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Short Definition : throw into confusion; involve in strife, dispute, or quarrel; entangle; CF. imbroglio

(verb) force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action
Example Sentence
  • They were swept up by the events
  • don't drag me into this business
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for embroil

embroil=i m b(r)oil during dispute, quarrel, confusion. We get all boiled up due to great anger.

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Broil: To expose to great heat. Embroil: To involve in argument. "Embroil" sounds like "I am Broiled". ==> When I embroil, I feel like I am broiled.

"Wait... was I supposed to boil the chicken or broil it?" said the embroiled child

(th)em+br(a)+oil:: if u give them bra and oil ,they will be confused...and agitated..(PROVIDED they must be stupid enogh to know that the bra must be given to girlfriend and oil must be used for sex...)..and agitated....broiled..

em+broil......broil...close to boil......so when some one get boiled...one must be calm so that u dont force him/her into a conflict..

embroil=='em+broil i.e make them broil..force som1 to me heated with confusion


Short Definition : undeveloped; rudimentary; N. embryo: organism in the early stage of development

(adj) of an organism prior to birth or hatching
Synonyms : embryologic embryonal
Example Sentence
  • in the embryonic stage
  • embryologic development
(adj) in an early stage of development
Synonyms : embryotic
Example Sentence
  • the embryonic government staffed by survivors of the massacre
  • an embryonic nation, not yet self-governing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for embryonic

embryo+nic.. an EMBRYO is a cell which is UNDEVLOPED (of human, hen etc ), so the underdeveloped stage is called embryonic.

i m in younik stage.. youth stage


Short Definition : correct (usually a text); N. emendation: correction of errors; improvement

(verb) make improvements or corrections to
Example Sentence
  • the text was emended in the second edition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emend

emend = amend means...make improvements

write it like e+mend......and mend means to correct things.

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emend has the word mend. we mend our pencils to make it sharp & correct


Short Definition : substance causing vomiting; ADJ.

(noun) a medicine that induces nausea and vomiting
Synonyms : nauseant vomit vomitive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emetic

emitting - causing emitting of vomitting

near 2 cosmetic if any cosmetic product like face cream,face wash goes into our mouth accidentally den it can cause vomiting

relate emetic to emit so wen u come across those substances that make u vomit or emit out the vomit


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Short Definition : rising above others; high; lofty; distinguished; Ex. eminent position

(adj) standing above others in quality or position
Synonyms : high
Example Sentence
  • people in high places
  • the high priest
  • eminent members of the community
(adj) of imposing height; especially standing out above others
Synonyms : lofty soaring towering
Example Sentence
  • an eminent peak
  • lofty mountains
  • the soaring spires of the cathedral
  • towering icebergs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eminent

Like the real slim and shady "EMINEM" who is STANDING ABOVE OTHER rap artists IN QUALITY AND POSITION

pro+(e)minent-position is high position thou its not correct in meaning but it helps to remind us

think about eminem who is always above others

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e m ninty yrs.. so defintely standout


Short Definition : agent (sent on a mission to represent another); messenger

(noun) someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else
Synonyms : envoy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emissary

one with a mission i.e an AGENT

secretive MISSIONARY.

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missionaries are sent as messengers of christianity

e+ Mission + army. A person sent by the army to accomplish a mission as called Emissary.

A missionary hired for delivering a message from one country to another

the word relates to A Missionary --> some one with a mission i.e an AGENT

emit or emission is always giving something is coming after that or a message.


Short Definition : soothing or softening remedy (for the skin); ADJ.

(noun) toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin
Synonyms : cream ointment
(adj) having a softening or soothing effect especially to the skin
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emollient

divide it as e + moll(..mole which is a black spot)+ ient. If we find a black spot on our skin, we quickly start searching for a SOOTHING REMEDY to remove it.

break it like e + moll, now moll = mall, so in summer we go to a mall because of its centralized 'AC' for a soothing climate.

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to mollify is to soothify so emollient is to soothe loosers

*Harry p fans can understand this better Emollient=e(a)+Molly+ient Molly weasly was very gentle and caring person.SO that trait can be associated wit her.Thus,in times of distress(voldemort's reign),meeting her would be emollient

e (I) + mol....its the name of the tablet that cures pain....a pain killer

emollient came from EMULSION. and every cream (soothing) is considered to be an EMULSION

shE knew that the MaLL would soothe her in the evENT of a breakup with her boyfriends

yes mall me na tea le.. very soothing


Short Definition : salary; payment for an office; compensation

(noun) compensation received by virtue of holding an office or having employment (usually in the form of wages or fees)
Example Sentence
  • a clause in the U.S. constitution prevents sitting legislators from receiving emoluments from their own votes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emolument

if you are caught ruining a MONUMENT, you'll have have to pay compensation

E(a) MOL(mal - money in hindi) U(you) MENT (meant) - Salary

EMOLUMENT=MOOLA+MINT. "I only except MOOLA from the U.S. MINT as compensation."


Short Definition : ability to identify with another's feelings, ideas, etc.; identification with and understanding of another's feelings; V. empathize; CF. sympathy

(noun) understanding and entering into another's feelings
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for empathy

simliar to ===sympathy ( the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in their situation)

People often confuse the words empathy and sympathy. Empathy means 'the ability to understand feelings of another'(as in both authors have the skill to make you feel empathy with their heroines), whereas sympathy=pity


Short Definition : based on experience

(adj) derived from experiment and observation rather than theory
Synonyms : empiric
Example Sentence
  • an empirical basis for an ethical theory
  • empirical laws
  • empirical data
  • an empirical treatment of a disease about which little is known
(adj) relying on medical quackery
Synonyms : empiric
Example Sentence
  • empiric treatment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for empirical

Empire...maintaining an empire requires much practical experiences and workouts....

empirical sounds like "inspired frm practicals"...and dats the meaning..

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"Empirical" college of london is so famous becoz its professors are so "EXPERIENCED "

emperical formula-a formula can b stated after experiencing the validity of its results.

Marco Polo knew about China because he saw the EMPIRE with his own eyes.

woh aam pi rai thi kal so i can seay that usee aam pasand hai(means i m deriving this from a previous exerience)

we use to study in software engineering EMPIRICAL software estimation models in whch we use to do estimation based on past OBSERVATION

em + practical -> em pirical

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