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    piquant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word piquant

    (adj) having an agreeably pungent taste
    Synonyms : savory , savoury , spicy , zesty
    (adj) engagingly stimulating or provocative
    Synonyms : salty
    Example Sentence
    • a piquant wit
    • salty language
    (adj) attracting or delighting
    Synonyms : engaging
    Example Sentence
    • an engaging frankness
    • a piquant face with large appealing eyes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for piquant

PI+QUANT Quant in GRE is more attracting and delighting than Verbal

PIC+WANT - u WANT to see delightful PIC.

Piquant: As attractive as peacock (1)

PICK+U+AUNTy....when aunty picks you and takes you to her home...it's appetizing(in another sense)........

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sounds like PICKLE...pickle is having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavour

PIQUANT -> PECAN. Pecan Pie is delightfully tasty.

After u drink (i.e daru pee ke[hindi]) u lick some1s cunt(genitals) that wil be spicy ;)

piQUANT,quanta questions are interesting and exciting to solve at.

Gerard Pique has an awesome stimulating personality

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