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Short Definition : jaunty; stylish; sporty; morally corrupt; dissolute; Ex. He wore his hat at a rakish and jaunty angle.

(adj) marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
Example Sentence
  • a dapper young man
  • a jaunty red hat
(adj) marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness
Synonyms : devil-may-care raffish
Example Sentence
  • a cocktail party given by some...raffish bachelors
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rakish

rakish=reebok+stylish sporty and stylish

raki(rakhi)+sh( sawant)

for "rak" in rakish think of rakesh roshan(hrithik roshan) and for "ish" think of aishwarya rai......both are stylish

rakish~rekiss suppose man rekiss woman that manner disturb woman hence man is dissolute (rakish) according to woman

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rakesh roshan ka launda hritik roshan bohot style maarta hai

rak(rake)..and a rake is dissolute person.

rakesh roshan meeta jaunty rodes roshan....jaunty(animated and carefree).

jackish shroff.......who is very stylish

I am stylish like jaunty rhodes, vote for me.


Short Definition : come or bring together; call up or summon (forces, vital powers, etc.); revive or recuperate (after illness or difficulty); N: act of rallying; mass gathering

(noun) a large gathering of people intended to arouse enthusiasm
Synonyms : mass meeting
(noun) the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort
Synonyms : rallying
Example Sentence
  • he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning
  • he feared the rallying of their troops for a counterattack
(noun) a marked recovery of strength or spirits during an illness Definition
(noun) an automobile race run over public roads Definition
(noun) (sports) an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes
Synonyms : exchange
Example Sentence
  • after a short rally Connors won the point
(verb) gather
Synonyms : beat up drum up
Example Sentence
  • drum up support
(verb) call to arms; of military personnel Definition
(verb) gather or bring together
Example Sentence
  • muster the courage to do something
  • she rallied her intellect
  • Summon all your courage
(verb) return to a former condition
Synonyms : rebound
Example Sentence
  • The jilted lover soon rallied and found new friends
  • The stock market rallied
(verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping
Example Sentence
  • The children teased the new teacher
  • Don't ride me so hard over my failure
  • His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rally

For rally political parities "call up" many people

In the game UNREAL TOURNAMENT we have a mutator called RELIC which rhymes with RALLY...the relic in game give us extra energy..or it makes us stronger..!!

And if somebody else takes our relic...we rally at him..!!

Many players fight or gather to collect a relic in the game!! hence they rally to collect the relic!


Short Definition : male sheep; V. strike or drive against with a heavy impact

(noun) the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible Definition
(noun) (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aries
Synonyms : aries
(noun) the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox; the sun is in this sign from about March 21 to April 19
Synonyms : aries aries the ram
(noun) a tool for driving or forcing something by impact Definition
(noun) uncastrated adult male sheep
Synonyms : tup
Example Sentence
  • a British term is `tup'
(verb) strike or drive against with a heavy impact
Synonyms : pound ram down
Example Sentence
  • ram the gate with a sledgehammer
  • pound on the door
(verb) force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically
Synonyms : drive force
Example Sentence
  • She rammed her mind into focus
  • He drives me mad
(verb) undergo damage or destruction on impact
Synonyms : crash
Example Sentence
  • the plane crashed into the ocean
  • The car crashed into the lamp post
(verb) crowd or pack to capacity
Synonyms : chock up cram jam jampack wad
Example Sentence
  • the theater was jampacked
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ram

Ram - RAm was strong warrior who striked against with a heavy impact

sounds like 'rum'....peeke DRIVE kiya aur pole ko WITH HEAVY IMPACT dash mar diya

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imagine a sheep named ram striking forcefully against another ram

ramu is sheepherd.he has a tool..........a tool for driving or forcing something by impact


Short Definition : wander aimlessly (physically or mentally); digress

(noun) an aimless amble on a winding course
Synonyms : meander
(verb) continue talking or writing in a desultory manner
Synonyms : jog ramble on
Example Sentence
  • This novel rambles on and jogs
(verb) move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
Example Sentence
  • The gypsies roamed the woods
  • roving vagabonds
  • the wandering Jew
  • The cattle roam across the prairie
  • the laborers drift from one town to the next
  • They rolled from town to town
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ramble

Ram + amble -- Ram(rambo) ambled (wandered) aimlessly in the jungle.

ramble(RA+AMBLE)-Amble RAndomly i.e. aimlessly.

RAM.....shriram going vanvasa.....that is wandering....

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RAMBO wandered aimlessly !

Remember Gamble. Those who gamble will Ramble

Rhymes with babble...hence to ramble on means to babble on sth..

ramble = gamble . when you speak by gamble


Short Definition : branching out; subdivision; one branch of a system; one of the results following from an action or decision; Ex. ramifications of a business/the decision

(noun) the act of branching out or dividing into branches
Synonyms : branching fork forking
(noun) a part of a forked or branching shape
Synonyms : branch leg
Example Sentence
  • he broke off one of the branches
(noun) a development that complicates a situation
Synonyms : complication
Example Sentence
  • the court's decision had many unforeseen ramifications
(noun) an arrangement of branching parts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ramification

Bhagwan Ram and his brothers were subdivided, i.e., two were sent to the jungle and while the other two stayed in the kingdom. So, ramification means subdivision.

opposite of unification

politicians divide people on the basis of god...RAMIFICATION means dividing people having Ram as their god from other people

the consequence of an act of war is that you then have your enemy RAMMING your fort-ICATION

RAM.....random access memory... we divide RAM of computer to boost the speed...something

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ramification..in mathamatics(geometrical term)..we use this term..where we see that square root function of a complex number can be seen having two branches..and both of them differing in sign....

When you ram a gate, it divides into branches(pieces) ...battering ram from age of empires ;) RAM THE WALL

The ramification of fighting with Ram can never be good.

The ramification of Ram’s study is in the report card.

ramification-(ram forest)-In ramayan when ram was sent to the forest ,the decision has many complications


Short Definition : branch out; divide into branches or subdivisions

(verb) have or develop complicating consequences
Synonyms : complexify
Example Sentence
  • These actions will ramify
(verb) grow and send out branches or branch-like structures
Synonyms : branch
Example Sentence
  • these plants ramify early and get to be very large
(verb) divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork
Example Sentence
  • The road forks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ramify

compare with RAM of computer which have various memory locations

ramify sounds similar to classify ram + ify = class + ify

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Unify * Ramify

Lord RAM DIVIDEd his army to attack Lanka from various sides..

this word can be related to ALGEBRIC NUMBER theory...where we RAMIFY (means FACTORISING..MEANS..branching out)the prime number into its repeated prime factors.....

Unify * Ramify


Short Definition : slope; inclined plane or roadway (connecting two levels)

(noun) an inclined surface connecting two levels
Synonyms : incline
(noun) North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers Definition
(noun) a movable staircase that passengers use to board or leave an aircraft Definition
(verb) behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
Synonyms : rage storm
(verb) furnish with a ramp
Example Sentence
  • The ramped auditorium
(verb) be rampant
Example Sentence
  • the lion is rampant in this heraldic depiction
(verb) creep up -- used especially of plants
Example Sentence
  • The roses ramped over the wall
(verb) stand with arms or forelegs raised, as if menacing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ramp

Ramp (stage) is used in fashion shows when models walk on ramp which is like an inclined plane.


Short Definition : growing or spreading uncontrollably; growing in profusion; unrestrained; Ex. rampant lawlessness/weed

(adj) unrestrained and violent
Example Sentence
  • rampant aggression
(adj) rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile
Synonyms : rearing
Example Sentence
  • a lion rampant
(adj) (of a plant) having a lush and unchecked growth
Example Sentence
  • a rampant growth of weeds
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rampant

rampant can be divided as ramp+ANT where ants are generally more in number PROFUSION,UNRESTRAINED.

split it as RAM+PANT bhagwan ram ki pant << itnae badae bhagwan ki pant agar hamko mil jaye to usko sambhalna kitna mushkil kaam hoga..

THIS WORD SOUNDS LIKE TOGETHER LIKE..ramp+elephant...so imagine when a elephant walks on ramp...elephant will walk in a violant and unrestrained manner.

: ram+pant--- when we pulled RAM PANT(jeans), he became violent and aggressive and he is a body builder so he GROWS HEALTHILY (RAM—a frds name—no offense to religious name)

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rampant~ run pet ~ why pet run ? when it is rampant (uncontrollable)

RAM+PANT....my friend Ram had to use pant coz his hairs were flourishing


Short Definition : defensive mound of earth

(noun) an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes
Synonyms : bulwark wall
Example Sentence
  • they stormed the ramparts of the city
  • they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rampart

break this word like RAM(hindu god)+APART---Rampart was built to part Ram from Sita

RAM+PART....the part(area) which belonged to ram was always protected from ghosts etc

Rampart~Ram+Part(path) Ram(God) parted sea by a wall of earth and stones which is called RamSethu

rampart sounds like LAMPARD...and he is a great "defensive" mid fielder!

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can you tell where RAM part of computer located? In the case where it is protected hence RAM part of computer is rampart

when you fart everyone run away from you so its a good defensive structure

this word can be remembered as RAMPART..a social center in london..which protect the rights of people..simillary rampart is something protective and defensive.

a RAMP build in ARTISTIC way to act as a barrier.. syn:, barricade, bastion, breastwork, bulwark, defense, embankment, fortification, parapet, protection, security, vallum, wall

genrally forts have a RAMP with pointy ART to DEFEND against intruders

this can also be remembered as r+amper(sounds like empire....empire is ruled by a emperor..so a emperor alwyas PROTECT OR DEFEND his state.

rampart sounds like bombard, so a rampart is made to sustain bombardment of stones, etc.


Short Definition : (of a building or vehicle) poorly constructed; rickety; falling apart

(adj) in deplorable condition
Example Sentence
  • a street of bedraggled tenements
  • a broken-down fence
  • a ramshackle old pier
  • a tumble-down shack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ramshackle

Ram+Shakela;If Shakela falls on Ram, it gets destroyed and pieces will fell apart

LORD RAM constructed bridge is now SHAKing i.e poorly constructed.

ramshackle is divided as ram+shackle where ram is heavy impact for destruction where as shackle is chained one so DESTRUCT THE CHAINED OR WELL CONSTRUCTED ONE.

bhagwan Ram ko jo shack(doubt) karega... uska mann tho unstable hi hoga. Ram ko shake karne wale ki situation.- Deplorable

RAMP+SHACKLE...we had to use shackle for the ramp because the ramp was ramshackle..

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RAMSHACKLE-> Bhagwan Ram ne building ko shackles se baandh diya bcoz the building was "FALLING APART".

: ram ki shackal poor condition mein hai

you call your room as room shockly (ramshackle) because it is very old and shock while bus pass around home

hey ram tumhari shakal(face)....in bad condition

Shackle sounds like shambles which means dirty. So, ramshackle is in a dirty condition or falling apart.

ramSHACKle, shacks are huts in beaches which are poorly built..

RAM is SHAKING the rickety wooden shop which is standing on four wooden support...so, it's like falling apart

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