • I said to him to go home
  • She ordered him to do the shopping
  • The mother told the child to get dressed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enjoin

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EN(means to become) + join...you command and order people to join and become members of your group.

Some of us were ORDERED or COMMANDED to JOIN the armed forces, while some others were FORBIDDEN to do so.

enjoin = enjoy + not...follow the order

its sounds like enjoying?? u'll say no if u r ordered to do something

: ENJOIN = EN(in)+JOIN(joining order). In joining order it was enjoined(ordered) to wear UNIFORM and enjoined(forbidden) from wearing sports shoes.

Enjoying???? Ohh th"en"-"join" the office right away...its an order..:P

en-join=='N'-join if u join the ends of letter N it becomes O-for order

come join...


Short Definition : (cause to) join the armed forces; obtain (help, sympathy, or support)

(verb) join the military Definition
(verb) hire for work or assistance
Synonyms : engage
Example Sentence
  • engage aid, help, services, or support
(verb) engage somebody to enter the army
Synonyms : draft muster in


Short Definition : make lively or spirited; animate

(verb) heighten or intensify
Example Sentence
  • These paintings exalt the imagination
(verb) make lively
Example Sentence
  • let's liven up this room a bit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enliven

en(means to become or to make)+liven..(live)..so to make something lively.

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