• word of the day


    flagrant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word flagrant

    (adj) conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
    Synonyms : crying , egregious , glaring , gross , rank
    Example Sentence
    • a crying shame
    • an egregious lie
    • flagrant violation of human rights
    • a glaring error
    • gross ineptitude
    • gross injustice
    • rank treachery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flagrant

flag + rent --renting the national flag!(No offense meant) It is shocking & scandalous.

"flagrant"-split into 'flag'+'rant'. Flag(v) means slow down & rant meant irritated. Therefore when one start weakening they rant and become offensive.

lag + rant --running over the national flag!(No offense meant) It is bad or offensive.

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