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Short Definition : ill will; hatred; hostility

(noun) a state of deep-seated ill-will
Synonyms : antagonism hostility
(noun) the feeling of a hostile person
Synonyms : hostility ill will
Example Sentence
  • he could no longer contain his hostility
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enmity

enmi+(T)+y...just focus on the letters enmiy..very close to the word enemy...and enemies always have an ILLWILL AND HATRED FOR YOU.

enimy.... ill will towards ur enemy


Short Definition : boredom; listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; CF. annoy

(noun) the feeling of being bored by something tedious
Synonyms : boredom tedium
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ennui

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Actually the previous mnemonic is better...ennui sounds like YEH NAHEEEE!!!!

ennui...when pronounced sounds quite similar to ANNOYed....now think of a person who is always annoyed with everything......such a person could be very BORING and irritating for you.

ennui=en(anything)+nui(new) which can be said as 'anything new?? I am filled with "boredom" with the same old stuff'

its sounds/written like "nini aayi" which means feeling sleeping in Hindi. You feel sleepy when u r bored.

"Whee" is for when you are excited. Ennui (pronounced on-whee) is when you are bored.

sounds like "on we" so, 'on we go to find something to do'

ennui sound like a new ... .i.e i got bore by the old one

sound like anew so when we get bore we want new

ennui= en (enable) + nui (new); Due to fade up from past.

e(ayee)nnui(nahi)if someone is boared then he exclaimed aee nahi an


Short Definition : hugeness (in a bad sense); excessive wickedness; Ex. enormity of the crime; ADJ. enormous

(noun) the quality of being outrageous
Synonyms : outrageousness
(noun) vastness of size or extent
Example Sentence
  • in careful usage the noun enormity is not used to express the idea of great size
  • universities recognized the enormity of their task
(noun) the quality of extreme wickedness Definition
(noun) an act of extreme wickedness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enormity

ENORMITY resembles enormous, which means huge

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eNORMity:a person who doesnt follow norms


Short Definition : please intensely; fill with rapture and delight

(verb) hold spellbound
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enrapture

think of rap music which is good to hear.

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How cruel rapist was who took PLEASURE out of this heinous crime.

kya rapachik khana hain

rapture means joy,so imagine that someone is pleasing you to bring joy

enraptured - N - RAPTOR (the dinausor in Jurassic Park) - If N live rapotors affront a dino-scientist.. then he will be spellbound, unlike the rest of us who would be scared

Enrapture- In rap tour-> great delight


Short Definition : settle comfortably; place comfortably (in a secure place)

(verb) fix firmly
Synonyms : settle
Example Sentence
  • He ensconced himself in the chair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ensconce

ensconce sounds something like iskon (lord krishna's temple which is a peaceful place..hence can settle comfortably ... (feel like staying their only and settle down in such peaceful place..)

a child gets his ice cream CONe which makes him settle down comfortably.

en- "make, put in" + sconce "small fortification, shelter,"

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Ensconce - en (IN) sconce (SECONDS) when return home, IN SECONDS you can 'settle down comfortably'.

ENSCONCE : contains the word CONC which is a short form of CONCENTRATE..so when you concentrate you fix yourself very firmly, so it can be used as an hint

sound like CONE...if you put the cone upside down on the floor..it remains stable and settles comfortably.

EN(In) Science quizzes you have to settle yourself comfortably, safely, secretly....


Ensconce Ens(Ans) + Once hence boy says to gf Ans me Once do you love me and l will not move from here till you say yes


Short Definition : follow (as a result)

(verb) issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end
Synonyms : result
Example Sentence
  • result in tragedy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ensue

After u sue the person in the court, the case will ensue.

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ensue..sounds like ensure.....and you ensure your friends that HARD WORK IS ALWAYS FOLLOWED BY GOOD RESULT.....

Pursue means follow.

end of issue;so there'll b a result


when u sue a person u get the result from the court

pani pine ke baad su su is the consquence result

He PURSUED SUE INto the woman's bathroom.

sue(resembles a suit filed in a court which results in altercation)

if u want to ensue=ensure something u should follow rules


Short Definition : make necessary; require; necessitate; involve; limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs; Ex. entail A on/upon B

(noun) land received by fee tail Definition
(noun) the act of entailing property; the creation of a fee tail from a fee simple Definition
(verb) have as a logical consequence
Synonyms : imply mean
Example Sentence
  • The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers
(verb) impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result
Synonyms : implicate
Example Sentence
  • What does this move entail?
(verb) limit the inheritance of property to a specific class of heirs
Synonyms : fee-tail
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for entail

"tail" is a necessary thing for all animal...so necessary

en(become) +tail...becoming a tail to someone means acting like a toady....which some ppl do coz its necessary for their promotion

TAIL is NECESSARY for the bird to change direction in air...ENTAIL means NECESSITATE/ REQUIRE

entail means:to involve sth that cannot be avoided...entail sounds like INTEL so one has to involve intel if he is making a computer.

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just like a tail is necessary for almost every mammal so it is needed and necessary

Entail-> Enabling retail in selling goods is unavoidable.


Short Definition : willingness to take new ventures; initiative; business organization; plan (that is difficult or daring); Ex. their latest enterprise to sail round the world in a small boat

(noun) a purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness)
Synonyms : endeavor endeavour
Example Sentence
  • he had doubts about the whole enterprise
(noun) an organization created for business ventures
Example Sentence
  • a growing enterprise must have a bold leader
(noun) readiness to embark on bold new ventures
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enterprise

Think of Microsoft office Enterprise. It is a very important and difficult project


Short Definition : full of initiative; showing enterprise

(adj) marked by imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects
Example Sentence
  • an enterprising foreign policy
  • an enterprising young man likely to go far
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enterprising

enterprise dukan kholane ke liye brave aur full of initiative hona chahiye.. risk to hoti hi hain


Short Definition : capture; enslave; captivate; hold the complete attention of (as if magic); hold spellbound

(verb) hold spellbound
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enthrall

Enthrall(sounds like Enter Hall) When you entered your most liked hall then you got enraptured.

en+thrall(very close to word thrill......)and you are thrilled by seeing this enthralling jump in sea.........

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enthrall = Throw in a hall.. that is when you capture someone you throw them in a hall

enthiran sounds like enthrall the movie was fascinating and grabbed the attention of all

The heart-throb girl of your campus can easily enthrall you.

it's written like "troll" from fantasy books... and they are (sometimes) also created by spells, of stone, whatever.

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