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Short Definition : short-lived; fleeting

(noun) anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form
Synonyms : ephemeron
(adj) lasting a very short time
Example Sentence
  • the ephemeral joys of childhood
  • a passing fancy
  • youth's transient beauty
  • love is transitory but it is eternal
  • fugacious blossoms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ephemeral

sounds like e-funeral. Electric funeral is SHORT

'fermi' is a very small secientific unit [10 ^(-15)] So think of fremi second with ephemeral (e-phermi-real)

elephant+marela hai..he lived short! :|

sounds similar to epidural, which would make giving birth go by much quicker

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epHEMeral contains the word HEMI, which means half. (It takes half or a shorter time)

apheme (which is a drug) ka nasha bahut hi ephemeral hota hai

ephemeral sounds like effervescence...which is momentary bubbling of a gas

PERENNIAL-lasting for a long time....perennial rivers which carry water round the year..EPHEMERAL rivers..which carry water for a short period

ephemeral = if(ep) he murder( mer) all, if the the cat is able to murder the rates then rats life will be short span.


Short Definition : long heroic poem, novel, or similar work of art (celebrating the feats of a hero); ADJ: (of stories or events) resembling an epic; grand

(noun) a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds Definition
(adj) very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)
Example Sentence
  • an epic voyage
  • of heroic proportions
  • heroic sculpture
(adj) constituting or having to do with or suggestive of a literary epic
Synonyms : epical
Example Sentence
  • epic tradition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epic

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epic(E+PIC)excellent pics are described in novel and heroic poems


Short Definition : connoisseur of food and drink; gourmet; ADJ. epicurean; CF. Epicurus

(noun) a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epicure

EPIC-CURRY...one who can write an EPIC on CURRY has to be a CONNOISSEUR OF FOOD..

epicure - appy (a soft drink made from apple)+ cure.....imagine,a food lover is cured by drinking Appy.

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an epicure.. should take a pedicure.. as he doesnt want dirt from his nails to fall in his dishes.. :D (ya..i kno//..its stupid..)

Epic + Curry. The lover of food called the curry epic.


epicure(E+P+I+Care)the Emergent Personal Incharge Cares his boss meal because he is refined in taste

epicure = e + pi + cure;pi means get cure from disease if you take food & drink properly.


Short Definition : believing that pleasure is good and suffering is bad and should be avoided; N.

(noun) a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink) Definition
(adj) of Epicurus or epicureanism
Example Sentence
  • Epicurean philosophy
(adj) devoted to pleasure
Synonyms : hedonic hedonistic
Example Sentence
  • a hedonic thrill
  • lives of unending hedonistic delight
  • epicurean pleasures
(adj) displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses
Example Sentence
  • an epicurean banquet
  • enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs
  • Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence
  • a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epicurean

EUROPEANS live luxurious life.....they dont give a shit to people who suffer.....so they are EPICUREAN

Link it to the word epicure which means the same.



Short Definition : witty thought or saying, usually short

(noun) a witty saying
Synonyms : quip
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epigram

telegram-->simple note....epigram--->witty note

A PIG RAN...."be courageous..don run away like a pig" dats an epigram

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epig+ram—epig+ram—in the EPIC ramayan, RAM used to say WISE and WITTY things

What is an epigram? A dwarfish whole, its body brevity, and wit its soul. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Epic+gram(short)....hence epigram is a short witty poem, maxim.....

EPIC GRAM = an EPIC is something phenomenal, but a GRAM is a small unit of measure or a mode of communication such as a telegram made brief by the word GRAM. Thus we have a phenomenal statement of few words.

have u heard song 100 gram zinjdagi of movie guzarish,its like a poem which expresses the idea of life.

epigram = gram of a epic is always a short saying.


Short Definition : short speech at conclusion of dramatic work

(noun) a short speech (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience by an actor at the end of a play
Synonyms : epilog
(noun) a short passage added at the end of a literary work
Synonyms : epilog
Example Sentence
  • the epilogue told what eventually happened to the main characters
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epilogue

Epilogue = Dialogue (at the end of a play/drama)


Short Definition : (of a story or play) loosely connected; made up of separate and loosely connected parts; N. episode: incident in the course of an experience

(adj) of writing or narration; divided into or composed of episodes
Example Sentence
  • the book is episodic and the incidents don't always hang together
(adj) occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals
Synonyms : occasional
Example Sentence
  • episodic in his affections
  • occasional headaches
(adj) limited in duration to a single episode
Example Sentence
  • an account concerned primarily with episodic events such as the succession of rulers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for episodic

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episode+ic...we watch the serial saas bhi kabhi bahu thi in episodes from mon to thur and not daily..so we are watching it in seperate parts WHICH HARDLY CONNECT TO OUR BRAINS .....lolzzz hence episodic-loosely connected


Short Definition : philosopher who studies the nature of knowledge; N. epistemology

(noun) a specialist in epistemology
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epistemologist

epistemologist:-concentrate on stem .if you want to reach the stem of any thing you should have knowledge

epistemologist:-concentrate on stem .if you want to reach the stem of any thing you should have knowledge ,sorry i cheated

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epistemologist = having significant knowledge in stem.


Short Definition : inscription in memory of a dead person (as on a tombstone)

(noun) an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there Definition
(noun) a summary statement of commemoration for a dead person
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epitaph

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a person writing on the tomb of his father - 'e pitah'

a(e) pit up(aph) above the pit of burried

Remember Tajmahal built by Shahajahan in memory of his beloved wife

u will find an epitaph on a cenotaph (a monument/tomb of a person whose remains are located elsewhere)

Dont Pi(drink in hindi) tap water.. or ull soon have an epitaph of ur name.. :D

Epitaph of a person....who generally drank(PI) water from the TAP directly


Short Definition : word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing; descriptive phrase to characterize a person (often contemptous)

(noun) a defamatory or abusive word or phrase
Synonyms : name
(noun) descriptive word or phrase
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epithet

Concentrate on the latter part of the word, epiTHET (Threat): If someone threatens you, he's going to use abusive words.

epithet = a + pithet -> a pathetic (person)...pathetic is an adjective.

E+PIT+HET~>A PET name that HURTS...

api+thittu (telugu) IF a singer is bad, you api (to stop) and then tittu (scold). you give him an epiteth.

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Concentrate on the word PIT and gives a meaning defamatory.

A pathetic person hurls insults at others rather than speaks his truth.

E-PIT(beat)-THAT- that person was pita gaya(beat) and abused too.

Epi(appy)+thet(theft) - Appy ko theft karne par abusive word


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