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Short Definition : having the odor of stale or decomposing fat; rank

(adj) (used of decomposing oils or fats) having a rank smell or taste usually due to a chemical change or decomposition
Example Sentence
  • rancid butter
  • rancid bacon
(adj) smelling of fermentation or staleness
Synonyms : sour
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rancid

ran+acid(acid)...presence of acid(secreted by bacteria during the process of fermentation) in curd makes the curd bitter in taste and bad in smell

ran+cid..ran(rank)+cid(acid)...rank means bad smell..and a acid which smell bad

"ranc" sounds like "rank" which also means the same.

rancid=ran+cid,cid is a police officeer as we know,he ran away because ,he is unable to bear the bad smell

Rancid : Ran (Rain)+ Cid (Acid).. Acid rain always gives bad smell.

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ran away when i smelt that acid it was so bad...

Rancid ends with "cid" which could refer to Seed oil,now bad smell of seed oil

RAIN+SEED..when rain falls on seed, it gets fermented and smells bad

Rotten+Acid...smells bad

ran(bhaago)+sid(sada hua)=> bhaago sadi hui badboo(odor) aa rahi hai


Short Definition : long-lasting hatred; bitterness; Ex. negotiation without rancor; ADJ. rancorous

(noun) a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rancor

RANCOR : RANKER ! Most of the students always hate the top RANKER of the class, as they always defeat them in the exams!

r+ancor..(rhymes like ANGER..)..so you have developed ANGER OR HATRED FOR YOUR FRIEND.

look at the part ancor looks like anchor, so sajid khan as a anchor is not good.i had developed a hatred for him

rancor sounds like Run Chor(thief). While playing cricket in childhood we would feel a sheer bitterness/hatred for the run chors

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A RANCOR CAN ROAR in your family

Sounds similar to Ranchod ke Rathor from film 'Jaane tu ya jaane na' Rancod ke rathor had deep bitter anger to gain their name ( 3 conditions)

Rancor sounds like Rancho from 3 Idiots also chatur had long lasting haterated

rancor = The chor ( thief) + ran (run); The thief is runing with you money so bitter feeling.


Short Definition : without definite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard; Ex. random shots; Ex. chosen at random

(adj) lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance
Example Sentence
  • a random choice
  • bombs fell at random
  • random movements


Short Definition : offensive in odor or flavor

(noun) a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another
Example Sentence
  • the entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen
(noun) relative status
Example Sentence
  • his salary was determined by his rank and seniority
(noun) the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army)
Synonyms : rank and file
Example Sentence
  • the strike was supported by the union rank and file
  • he rose from the ranks to become a colonel
(noun) position in a social hierarchy
Example Sentence
  • the British are more aware of social status than Americans are
(noun) the body of members of an organization or group
Synonyms : membership
Example Sentence
  • they polled their membership
  • they found dissension in their own ranks
  • he joined the ranks of the unemployed
(verb) take or have a position relative to others
Example Sentence
  • This painting ranks among the best in the Western World
(verb) assign a rank or rating to
Synonyms : grade order place range rate
Example Sentence
  • how would you rank these students?
  • The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide
(verb) take precedence or surpass others in rank
Synonyms : outrank
(adj) very fertile; producing profuse growth
Example Sentence
  • rank earth
(adj) very offensive in smell or taste
Example Sentence
  • a rank cigar
(adj) conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
Example Sentence
  • a crying shame
  • an egregious lie
  • flagrant violation of human rights
  • a glaring error
  • gross ineptitude
  • gross injustice
  • rank treachery
(adj) complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers
Example Sentence
  • absolute freedom
  • an absolute dimwit
  • a downright lie
  • out-and-out mayhem
  • an out-and-out lie
  • a rank outsider
  • many right-down vices
  • got the job through sheer persistence
  • sheer stupidity
(adj) growing profusely
Example Sentence
  • rank jungle vegetation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rank

rank-- when students RANk(ran) for a long time, coz of their sweat, a BAD SMELL was comming


Short Definition : irritate; fester; annoy

(verb) gnaw into; make resentful or angry
Synonyms : eat into fret grate
Example Sentence
  • The injustice rankled her
  • his resentment festered
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rankle

R+ANKLE...focus..on ankle..an ankle..is a JOINT between..foot and leg...and PAIN IN your ankle could be very annoying and irritating for you. Also Rankle= Red+Ankle which means when ur ankle turns red it pains a lot

Rankle -- Rude angry uncle

for ladies wrinkle on face is annoying

The rank cigar of my colleague rankled me.

rough ankle would constantly annoy you

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R+ankle means r shaped ankle....you are annoyed because your ankle is R shaped....

rank (noisome) smell always irritates you...

addition for previous one..if ladies have wrinkle on their face, they get annoyed and annoy others too...fester and irritate others...synonyms..

 Wrinkle ----> wrinkles are painful for girls.


Short Definition : search thoroughly; pillage (going through a place); Ex. Enemy soldiers ransacked the town.

(verb) steal goods; take as spoils
Example Sentence
  • During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners
(verb) search thoroughly
Synonyms : comb
Example Sentence
  • They combed the area for the missing child
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ransack

this sounds like run seek...RUN+SEEK...so you must run to seek a house for your self.....you must search throughly about a house.

I ran through the sack (searched throughly) stil I didn't get my pen

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RUN+SACK...If you lose something and try to search thoroughly, you run your eyes through sack and try to find it out....

ranSACK so fill the sack with what ever you SEEK

run and SEEK the thing to pilfer


Short Definition : speak violently or excitedly; rave; talk excitedly showing anger; scold; make a grandiloquent speech; Ex. The priest ranted about the devil.

(noun) a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
Synonyms : harangue ranting
(noun) pompous or pretentious talk or writing Definition
(verb) talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rant

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Rent maangate waqt makaan maalik hamesha RANT mein hi rehta hai ...

r-"Ant". When an ant bites, you rant.

rant=dant(scold in hindhi)

Rant=>Grant. When you get a Grant,you have a grate rant!

u RAN and had a Tea for pompous bobastic speech

RANT = Rude chANT


rant sounds like rent,so when the owner of a house came to collect the house rent,he will ask loudly and even scold us noisily with anger.


Short Definition : voracious; ravenous; taking everything one can; excessively grasping; plundering; subsisting on live prey; Ex. rapacious birds

(adj) living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey
Example Sentence
  • a predatory bird
  • the rapacious wolf
  • raptorial birds
  • ravening wolves
  • a vulturine taste for offal
(adj) excessively greedy and grasping
Synonyms : ravening voracious
Example Sentence
  • a rapacious divorcee on the prowl
  • ravening creditors
  • paying taxes to voracious governments
(adj) devouring or craving food in great quantities
Example Sentence
  • edacious vultures
  • a rapacious appetite
  • ravenous as wolves
  • voracious sharks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rapacious

'Rapacious' means who likes to 'Rape' that means very greedy on woman body! & also take forcefully

rapa+cious....FOCUS ON FIRST PART..rapid.....and we eat very rapidly when are hungry and want to consume lot of food......simillarly you talk RAPIDLY..when you want to say many things at once..talkative.person does this...

read rapacious as rupeecious so a person who is greedy must have rupees on his mind.

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Rapacious!Sounds like someone who wants to rape voisciusly


Short Definition : close relationship; emotional closeness; harmony

(noun) a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people
Synonyms : resonance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rapport

rapport- its like airport, at airport you leave close-ones thus, EMOTIONAL CLOSENESS, HARMONY,friendly feeling there.


imagine brain x-ray reports of close relative with brain cancer.

to rap(music) and port with somebody u ve to be emotional closeness towards him....


Short Definition : engrossed; absorbed; enchanted; Ex. rapt listener

(adj) feeling great rapture or delight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rapt

I read rape news with rapt attention.

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Everyone will be a "rapt listener" if you make "apt comments".

u need to be rapt in order to understand rap songs

when we listen Rap songs we feel delighted from inside and rapturous...

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