• word of the day


    perennial - Dictionary definition and meaning for word perennial

    (noun) (botany) a plant lasting for three seasons or more Definition
    (adj) lasting three seasons or more
    Example Sentence
    • the common buttercup is a popular perennial plant
    (adj) lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal
    Example Sentence
    • perennial happiness
    (adj) recurring again and again
    Synonyms : recurrent , repeated
    Example Sentence
    • perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perennial

if you remember we have learnt about perennial rivers in social studies which means LONG LASTING rivers

sounds like PURANI(old)...purani things are perennial

Per is the prefix of " through", Ennial is the root word of year -->perennial means ' through out the year.'

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per annual

perennial sounds like "parential" which is long lasting from history

Discover the word <b>"PERU"</b> ( a country from South America). U may need long time to be there.

Hindi: you can make pari neel, means neel pari, which is a fairy is immortal or lives very long.

My parental units call me repeatedly throughout the year.

perennial -seems like the renal system which last for the life long period , so perennial rivers means long lasting rivers for years

Parennial = Purana (Old) + Wall => Long Lasting

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