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Short Definition : one who harvests grain; Ex. the Grim Reaper; V. reap: cut and gather (crop); harvest a crop

(noun) someone who helps to gather the harvest
Synonyms : harvester
(noun) Death personified as an old man or a skeleton with a scythe
Synonyms : grim reaper
(noun) farm machine that gathers a food crop from the fields
Synonyms : harvester
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reaper

reap sounds like ripe: one who harvest ripe grains called ripe(r) or reaper....

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Reaper Relate with Ripper ~Death personified...


Short Definition : return of part of a payment; discount; V.

(noun) a refund of some fraction of the amount paid
Synonyms : discount
(noun) a rectangular groove made to hold two pieces together
Synonyms : rabbet
(verb) give a reduction in the price during a sale
Example Sentence
  • The store is rebating refrigerators this week
(verb) cut a rebate in (timber or stone) Definition
(verb) join with a rebate
Example Sentence
  • rebate the pieces of timber and stone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rebate

R(Rates)+ebate(abate); so rates are abated

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Rebate is same as abate, bt normally used for price RATE.

RE+BATE..SOUNDS LIKE BEAT..SO WHEN someone ask you to pay.. return for the part of payment..(which he has given you..you beat him ..

re(bait) try to bait ppl to buy a product by giving discount

rebate: r(rates)+eba(y)+te. u know they always have reduction in rates at ebay!! happy learning.. :)


Short Definition : reject bluntly; snub; beat back; Ex. She rebuffed his invitation; N.

(noun) a deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval)
Synonyms : slight
(noun) an instance of driving away or warding off
Synonyms : repulse snub
(verb) reject outright and bluntly
Synonyms : repel snub
Example Sentence
  • She snubbed his proposal
(verb) force or drive back
Example Sentence
  • repel the attacker
  • fight off the onslaught
  • rebuff the attack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rebuff

re (reject) + buff (bluff) -> you will reject/snub/beat back what a bluff (person who pretends or lies) says !

re+buff(buffalo)....so when your buffalo..hits you.. and you beat it.... My Buffalo did it ones with Me hahahah ;)

a BUFFER is used to block or repel.

when a bluff person calls u u reply very bluntly

reBUFF>>sayin a girl that she is a BUFFalo means u r snubbing and insulting her!!!!!!not gud for u :)

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Rebuff=Re(reply)+puff(food) snub that he cannot talk again.

A dog Rejected a stranger entry by barking "wuff wuff"

if some1s bluff is caught, and he bluffs again then it a rebuff and u will reject it pretty bluntly


Short Definition : scold harshly; criticize severely

(noun) an act or expression of criticism and censure
Example Sentence
  • he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face
(verb) censure severely or angrily
Example Sentence
  • The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
  • The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
  • The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rebuke

sounds like REEBOK.....u'll SCOLD HARSHLY n CRITICIZE SEVERELY ur servant as he has spoiled ur reebok shoes..

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rebuke~'Angry Duke';An angrly duke will scold badly or criticize badly

rebike ~ re-puke. puking is a disgusting form of criticizing. you are re-puking. that is criticizing sharply. hence rebuke.

rebuke concentrate on BUK....when ANGRY u keep buk buk[NEGATIVE] and dont allow others to speak.

rebuke = rebok shoes se peetna, not actually, but literally, itna jada scold karna !!

Rebuke sounds like dispute which means an argument so at arguments, you criticize other people

if someone wears my Reebok(brand) shoes, i rebuke(reprimand) him

Book (file criminal charges) some one for his reply

after taking full meal u feel re (again) buke(empty stomach) so the owner of the hotel severly criticize his worker.

Rebuke for using Nuke weopons


Short Definition : representation of words in the form of pictures or symbols; puzzle in which pictures or letters stand for words; Ex. ``R U 18'' is a rebus for ``Are you 18''.

(noun) a puzzle where you decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and words
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rebus

Re(read)+bus imagine u r in bus.so for tp u start reading book but reading is difficult in bus.so you buy the book which has pictures in place of words now its really easy to read it.so here picture represents words.Reading+At+BUS

Bus routes in the cities are denoted with symbols (25B, 108D) and pictures(eg.airport) rather than names of palces.

re+bus, if we decode this word, it has 'bus' instead of the picture of the 'bus'. However the meaning of 'rebus' is other way round, where pictures are used for words.

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re+BUS...with the increasing bus accidents, u can symbolize BUS for death...

Remember we used to play a PICTIONARY... Rebus is that..

rebus ~ sms ; generally we use symbols is SMS instead of writing the entire word so that message is does not require lot of typing.. for ex - "R U ok ? "

rebus means representation of word in picture.So, imagine u r drawing a bus(picture) instead of writing the word


Short Definition : refutation; response with contrary evidence; V. rebut: refute; disprove

(noun) the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument Definition
(noun) (law) a pleading by the defendant in reply to a plaintiff's surrejoinder
Synonyms : rebutter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rebuttal

Rebutal=reply with but(contradiction) to all.

rebuttal~refutal--> refu(refuse) + tal(at all) .... one who refuese to listen at all and gives proof to falsify it!

butt ... take my butt _|_, bluntly refuse

"Rebut" sounds like "rebuff".


Short Definition : disobedient or resisting authority even after being punished; obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly; Ex. recalcitrant child

(adj) stubbornly resistant to authority or control
Synonyms : fractious refractory
Example Sentence
  • a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness
  • a refractory child
(adj) marked by stubborn resistance to authority
Example Sentence
  • the University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recalcitrant

re+calcit(looks like calcite)+rant...as we know calcite is a hard mineral found in calcium carbonate which forms the major part of rocks, chalk and marble, is hard to break and likewise a recalcitrant person is also stubborn.

re+calci(calculator->calculate)+trant....so imagine a person who has made a mistake in calculations using a calci and is unwilling to re-calculate...it shows he is STUBBORN

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recalcitant : recall+reluctant..boss asked me to call ad guy again but i didn't obey him,i was reluctant.(unwilling to obey)

recalcitrant= try RECALling CITRic acid from chemistry but it is so STUBBORN not able to recal it...

Think "Recalc it Rant" or someone who does not want to recalculate anything

calcis are not allowed in exams. but imaging a person smuggling them in even though he has been punished before

Real + Ca(Hindi) + Irritant => Recalcitrant. Means those who irritate authority by resisting them again and again

and any one who resist to authority is consisdered as disobedient person

Rec And Al are two shitting(Cit) ant and rat(Rant) and are difficult to control and manage,and they are stubborn too

recalcitrant = recal(recall)+ cit(site) + rant(rent); need recall to please the minister over telephone to get the site in rent as he is stubborn in any matter wants proper clarification.

reluctant to sit


Short Definition : disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error; Ex. recant one's faith/a statement

(verb) formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
Example Sentence
  • He retracted his earlier statements about his religion
  • She abjured her beliefs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recant

RE (again) + CANT (cannot) = "I have told you this AGAIN and AGAIN, it CANNOT be done, it has been REJECTED."

re + chant(sing): singing/telling again. what?? telling what i told earlier is wrong wrong!!

re+cant telling that it cant which means it is wrong and DISAVOWED, DISCLAIMED

RECANT = when you REspond i CAN´T say it again, you're recanting what you've said before.

recant means to publicly take back. DECANT means to pour out.RECANT means to pour in back..that is to take back and confess.

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RAJANIKANT.....actor....in his movies, when a criminal sees him, the criminal RECANTS after he is injured by RAJNIKANT

When u recant something, u simply cant refrain from recalling and correcting what u said earlier.

when we decant, we make something pure...

RECANT=RECOUNT...when uapply for recount en pass..then already establishedfact that u failed...is put down!!

RECANT=RECOUNT...when uapply for recount en pass..then already establishedfact that u failed...is put down!!

becoz of "cant" i.e military pressure this cant be done or formaly rejected

As Decant is to empty.. similarly recant is to fill back again .. or we may say that we are taking in wht was decanted before..

Re+cant=Reet(hindu religious law) cant be accepted.So i reject it.

Re earlier said he Wreck Ant but now Re can't??


Short Definition : summarize

(verb) summarize briefly
Synonyms : recap
Example Sentence
  • Let's recapitulate the main ideas
(verb) repeat stages of evolutionary development during the embryonic phase of life Definition
(verb) repeat an earlier theme of a composition
Synonyms : repeat reprise reprize
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recapitulate

sounds like recap....if you have noticed , whenever you watch a serial ,before it starts they always give the recap of what happened the previous day,..in other words they repeat what already has been shown but in a concise form.


Short Definition : reconstruct (a sentence, story, statue, etc.); fashion again

(verb) cast again, in a different role
Example Sentence
  • He was recast as Iago
(verb) cast again
Synonyms : remold remould
Example Sentence
  • The bell cracked and had to be recast
(verb) cast or model anew
Synonyms : reforge remodel
Example Sentence
  • She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recast

re(again)+cast( to form)....and recasting something means, to bring a change in the existing form and presenting it again.

re(again)+cast(taking character in film)=when we recast the characters in film in effect we have to reconstruct story,dailogue of film

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