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Short Definition : make beloved; Ex. endear her to everyone; ADJ. dear: loved; cherished; high-priced

(verb) make attractive or lovable
Example Sentence
  • This behavior endeared her to me
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for endear

en(means to become)+dear...so to become dear to someone , or to make dear to u.


Short Definition : fond word or act; expression of affection

(noun) the act of showing affection
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for endearment

Focus on word DEAR, whoever is dear for you, you show affection to him


Short Definition : prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country; peculiar to a particular region or people; CF. pandemic

(noun) a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location
Synonyms : endemic disease
(noun) a plant that is native to a certain limited area
Example Sentence
  • it is an endemic found only this island
(adj) of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality
Synonyms : endemical
Example Sentence
  • diseases endemic to the tropics
  • endemic malaria
  • food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world
(adj) native to or confined to a certain region
Example Sentence
  • the islands have a number of interesting endemic species
(adj) originating where it is found
Example Sentence
  • the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo
  • autochthonous rocks and people and folktales
  • endemic folkways
  • the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for endemic

simple think of epidemic as an epidemic desease that spreads a vast area and endemic disease as a disease that spreads only a confined area

epidemic is something that is confined to vast area and endemic is confined to small area

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end of(demic)democracy-this characteristic,nw a days,is confined to a very little no of countries..

Think: "In a demographic," which relates to a specific portion of the population.

The disease only spreads in a certain area, so epiDEMY ENDs outside of that aream (endemic)

endemic = mic(sound) can be reached up to only certain region


Short Definition : approve; support; write one's signature on the back of; N. endorsement; CF. dorsal

(verb) be behind; approve of
Example Sentence
  • He plumped for the Labor Party
  • I backed Kennedy in 1960
(verb) give support or one's approval to
Synonyms : back indorse second
Example Sentence
  • I'll second that motion
  • I can't back this plan
  • endorse a new project
(verb) guarantee as meeting a certain standard
Synonyms : certify indorse
Example Sentence
  • certified grade AAA meat
(verb) sign as evidence of legal transfer
Synonyms : indorse
Example Sentence
  • endorse cheques
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for endorse

en+dor+se—DOR( a string) SE hum kite fly karte hai, dor is used to SUPPORT the kite

pepsi ,coca colam,etc are the several endorsemnts that use advertismnts during the cricket matches that india plays

jab en+dor(DOOR)+SE koi ae to use andar ane ka APPROVAL dete hain and madad (SUPPORT) karte hain.. hence the meaning

endorse(entering inside door=support)the endorsement of new law approve and support women rights.

Bollywood stars endorse several brands ie. they support and promote the brand..


Short Definition : provide with some quality; endow

(verb) give qualities or abilities to
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for endue

DUE, a cold drink. Having a chilled DUE in summer empowers you. so Endue.

Endue - END+DUE - until you 'provide with quality', you are DUE till the END.

endue<->endow so we have to learn endow: endow=en+DOW(in hindi: to give), thus TO GiVE + some quality

EN+DUE, My payment is DUE if it comes I am powerful.

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Looks Like Ensure...So if some one ensure about some thing ,it is os good quality....

due <-> appropriate. Making something due to a person(Imagine some good position in office) is by givning him/her qualities

Endue-'due' if we r in due(money) to anyone..we return the due with some amount as interest.. i.e; provide wid some quality...

if u enable the due then I will be powerful in money..

Whatever due he wants from us give him,i.e empowering him.


Short Definition : lasting; surviving; V. endure: bear (pain or suffering) for a long time; remain alive (in spite of difficulties); last; survive

(adj) unceasing
Synonyms : abiding imperishable
Example Sentence
  • an abiding belief
  • imperishable truths
(adj) patiently bearing continual wrongs or trouble
Synonyms : long-suffering
Example Sentence
  • an enduring disposition
  • a long-suffering and uncomplaining wife
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enduring

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enduring - durable - means long-lasting.

en+DURING....so DURING your whole life time, you suffered from this problem.


Short Definition : invigorate; give energy to; make forceful and active

(verb) cause to be alert and energetic
Example Sentence
  • Coffee and tea stimulate me
  • This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate
(verb) raise to a higher energy level
Synonyms : energise excite
Example Sentence
  • excite the atoms


Short Definition : weaken; take away energy from

(verb) weaken mentally or morally Definition
(verb) disturb the composure of
Synonyms : faze unnerve unsettle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enervate

ENERV(w)asTE whwn you waste you energy you become weak

break it as e + nerve(nerv) + ate... what happens when our pulse reduces; we WEAKEN.

can also be broken as ener(energy) + vate (wait) when energy is waiting somewhere else....you have less energy left in yourself

enervate ~ evaporate

E=emergency Nervate=nerves Rushing nerves to the ER is a sign something bad happened...like a stroke..potentially paralyzing , weakening.

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Enervate: ener(ENERGY) + vate(evaporate) Ur energy is evaportaed, so u feel weak


INNER WEIGHT- if your INNER WEIGHT is very high i.e. you are very fat then you get ENERVATED very soon.

assume that ENER=ENERGY VATE=WAIT If You wait for a long time we lose our energy and WEAKEN

ener(inner)+vate(weight) : if ur inner wt increases u feel weak....

enervate = energy is being (v) ate by sunlight so he is become weak.


Short Definition : admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote); CF. franchise

(verb) grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude
Synonyms : affranchise
Example Sentence
  • Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century
(verb) grant voting rights
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enfranchise

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en+franchise...a franchise is an official authority (to sell goods...or any other thngs)of a company.and every franchise boss has VOTING POWER in the company.origin-franch.means free, so freedom is nothing but voting power.

Historically the French revolution addressed citizenship then these ideas spread. Look to FRANCH and remember the French citizenship and rights.

if ur franchise of a company u have right to VOTE for its policies.freedom to vote being a franchise

in IPL auctions respective team franchise's vote for a player with their bidding amount.. no other person has right to vote in this auction..


Short Definition : attract; employ; hire; pledge oneself; confront; fight; enter into confliction; interlock; lock together; participate; N. engagement: agreement to marry; arrangement to meet someone or to do something

(verb) carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in
Synonyms : prosecute pursue
Example Sentence
  • She pursued many activities
  • They engaged in a discussion
(verb) consume all of one's attention or time
Synonyms : absorb engross occupy
Example Sentence
  • Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely
(verb) engage or hire for work
Synonyms : employ hire
Example Sentence
  • They hired two new secretaries in the department
  • How many people has she employed?
(verb) ask to represent; of legal counsel
Example Sentence
  • I'm retaining a lawyer
(verb) give to in marriage
Synonyms : affiance betroth plight
(verb) get caught
Example Sentence
  • make sure the gear is engaged
(verb) carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)
Synonyms : wage
Example Sentence
  • Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe
(verb) hire for work or assistance
Synonyms : enlist
Example Sentence
  • engage aid, help, services, or support
(verb) engage for service under a term of contract
Synonyms : charter hire lease rent take
Example Sentence
  • We took an apartment on a quiet street
  • Let's rent a car
  • Shall we take a guide in Rome?
(verb) keep engaged
Synonyms : lock mesh operate
Example Sentence
  • engaged the gears
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for engage

Remember engagementattract-> pledge->hire->confront a girl.

The girl you HIRED as your PA is very CHARMING and ATTRACTIVE and hence you've decided to COMMIT to her by PLEDGING to be her husband at an ENGAGEMENT function.

remind engagement,what qualities u want in ur partner CHARMING ATTRACTIVE AND FULL OF VIGOR.

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