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Short Definition : moral correctness; moral uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment

(noun) righteousness as a consequence of being honorable and honest
Synonyms : uprightness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rectitude

rectitude -> rectified + attitude. If a attitude is rectified, it has to be correct.

rectitude is modified as your mom ate the fried chicken last night RECTIFY THE ATTITUDE.

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right attitude

sound like rect + itude...prefix sound like correct so nything that is moraaly correct is rectitude...

rectify your attitude in right directon

The home of a priest is called a RECTORY. Imagine that every time the high priest comes out of his RECTORY, a line of trumpeters plays TA TUDE: RECTORY TA TUDE.



Short Definition : reclining; lying down completely or in part

(adj) lying down; in a position of comfort or rest
Synonyms : accumbent decumbent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recumbent

recum+bent => sounds similar like become+bent. you become bent while sitting means you lie down.

recumbent -> re (phir) + cum (kamar means back) + bent. Apni kamar phir se bent karo means lie down.

Ray only cums when he's bent over or re-cum-bent. (Apologise for the graphical nature of this mnemonic, but I'm sure you'll agree that you'll remember it now!)

Can be derived from incumbent which means in office so one who is in office like a babu always lays back in the chair.

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Sounds like recliner...one rests back in a recliner.

wind shinks the amount of money kept on the table


Short Definition : recover; return to health; regain; Ex. recuperate losses

(verb) regain or make up for
Synonyms : recoup recover
Example Sentence
  • recuperate one's losses
(verb) regain a former condition after a financial loss
Synonyms : go back recover
Example Sentence
  • We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90
  • The company managed to recuperate
(verb) restore to good health or strength Definition
(verb) get over an illness or shock
Synonyms : convalesce recover
Example Sentence
  • The patient is recuperating
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recuperate

the last part sounds like operate...so after the operation, patient recovers

Recuperate = RECover from OPERATion. => return to health again.

recuperate sounds like cooperate. if the patient co-oparate to the doctor he can recover soon...


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recuperate sounds like cooperate. if the patient co-oparate to the doctor he can recover soon...

recOVER + last part sounds like perade. So you can do perade after recovery


Short Definition : occurring again and again

(adj) recurring again and again
Synonyms : perennial repeated
Example Sentence
  • perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recurrent

recurrent = re + curr + ent


Short Definition : odorous; fragrant; suggestive (of an odor); Ex. redolent of onions/mystery

(adj) serving to bring to mind
Example Sentence
  • cannot forbear to close on this redolent literary note
  • a campaign redolent of machine politics
(adj) (used with `of' or `with') noticeably odorous
Synonyms : smelling
Example Sentence
  • the hall was redolent of floor wax
  • air redolent with the fumes of beer and whiskey
(adj) having a strong pleasant odor
Synonyms : aromatic
Example Sentence
  • the pine woods were more redolent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for redolent

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re-odo-lent: reminder of "odor".

red+(Rose)+olent; Red rose u lent has a pleasant smell

re - odolent--> concentrate on odolent , which sounds like ODONIL, we use odonil in bathrooms for fragrance..

r + ED + OL --> DE + tt + OL --> fragrant

The smell of RED-ointment = redolent

This word is similar to rodent(rats)..how does a rodent smell!!

Break it as re (resemble)+ dol (Odonil) something which resemble odonil which is having pleasant odour

It also means to be strongly associated..hence a mnemonic for it would be "This red doll is redolent with my childhood"

re-DOLE-ent. Dole: the fruit company: fruits smell fruity(nice)


Short Definition : formidable; causing fear

(adj) inspiring fear
Synonyms : formidable unnerving
Example Sentence
  • the formidable prospect of major surgery
  • a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic
  • something unnerving and prisonlike about high grey wall
(adj) worthy of respect or honor
Example Sentence
  • born of a redoubtable family
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for redoubtable

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redoubtable can be re+doubt(able)..so if you have REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the exam, it might CAUSE FEAR

it can be splitted like re+doubt+able considering which can show that the thing which is able to create doubt again and again.and those things always create fear..

Someone who is ABLE to READ your DOUBTS without you even expressing them is awe-inspiring and worthy of honor.

Means REpeated-Doubts that one cannot answer, and it causes fear. Likewise,one who can clear all the doubts at a shot is highly worthy & respectable (sec meaning)

we FEAR and think to RE-DOUBT on a respectABLE person

Sounds like <B>red audible</B>. A quarterback that is confident enough to call audibles is deserving of respect/honor. Also, audibles are sometimes used as an intimidation factor, or in other words to stir a slight fear.

REDOUBTABLE - worthy of respect and honor. It sounds like - RED OUT TABLE , only people who are worthy of respect were invited to dine in the RED TABLE THAT IS OUT.

Re + Doubt able >> If some is in re and re doubt passing in some subject, it creates a fear in exam about that subject


Short Definition : remedy; compensation; Ex. seek redress for the damage to your car; V: put right; remedy or rectify (a wrong); make amends for

(noun) a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury Definition
(noun) act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
Synonyms : remediation remedy
(verb) make reparations or amends for
Synonyms : compensate correct right
Example Sentence
  • right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for redress

Redress is: "relief from distress"

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dress again(redress) is the remedy for nudity

REDRESS=RE+dress. So 're' is a prefix which means afresh. Since all the clothes have been burnt in the fire accident, you redress, i.e. get dresses afresh for which you were paid a SUM OF MONEY AS COMPENSATION FOR YOUR LOSS.

redress = re address the situation and make remedies for what was done wrong

We make some dressing to hide the mistake or to rectify the mistake

to remember meaning of REDRESS we can take hint from REDCROSS, agency that provide REMEDY to victims of war & natural calamity.

customer grievance REDRESSAL mechanisms- are common in many commrecial services

Soldier REDRESSED its recuperated wound with the help of corrupt doctor, in order to get huge Compensation for war injury

to put the dress of rightness to the wrong thing!


Short Definition : diminish; bring to a weaker or more difficult condition; demote; lower in rank; separate into components by analysis; Ex. reduced to the ranks; Ex. reduce the house to rubble; N. reduction

(verb) cut down on; make a reduction in
Example Sentence
  • reduce your daily fat intake
  • The employer wants to cut back health benefits
(verb) make less complex
Example Sentence
  • reduce a problem to a single question
(verb) bring to humbler or weaker state or condition
Example Sentence
  • He reduced the population to slavery
(verb) simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another Definition
(verb) lower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation
Example Sentence
  • She reduced her niece to a servant
(verb) be the essential element
Synonyms : boil down come down
Example Sentence
  • The proposal boils down to a compromise
(verb) reduce in size; reduce physically
Synonyms : shrink
Example Sentence
  • Hot water will shrink the sweater
  • Can you shrink this image?
(verb) lessen and make more modest
Example Sentence
  • reduce one's standard of living
(verb) make smaller
Synonyms : scale down
Example Sentence
  • reduce an image
(verb) to remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase in the number of electrons
Synonyms : deoxidise deoxidize
(verb) narrow or limit
Synonyms : tighten
Example Sentence
  • reduce the influx of foreigners
(verb) put down by force or intimidation
Example Sentence
  • The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
  • China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
  • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land
(verb) undergo meiosis
Example Sentence
  • The cells reduce
(verb) reposition (a broken bone after surgery) back to its normal site Definition
(verb) destress and thus weaken a sound when pronouncing it Definition
(verb) reduce in scope while retaining essential elements
Example Sentence
  • The manuscript must be shortened
(verb) be cooked until very little liquid is left
Example Sentence
  • The sauce should reduce to one cup
(verb) cook until very little liquid is left
Synonyms : boil down concentrate
Example Sentence
  • The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time
(verb) lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
Synonyms : cut dilute thin thin out
Example Sentence
  • cut bourbon
(verb) take off weight


Short Definition : superfluous; more than is necessary; verbose; excessively wordy; repetitious

(adj) more than is needed, desired, or required
Example Sentence
  • trying to lose excess weight
  • found some extra change lying on the dresser
  • yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant
  • skills made redundant by technological advance
  • sleeping in the spare room
  • supernumerary ornamentation
  • it was supererogatory of her to gloat
  • delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words
  • extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts
  • surplus cheese distributed to the needy
(adj) repetition of same sense in different words
Example Sentence
  • `a true fact' and `a free gift' are pleonastic expressions
  • the phrase `a beginner who has just started' is tautological
  • at the risk of being redundant I return to my original proposition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for redundant

redundant rhymes Abundant and thts the meaning

if u guys have come across the cyclic redundancy check in dealing with computer science subjects then i guess u guys mihgt just know everything .


Short Definition : emit (an unpleasant odor or smoke); give off an unpleasant odor; give out smoke; Ex. reeking chimney; N: unpleasant odor; stench

(noun) a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant Definition
(verb) have an element suggestive (of something)
Synonyms : smack smell
Example Sentence
  • his speeches smacked of racism
  • this passage smells of plagiarism
(verb) smell badly and offensively
Synonyms : stink
Example Sentence
  • The building reeks of smoke
(verb) be wet with sweat or blood, as of one's face
Synonyms : fume
(verb) give off smoke, fumes, warm vapour, steam, etc.
Example Sentence
  • Marshes reeking in the sun
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reek

A Drainage LEAK will emit a REEK :)

eeeeeeeeek is an expresiion we give when a foul smell is experienced

rhymes with Yak!...bad odour

The body of reech (beer) gives bad reek.

reek spells similar to leak; So Stale tobacco smoke leaked into room

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when i was travelling in a Rickshaw,that rickshaw guy suddenly reek out a foul smell 4m his backside... and iwas like..."eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk"

reek = re + ek; Again you have given one foul smell so stop it.

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